Page 6 of Haunted

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“So, tell me what have you been up to before moving back?”

“I…worked mostly. This is actually like a vacation since I don’t have to do stuff like people, or be somewhere at a certain time.”

“Working on the Murder House is a vacation to you?”

The smile melts off my face. I narrow my eyes at him, but he puts his hands up again.

“Not saying anything negative. I just find it funny that working on remodeling a house is your idea of a vacation. But if I remember right, you always were a hard worker.”

He slides his hand over to where mine is resting on the table and entwines our hands. It isn’t really a weird thing because Bennet was always affectionate with me.

“Want to do something really fun next Saturday?”

“Fun?” Instead of going into detail he smiles and nods. He’s using the smile that always got me to do whatever he wanted when we were young. I could never say no to him when he hit me with that half-cocked, crooked grin that promised so much adventure.

“Yeah, fun. Come on. Even Te is going to be there. It will be just like when we were kids.”

“What do I have to do?”

His grin kicks up a notch, “I’ll tell you…after you agree to do it.”

I curl my lips around my teeth to keep from saying anything. Just like I can recognize all his facial expressions, he recognizes all of mine. He realizes I want to tell him to fuck off…he also knows I can’t. Damn my curiosity!

He throws his head back and laughs maniacally. “So untrusting. It’s good to find you haven’t changed at all.”

“I could say the same about you. You were forever getting us into trouble and making me and Te cover for you so you wouldn’t be the only one in trouble.”

There’s a noise at the door leading into the kitchen and me and Bennet turn to look but can’t see anything.

“Okay, damn you! I’ll do it. Whatever crazy thing you have planned.”

“Shake on it.” I put my hand in his and give it a good yank before trying to extract it, but he won’t let go. “See how easy that was.”

His thumb rubs the back of my hand, but I can’t look down at it because his eyes have captured mine. He takes my breath when those bright blue eyes turn intense.

“Rory,” he uses his grip on my hand to pull me closer to him and it feels like all the air in the room gets sucked out, “I don’t have anything to do with Jayden. Haven’t since I found out what a bitch she was being to you. So, sweetheart,” we are almost nose to nose now, and he whispers low, “quit bringing the bitch’s name up.”

He shocks the last bit of air out of me when he kisses me on the tip of the nose. I suck in huge amounts of air when he lets my hand go and sits back like we weren’t just up in each other’s face. I don’t have time to think things over because Te and Missy come through the door with the last food.

“You okay, Rory? You look a bit flushed.”

My eyes dart over to Bennet who has a shit-eating grin on his face and nods for Missy. All during dinner I can feel his eyes on me and when I look up he is always openly staring while eating. God, I didn’t think there was a sexy way to eat but Bennet somehow makes it work. By the end of dinner, I am so shaky and out of sorts that I can barely bring my glass to my mouth. And I’m just fucked where utensils are concerned.

“Wait! You’re going to help with the CPR class on Saturday!”

The day clues me in on what Te just said. “What?”

“Ben just said you promised to help with the CPR class this Saturday with us.”

“I did?” Did I?

Both Te and Bennet are smiling and grinning at me and I feel the trap close around me. The Twins did it again. They pulled me into their madness and all I can do is go along for the ride.

Chapter Six


“I don’t have to pretend to be the dummy, do I?”

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