Page 11 of Haunted

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There’s another bout of laughing before we settle down and get serious about watching the movies we’ve chosen. I’ve missed this. Being able to veg with Te any time I want to. Spending the night eating junk food and gossiping. Moving at a slower pace. Going over to eat on Sundays with Missy.

We turned our girls’ night into a girls’ weekend. When Te had to go back to work on Monday I decided right then and there that I wasn’t going to allow Bennet to take all this away from me just because he doesn’t want me back. He is just trying to tease me with all this talk of spanking and…and, um, pussies so I’ll leave again.

I don’t even want to look too hard on why he would want to send me running. Maybe it’s because I left once and he’s afraid I’ll leave again and cause his sister heartache. Or maybe he is jealous that Te is dividing her attention between me and him now instead of it being just him, not that something like that sounds like Bennet. He isn’t really the jealous type.

And what was up with him telling me he hasn’t had anything to do with Jayden since school? Is that true or is he just saying it? Why would he even bring it up? Nothing about that man makes sense.

I need to keep my mind focused on getting my house fixed up just right and start figuring out what else I want to do with my life. I wouldn’t be where I am now if not for a small inheritance from my dad’s mother. I wasn’t about to take the money, but the lawyer told me if I turned it down it would all go to my dad -wherever the hell he is now. I’m petty enough to not want that so here I am.

But the money is only going to go so far. Then what?

For right now, I’m focusing on taking a shower because damn, sanding is sticky work. I have more of the wall on me than the hallway does. I step into my room and shed my clothes before I go into the bathroom leaving the door slightly ajar.

Letting the water slush over me, I start to do the one thing I told myself not to do - think about Bennet. How many times did I sit in the shower as a teen and think of him? Not sexual…okay, a little bit sexual, but mostly I would just daydream about what it would be like to be his girlfriend, to go to prom with him, to do girlfriend things like wear his coat or sleep in one of his shirts. Sometimes I would think about what would happen if we kissed, or if we ended a date by hitting second or even third base.

Now, it seems so childish but then it was the way I got through every hard time, every new low, I came across. In a way, Bennet was my hero even though he didn’t know it. Even Te didn’t understand how much I looked at Bennet as a knight in white. Him becoming a cop doesn’t surprise me at all, being everyone’s real hero, taking care of those who need that knight in shining armor.

And who did I become? I’m still that little girl waiting on her white knight, but now I understand it can’t be Bennet. I can’t keep pining over someone who is out there living their life andwill probably wind up married to a woman who will be Te’s best friend and so sweet you just can’t hate her. And then what? Do I just keep on being the friend with the crush that is so painfully obvious to everyone around her? Or do I start living my life too?

I came back to this town to build a home and start a family. And I can’t do that without first finding someone who will share his sperm with me. I snarl my nose as I step from the spray and wrap myself in a huge terrycloth towel. The very thought is kind of repulsive and makes my stomach lurch. But I’m going to play it off as just a reaction to being hungry. I just need to eat…and have Te set me up with a couple of guys. Missy might help too. I’m sure she knows some nice guys who want the same thing I do.

I can make myself like someone and maybe over time I’ll learn to love the man. I walk back into my room and am about to drop my towel to air dry while lying on my bed when my closet door bursts open. I start to jump up but before I can a figure runs towards me and places his hands around my throat.

Every fear a lone woman can have pops into my head, and I realize the dream of having a home and a family of my own isn’t going to happen. I’m just going to be another stupid statistic. I reach up to dig at the hands around my throat and try to speak but nothing is coming out and the edges of my vision are starting to blur and shrink. It’s just a matter of time before the last thing I will ever think about streaks across my mind, and I’m gone.

The only thing that I can think of are the blue eyes that have haunted me since I was a little girl. Bennet. The last thing I can think about is the man I’ve wasted so much time trying to forget.

Chapter Ten


I let myself in her open fucking door. I swear when I find her, I’m going to give her such a piece of my mind all while putting in her new lock for her. I search the downstairs but don’t find her. Half the way up the stairs I hear a shower turn off.

Great! She’s going to be fucking naked when I find her. Well, that will teach her to lock her fucking door from now on. I hear something thump in the room I know she has been sleeping in and the hair on the back of my neck rises. Something isn’t right here.

When I step into the room my heart hammers so hard I can hear it in my ears and feel it pounding in my throat. Everything feels like it is happening in slow motion but instinct kicks in and I have knocked the shrouded figure off Rory in the blink of an eye. I take the man to the ground and listen to her gasp loudly for breath over the sound of our fighting.

I punch the guy in the mouth, but he kicks me off him and takes off running. I follow and trip him before he can make it to the stairs, almost sending both of us down them. The guy reaches his feet before I can and then he launches himself out the window overlooking the landing. I rushed to the broken window only to find that the guy landed on the grass and was back on his feet. He takes off running for the woods at the back of the house and I realize I can’t follow him. Not and take care ofRory how she needs to be taken care of. Besides…I have a little girl’s ass to spank.

When I come back into the bedroom, it’s to find Rory sitting up on the bed, her hand around her throat. She doesn’t need a spanking; she needs me to take her fucking home and work hard to take her mind off what just happened.

“Get dressed and pack a bag. I’ll be downstairs when you’re ready.”

“Ready? Ready for what?” Her voice comes out a little huskier than normal and I can only assume it is because of what just happened.

“We’re leaving.”


I try to be as patient as I can be, but I won’t feel settled until I have her in my house, in my bed. “Yes, you are leaving!”

“I… I’m not leaving.”

“Yes, you fucking are.”

Maybe she’s in shock and doesn’t quite understand what she is saying.

“You…why the hell are you here? Where did you come from? Why are you in my house?”

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