Page 15 of Sins and Serenades

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“Let’s go eat then.” Putting my cookies up, I grab my keys and her hand, leading her out of the house to give myself some time to compose myself. Seeing her in my kitchen sparked a visceral reaction from me and I needed to get us both out of there.

“So talk to me,” I say as I switch smoothly between gears.

“I needed time to think, to weigh the pros and cons, and to finally be honest with myself. Serenity didn’t let up and then my mom came to talk to me.”

“Your mom?’ My eyes shift rapidly from the road to her in surprise.

“Yeah, I don’t think I knew I needed for her to release me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I have hidden behind them needing me and feeling too guilty to abandon them like my sisters did. Shiloh and Seven got married and went to their husbands' church and Serenity just went off and did what she wanted to do. Her job, no husband, and no kids allowed her to be the wild child, as my mom says. Before my dad’s church grew it was a struggle and then he had his stroke, so me leaving wasn’t really an option. But my mom let me know she and my dad have been selfish in their dealings with me. She said they knew I had my own dreams but liked having at least one of their kids in church with them and then the choir gained local, state ,and then national attention. The church began to fill up and then they needed me to stay. But she basically put me out, told me to find what I have been missing and to not come back if and when I am ready.”

Go, Mom!“That’s amazing, Soul. So you came to see me.”

“I came home,” she says softly, making my head snap to look at her. As soon as I can safely pull over, I park, take my phone out, and tap in some info before pulling out on the road again. She is looking at me quizzically as I make a U-turn and head back home. “Change of plans,” I simply say. By the time we make it back to the house, the delivery driver is leaving after bringing our food. I ordered from a restaurant notorious for great food and quick delivery. I park the car, helping her out and letting us in the house.

“Oh my gosh, this is delicious,” she says around a mouthful of food.

“Hop Shing has never failed to deliver delicious food,” I tell her. We polish off our dinner and tidy up our mess. And then, I don’t know if it was on purpose or by accident, she brushes against me as she squeezes past me to throw her garbage away, and before either of us can breathe, I have her in my arms, kissing her like I have been fantasizing about for years. One of my hands finds its way in her hair, holding her in place, anchoring her in place, and the other grabs a handful of her ass, feeling it overflow out of my hand as I grind my rigid dick against her. Her muffled moan only serves to egg me on, and I pick her up in my arms, her ass in my hands, her hands in my hair. I guide her core against my dick until she comes apart in my arms Soon after, she rips her mouth away from me to yell out her pleasure.



“You feel,” I can’t finish my sentence. “I didn’t intend for that to happen, although I can’t say that I am disappointed that it did.”

“Me either,” she confesses, making me pull back to look at her.

Dropping my forehead against hers, I tap her hip, and she unwraps her legs from my waist and stands on her shaky legs. I wait until she gets her bearings before taking her by the hand and walking her to the spare bedroom across the hall from my room, pushing both past the threshold.

“Everything you need should be in there for you. I am just across the hallway. Have a good night,” Kissing her on the lips, I turn and walk into my room, closing the door, and head straight into the shower. Water set on cold.


I haven’t been here two hours, and I am acting like a floozy! I dry-humped this man in his kitchen and came in his arms after sixty seconds of stimulation. I will say he is better than any Rose ever made.Dear God.Let me take a shower and get in the bed. This felt like a good idea when I was cooking it up, but now that I am here by myself, in this big ass house with nothing but space and opportunity and no one and nothing to stop me from living out my wildest fantasies, might not have been my best idea. The room he gave me is stunning. It was huge and had everything I could ever want. I unpacked my bags, set my room up, and headed to the shower to hopefully pull myself back together.How many shower heads does one person need?There are several, and they all do something different, and the entire ceiling is a shower head. I have never seen anything like this before in my life. I squeeze the body wash on my sapo, but everywhere I touch is sensitive, setting me even more on edge than I already am. When I rub the washcloth between my legs, it sends several waves of pleasure through me. Now I have not been a saint the past eighteen years, but it has been longer than I care to admit since I have had sex. Usually, when the mood hits, I reach for my handy dandy Bullet and she gets the job done quickly and efficiently, but no one has been Gabe. Even in our inexperienced youth, he was a more generous lover than the couple of grown men I have been with. Being in his arms, the feel of his body against mine has me in this shower like a horny teenager.I am in this shower masturbating! Fuck this! Oh my goodness, did I just cuss? Ok, it was just a mental cuss, but still. Soul, girl, relax.I shake my head, clearing the thoughts, finish washing, and rush through the rest of my night routine before donning my robe. My phone chirps.


Grow a pair Soul! Don’t you dare chicken out! Get you some!!!!

I really hate her. Well, here goes nothing.Taking a deep breath, I march across the room, out the door across the hall, and into Gabe’s room without knocking. He’s already in bed when I barge in. He simply looks at me before lifting the covers.

“You, you knew I was coming?” I ask surprised while moving closer to the bed.

“I had hoped, but it had to be your decision,” Taking a deep breath, I don’t stop to think, or I know I will talk myself out of what I am about to do. I untie the belt and let the fabric fall to the floor.

“Shit,” Gabe says, scraping a hand down his face. “Soul, you don’t have to do this. I don’t want you to feel obligated or forced,”

“I don’t feel obligated or forced. I feel needy, and you’re the only person who can fulfill this need, Gabe. You’re the only person I want to fulfill this need.”

“Fuck,” he groans as I crawl into bed with him. I expect him to move to the sex immediately, but to my surprise, he doesn’t. He pulls me into his arms, laying my head on his chest, and he talks. We talk. We have eighteen years of conversation to catch up on. Before we know it, the sun is peaking over the horizon before our eyes finally close. It reminded me of the nights we would sneak and call each other in the middle of the night, talking until we fell asleep because neither one of us wanted to hang up. It would be five minutes of, “You hang up, no, you hang up.”We would both be exhausted the next day in school, but it was totally worth it.




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