Page 69 of Midnight Beast

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“He knows we’ve been spending time together and wanted to warn us. Does it really matter?”

I shake my head. It doesn’t, but fuck Marco anyway. “You should’ve called.”

“You don’t get it. They’re coming in force. Would you have believed how urgent this is if I just called?”

Realization hits me as the rumble of Harley engines drifts in through the walls. Niall and the cousins start flipping tables and shoving them up against the door to create a makeshift barricade. They pull guns and get behind the bar, behind the booth seats, basically anywhere with a line of sight to the front door and a little cover.

If Gregory’s coming here, right now, if he’s already outside, that means there’s no time to evacuate.

That means Valentina is in the line of fire.

“You should’ve fucking called,” I snarl and drag her back toward the offices. “Shit. Fucking shit.”


“Listen to me.” I’m in attack mode now. My mind is firmly on the situation, and I’m speaking to her with more force than is necessary, but now it’s kill or be killed. And if I’m killed, so is she. I can’t have that. “Stay in here until I come to get you again.”

“Wait, I can help, please?—”

I push her into the office. She glares at me. “Just stay,” I order and slam the door shut.

Niall rushes over. “There’s at least twenty men out there,” he says, sounding grim. “I called Uncle Eddie and he’s on the way with more guys, but they’re at least ten minutes way.”

“How many do we have?”

“Eleven, but a couple of the uncles aren’t very mobile and won’t be great in a fight. Gregory’s also rocking some high-powered rifles.”

“And we have handguns.”

“Plus a couple shotguns we keep behind the bar.”

I stride past him. Outmanned and outgunned. It’s the worst possible situation, but it could be worse—if Valentina hadn’t shown up like this and Gregory appeared without warning, we’d be completely fucked. It would’ve been a bloodbath.

If I survive this, I owe Marco. Which leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The mood in the room is dark. I gesture for Seamus to join me and shove a shotgun into his hands. I take the other one. “We’re next to the door,” I tell him. “The second they try to comethrough, we blast them into pieces. First you, then me, and we alternate like that, you get it?”

“Got it.” Seamus racks his weapon and gets into position.

I’m proud of my men. They’re in a very bad spot, but they’re ready to fight with barely any prior warning. I nod at Niall, who goes to make sure everyone else understands the plan, and take the other side of the door opposite Seamus. The makeshift barrier of tables plus some glass doors is all we have to hold the bikers at bay.

It’ll have to be enough, at least until backup arrives.

“You good?” I ask Seamus.

He grunts and shoulders his weapon. “Good.”

“For the family, brother.”

“For the family,” he echoes.

Then the shooting starts.

Chapter 35


It seems that Gregory decided not to take any chances. Instead of busting in and putting his guys in danger, they light the whole front of the bar up with some serious high-caliber bullets. Glass shatters and breaks, showering me and Seamus with shards. Bullets rip through the walls and thud into the bar, into the tables, into the booths. Bullets tear chunks of wood and plaster, sending tiny missiles all through the air. There’s a scream of pain, followed by loud cursing, and the shooting just keeps going.

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