Page 18 of Sins and Serenades

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I have no idea why I am nervous, I have sung to large audiences numerous times over the years, but this is different I’m singing with Gabe tonight. It’s been a year since he proposed to me and I have never been happier. Tonight is the final night of his North American tour, and then he’ll be touring internationally for the next few months. He asked me to sing with him, actually, he told me I was singing with him. We are in Vegas in the new dome, and it is packed. He chose the song I wrote all those years ago about being in love with someone who is separated by distance. It was his first hit song, and it was diamond-certified. The music changes and the first notes of our song begin to play, and the audience goes wild. The lights go off in the dome, and the scenery changes, to a night sky and the lake at Little Shepards Camp, and I am thrown back to being a teenager, shy and in love. Gabe begins singing, and when he would usually do my part, I begin singing in the microphone I have been holding in a death grip as I walk out on the stage. I reach him, and he takes my hand without thought we both kneel down before laying down together, looking up at the dome that looks like the night sky. I am thrown back in time as I turn my head looking at him and sing to him and with him. It is a beautiful and surreal moment, the dome is completely quiet except for us singing and the music. When we finish the song, he kisses me, and the audience erupts in applause. I don’t know what it feels like to be high, but I imagine it’s a lot like this. I could definitely get used to this.


Singing with her was everything I hoped it would be. When I gave the images of the camp to the special effects manager, I did not expect them to get it so perfectly. It was like we never left the camp. Helping her up from lying on the stage, the lights come up as she and I and the rest of the band come up to say thank you and wave to the audience. It is at this moment that she notices her family there and my parents, too. She squeezes my hand as she bounces on the balls of her feet. We make our way backstage just as our families are brought back, and she immediately goes to hug them.

“What are you guys doing here?”

“Gabriel brought us out,” Serenity says.

“Gabe, thank you,” she hugs me.

“Well, there was an ulterior motive,”

“Was it?” she says, smirking.

“Yep, we’re leaving for our international tour,”

“You mean you’re leaving,”

“Where I go, you go, and we have had a horrible time trying to plan our wedding, so, , we are getting married tonight.”

“Wait, what?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Serenity says “We got your dress and stuff in a room, Dad and Pastor Hall both got legalized to marry in Nevada, so come on, baby sis. Let's make an honest woman out of you. I mean, you have been shacking for over a year. It’s about time you stop living in a den of sin,” she says, making us all laugh. I can’t wait for Serenity to meet her match, it promises to be an entertaining time. Her sisters drag her off to get dressed, and I head off with Andre, Daniel, and Gary to get ready. While we are doing that, the dome is being transformed into a magical wonderland. It cost a small fortune to have our wedding here, but I couldn’t imagine it being anywhere else. Thank goodness, the hotel is attached to the dome, and we take the short walk over to shower and get dressed. The last year with Soul has been nothing short of amazing, and going another year without making her my wife is unacceptable. All I had to do was reach out to Serenity and the rest fell into place. An hour later, I walk back into the dome and marvel at its transformation, it’s stunning. The purple, cream, and gold are pure perfection, and I am anxious to see Soul and have her be my wife.

“I always believed you and Soul would end up together and here we are,” Andre says, slapping me on the back. He, Gary, and Daniel have been around since our camp days and have known how Soul and I feel about each other.

“It took a long ass time, and there were plenty of times I didn’t see us here, but God had other plans.”

“Amen,” they all chorus.

“The type of love you and Soul have, there was no other option,” Daniel interjects. These guys have been with me since we were children, and when I called on them to come do this music thing with me they came with no hesitation and have stuck with me through thick and thin. Having them by my side at this moment in my life is only right. My father walks in, interrupting our conversation along with her mom and my mom, and the rest of her family walk in, signaling the start of the ceremony. We get into place just seconds before the music starts, and I get my first glimpse at Soul and she looks breathtaking. The hair, the makeup, and the dress have tears forming in my eyes as I watch her walk to me on her father’s arm.


I cannot believe I am getting dressed to marry Gabe. All those nights at the lake, all the letters, praying that God would bless me with a shape, and dreaming that he would see me as more than a friend—God answered every last one of my prayers.

“Okay, we need to talk,” Serenity says, closing the door behind her.

“Talk about what?” I look up at my crazy sister.

“You’re honeymoon night,”

“Sen, I have lived with him for a year, I think I know what to expect,”

“Yeah, I think you’re doing it wrong,”

“Excuse me,” I say my mouth hanging open at her.

“You heard me, I mean if you were, he wouldn’t have been able to wait a year, so you must need a few lessons,”

“Oh my gosh,”

“Girl, hush! So tell me, are you giving him head?”

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