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I try to keep Bones away from the dirty aspects of my life; afterall he is in healthcare, and I don’t want to put him in a position where he may find himself conflicted. He is a member of the MC but not an officer, and for the most part, they leave him be, especially when I am happy to pick up any slack. “Whatever Dad was in was supposed to be something really big, it was supposed to bring in a huge legal cash flow for the club, but he wanted to make sure everything was on the up and up before he brought it to Loki,”

“We’ll figure this out together,” he says as we step out of the car and head inside. The moment I’m through the door, I make a beeline for my desk, fingers pounding the keyboard with such force it feels like the keys might pop off. The computer hums to life, the screen glowing as I dive in without hesitation, determined to find the bike.


I sent a text to Adelaide Beauregard, the woman who changed my life and who remains the face of the business I run and own in the Quarter.

“Girl, where you at?”

“Safe,” I reply.

“Those men came back here asking questions bout you! You know I ain’t tell them nothing, but they said they’ll be back. Theyransacked your room though, I couldn’t stop that. One of the new girls told them which room was yours,” she tells me, and my heart drops.

“Did they get the box?” I ask anxiously.

“They didn’t have nothing in they hands when they walked out.”

“I gotta come by and get that before someone does find it,”

“Don’t come here, chile,”

“I’ll come late, no one will see me,”

“Give it a few days. There’re still a lot of them milling around here.”

“Okay,” I tell her and go over a few more things before hanging up with Ms. Adelaide. By the time I made it to New Orleans, I had fucked up a few times and was almost caught. Making rookie mistakes, using my debit and credit cards and I was on the run again. It took me a few tries to get the hang of it. My Uncle would have been so disappointed in me. Even though he showed me how to navigate the streets, he was there to help me, correct me. Doing it without him, I was completely lost, at least for a little while. By the third time, I had a plan, but I needed to handle some business first.

I double-backed to DC, to my bank, and I knew I only had a limited amount of time. I had made friends with most of the tellers there, and the branch manager and I knew today was the day. She always works on Wednesday. Now, the assistant branch manager, he’s a problem, but if he does work today, it won’t be until later. I put my contacts in, put on a baseball cap, and head inside the bank directly to her office.


“What is going on,” she asks, immediately knowing something is wrong.

“I need to make sure my accounts are locked and untouchable,”

“A CD will make it where it cannot be touched, but the only person on your accounts is you,”

“Please put an alert and a password on the account, and also, I need to withdraw some money.”

“How much?” she asks, and I give her the amount.

“That will take time. I have to order the money. I can possibly get it here tomorrow,”

“I can’t be seen. I am already risking a lot coming here today.”

“I got you. Come tomorrow right before the bank is closed, and I’ll have it for you. But that’s a lot of cash to carry.”

“It’s the safest way for me right now,” I tell her, finalizing the details and slipping back out. At least, I thought I slipped out. I went back to the hotel and waited. The next day, I took the bus and walked several blocks to the bank. Inside, Yadira stood by the vault, her eyes flicking toward me before a subtle nod. She had the money. My gaze swept over the workers—familiar faces, trusted ones. My chest loosened, and I exhaled, feeling tension melt from my shoulders. I wasn’t alone here. But as usual, things went from sugar to shit as soon as Lars walked into the branch. I slump down in the seat, pulling my cap low on my head, but I know he recognizes me when he looks through the window of Yadira’s office and turns from walking out to hustling back to his office. I notice him picking up the phone, and I know I have a small window of time to get the hell out of here. It was a risk coming here, but when you go to a bank where no one knows you and ask to withdraw several million dollars, some questions are gonna be asked. Questions I do not have time to answer. So I took the risk of going to my regular branch.

Yadira’s steps falter when she sees Lars in his office, and she makes her way behind the line before disappearing into the drive-up booth. A few seconds later, she reemerges, heading toward me with no money in her hands.Shit shit shit!!

“Yadira!” I whisper yells when she walks into her office.

“Wait,” she says, holding up her hand, and a few long seconds later, the alarm blares, causing everyone to have to shut down and vacate the bank. While chaos ensues, Yadira takes me behind the line to the drive-thru booth.

“I couldn’t open this door without the alarm going off, but now no one will ever know.” She pulls the bag from behind the cabinet, handing it to me and pulling me into a hug. “Be careful.” I sling the bag over my shoulder, pausing to look at Yadira. “Thank you,” I say just as I hear the fire trucks rolling in. I slip out of the door and disappear, but not before I see him pulling up at the same time as the fire trucks. I went to the bus station, bought a ticket, and headed to New Orleans to find Judah. I never did find him. Come to find out, Broussard is a fairly common name, and no one had ever heard of Judah. In the process of looking for him, I really fell in love with New Orleans, the people, the culture, and, of course, the food.

Then I stumbled on Adelaide, and from that, I acquired a business, and everything was fine until now. I grab some cash and the keys and head out to the store. If I am going to be stuck in here for a few days, I am going to need more than the basic food I have here.I might have to run again, but I really don’t want to. Judah, where are you?I think as I start the bike, heading across the causeway to grab some stuff.

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