Page 4 of Faking It Onboard

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Chapter Two


The moment Caress steps away from me to enter the bathroom in Joel’s cabin, my body goes limp. Well, almost, everything except my stubborn cock. I run a hand through my hair, trying to shake off the lingering scent of her heady mix of jasmine perfume and something uniquely her.

Fuck. This is not how I planned for this trip to start.

Joel’s voice snaps me back to reality. “Want to tell me what the hell this is all about?”

I turn to face my best friend, steeling myself for the conversation ahead. Joel’s eyes are narrowed, his jaw set in that stubborn way that reminds me so much of Caress. The family resemblance is uncanny, especially when they’re both pissed off.

“That asshole ex of Caress’s showed up,” I explain, keeping my voice low. “I had to do something.”

“So, you decided to play boyfriend?” Joel’s eyebrows shoot up. “Jesus, Dyl. You couldn’t have just decked the guy?”

I snort. “Because that would’ve gone over so well with the cruise staff. ‘Sorry about the blood on your nice white floors. Don’t mind us, just assaulting other passengers before we’ve even set sail.’”

Joel doesn’t laugh. If anything, his frown deepens. “This is serious, man. You can’t just—”

The click of the bathroom door opening cuts him off. Caress steps out, looking slightly more composed but still shaken. My heart clenches at the sight. Caress is always so strong, so put-together. Seeing her rattled like this makes me want to hunt down Trevor and throw him overboard.

“So,” Caress says, her voice only slightly unsteady. “I guess we should talk about… this.”

I nod, gesturing towards Joel’s open door. “Probably best to do this in private.”

Joel moves to shut the door of his suite, which is a mirror image of mine and Caress’s. He stalks back over before pacing, while Caress perches on the edge of the bed. I lean against the wall, trying to maintain some distance. It’s harder than it should be.

“Alright,” Joel says, running a hand over his face. “Let’s hear it. What exactly is going on?”

Caress takes a deep breath. “Trevor’s here. On the ship.”

“That fu—” Joel starts, but Caress holds up a hand.

“Let me finish. He cornered me in the hallway, started spewing his usual manipulative crap. Dylan stepped in and… well, he pretended to be my boyfriend to get Trevor to back off.”

Joel’s gaze swings to me, and I force myself to meet it steadily. “It was a split-second decision,” I explain. “I couldn’t just stand there and watch him harass her.”

“And again, decking the asshole wasn’t an option?” Joel grumbles.

I smirk. “You know if this wasn’t a business trip he’d have been swimming.”

Caress rolls her eyes. “Violence isn’t the answer, you two. Besides, you know Trevor. That would just make things worse.”

She’s right, of course. Caress is always right. It’s one of the million things I lo— appreciate about her. As a friend. And an employee. Nothing more.

Right. Keep telling yourself that, Carter.

“So, what’s the plan?” Joel asks, his tone making it clear he’s not thrilled with the situation.

I glance at Caress, raising an eyebrow. She nods almost imperceptibly, and I feel a rush of… something. Understanding? Partnership? Whatever it is, I squash it down quickly.

“We stick to the story,” I say, turning back to Joel. “For the duration of the cruise, Caress and I are a couple. It’s the easiest way to keep Trevor at bay without causing a scene.”

Joel’s jaw clenches. “I don’t like it. What if—”

“It’s just pretend, Joel,” Caress interjects, her voice softening. “Nothing’s going to happen. Right, Dylan?”

Her eyes meet mine, and for a moment, I forget how to breathe. There’s a challenge there, and it sets a dangerous spark I know well alight in my chest, one I’ve been trying to ignore for months.

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