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Alice entered their home. She batted her eyes, trying to hold back the tears, but failed. They flowed down her cheeks. She wiped them away, but they continued. The deluge of tears flowed. She started bawling.

“Hugo . . .” She stopped. She couldn’t finish the sentence.

“What about Hugo?” Oliver asked as he came into their living room from the kitchen.

Max barked and ran to greet Alice.

Alice dropped to her knees and hugged Max. Alice buried her face into Max’s fur to hide her tears. She scratched behind the dog’s ear. Max sat down, wagging her tail across the carpet, excited to see Alice yet again.

“I’m so sorry,” Alice sobbed.

“What’s wrong?” Carol asked.

Alice faced the Raskins with her bloodshot eyes. “Hugo . . .” she tried to speak again.

Carol covered her mouth in shock, taking a step back. Oliver wrapped his arms around her, embracing his wife.

“They turned him into a vampire a few weeks ago,” Alice continued.

Carol stumbled as she placed her hand on the arm of the couch, and Oliver helped her sit down. Both of them were at a loss for words.

“He didn’t want you to know.”

“You should have told us,” Carol said, fighting back tears. “I thought we didn’t keep secrets.”

Alice shook her head. “I’m so sorry.”

“Is he okay now?” Oliver asked.

Alice shook her head. She wanted to tell them, but something held her back. Her eyes were red, and tears fell down her face.

“Sweetie, please tell us. Is Hugo okay?” Carol asked.

“They were able to control him, and he attacked me,” Alice started. Alice’s words failed her once more. It was as if an invisible force closed around her throat and squeezed. She couldn’t continue, yet she had to. “He told me to stake him. It was the only way to stop him.”

“Oh, no,” Oliver said.

Carol let out a gasp and covered her mouth.

“I didn’t have a choice. He wanted me to do it. He told me to do it. Ihadto do it. He died in my arms. He turned to dust in my arms.” Alice buried her face into Max.

Carol bent over crying. “My Hugo,” she wailed. “Not my Hugo.”

Oliver placed his hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” Alice said through her tears as she rose from her bent over position. She couldn’t look at the Raskins. “I’m so sorry.”

“What do you need us to do?” Oliver asked in a stoic voice.

Alice raised her head and wiped away her tears. She breathed deeply, trying to calm her nerves. “I don’t know. I don’t know yet.”

“What about the vampires?” Oliver said.

“They’re dead too,” Alice replied. “I took care of them earlier this morning. It’s over. It’s all over. Ez is working to get everything back to you shortly.”

“What do we do, Oliver?” Carol asked. Tears streaked down her face. “What do we do?”

“I don’t—” Oliver began before a crack in his voice stopped him. He paused, still stoic, yet unusually silent. “I guess we’ll have to figure it out.”

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