Page 5 of Sins and Serenades

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“That was,”

“Yes, it was,” she says, finishing my thought.

“Thank you, Soul, thank you for letting me be your first and for you being mine.”

“Ditto,” she says around a yawn.

“I love you,” I say, needing her to know.

“And I love you, too.” As soon as the words are out of her mouth, I hear little snores and know she’s fallen asleep. I pull the condom off, tie it, and set it on the grass next to my shoes so I can throw it away later. I drag the blanket up of us both, pulling her in my arms, but I don’t go to sleep I need to stay awake so we can get back to our cabins. As I lay there, I replayed what we did in my mind, still amazed and happy that it was with Soul, and despite my best efforts, I ended up falling asleep.

I jumpand realize that I fell asleep after all, “Shit! Soul!” I say, gently shaking her awake.


“We fell asleep, we gotta get back to our cabins,” I turn to grab my shirt and wince. For the first time, I notice that she has shredded my back, and I smile knowing I am proudly wearing her battle scars. We scramble to get dressed and clean up our mess to get back and not get busted. We made it back in time, and no one was the wiser. “I love you,” I tell her behind her cabin.

“I love you, too,” she says, resting her forehead on my chest.

“Be prepared for a ton of letters and get your outfit together. I meant what I said, we’re going to prom,” I tell her, cupping her chin and making her look at me so she knows I’m serious. “Okay,” I say when she doesn’t respond.


“Good. Get inside, I’ll see you in a couple of hours,” I pull her to me and kiss her before walking away.




I step out of the shower and look in the mirror, certain that my mom and dad are going to know what I have been up to as soon as they see me. I mean, I look different to myself, so I know my mom is going to be able to tell there is a difference in me.Ugh, she is going to kill me! I think with a shrug because I can’t change anything at this point, and I don’t want to. If I had to do it all over again, I would. Gabe was so gentle and patient. Granted, it was his first time, too, but he could have been only concerned with himself, and he wasn’t. He’s talking about planning for prom, and I’m planning for our wedding. How could I want anyone else? I stuff the last of my belongings in my bag and head to the front, where we get picked up, happy and sad. I missed home, but home doesn’t have Gabe, and I am going to miss seeing him every day. As soon as I round the bin, I come face to face with Ebony and Melinda, as soon as they see it’s me, they both scramble to get as far away from me as possible.I really gotta ask my sister what she said to her.I don’t have time to think about that anymore when I hear my mother’s voice, and I see her and my dad here already. They are one of the first parents to come,figures.I wave excitedly, hurrying over to them to be engulfed in my mom’s arms and then my dad’s.

“Look at you,” my mom says, pulling me back to her again.

“You look different somehow,” she cocks her head to the side, and I struggle not to fidget under her glare.

“Maybe almost drowning aged me,” I say.

“It certainly aged your mother and me,” my dad says, pulling my mother's attention off me.

“It wasn’t intentional, Daddy,” I say, genuinely feeling bad for scaring my parents.

“Well, let's get on the road, we have a long drive,” he opens the back door for me, before putting my bags in the trunk. As I climb in the backseat, I look over to see Gabe, standing there looking at me. Pausing, I mouth,I love you. He says it back, and I get in the car smiling from ear to ear. As soon as we are all settled, my dad pulls off, and I look back at the camp that changed my life this summer and the boy who holds my heart until I can’t see either of them.

Today is the first day of school, and I am hoping it hurries up and goes by, Gabe called me last night and said he had a surprise for me today but wouldn’t tell me until today. He kept his word, and he has been writing me like crazy. I get a letter a day, sometimes two. Every once in a while, he’ll call, and we always plan it so I can be the one who answers I still haven’t told my parents that I have a boyfriend. I can’t wait to see Angie, she and her family went down south for the summer, so I haven’t had my crazy best friend with me. My parents aren’t too keen on Angie’s mom, since her mother doesn’tbelieve in that organized religion mess. Her words, not mine and not Angie’s. But they couldn’t do anything but fall in love with her when they met her. I take another look in the mirror, double-check my hair, grab my book bag, and head to the bus stop.

“Girl!” I hear and turn to see Angie running towards me. I run to meet her, and we hug like we haven’t seen each other in years instead of months.

“We got so much to catch up on!” I tell her.

“Yes, we do! Should we have a sleepover this weekend?”

“Oouu, yes, let’s do that!” I tell her, grabbing her hand and walking into the school.

The morning is dragging by. Lunch can’t come fast enough. Thankfully, Angie and I have the same lunch period. Finally, the bell rings, and I am out of my seat before my teacher can get any words out of his mouth. I head straight to the lunchroom so I can get ahead of the crowds, I get my tray and load it up for me and Angie. Whoever gets to the lunchroom first makes sure to grab all the good stuff for the both of us. I pay for the food and head to our table, have a seat, and wait for my friend and it’s not a long wait.

“Boy, the next time you touch me, you are going to draw back a nub!” she tells Darnell. Darnell has been in love with Angie since kindergarten, and she wants nothing to do with him.

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