Page 19 of Justified Secrets

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“Since we walked in and noticed her in Lee’s office, you’ve barely taken your eyes off her.”

He could argue with him, but Seth knew he was right. His obsession with the woman was getting worse. There was something about Autumn Bradford that drew him. He didn’t understand why because she wasn’t really his type. He liked the type A kind of woman because they fit his lifestyle of no attachment. She had that to a point, but there was something under the surface that he couldn’t figure out. She hid so much of her past that he wanted to peel away those layers and find the soft, gooey center.

And what the hell was that thought about?

“Just gonna be interesting. You’ve been watching her for months.”

He frowned at Ryan. “Now, what the hell does that mean?”

His cheeks felt hot, and he was worried he was blushing. Him. A man in his late thirties who had fought and killed for his country. Like a damned schoolboy.

Before Ryan could say anything else, the door to Adam’s office opened, and she was striding over to them.

She wasn’t overly tall, but she had long legs. When she walked through a room, the energy shifted. At least, it did for him. From Ryan’s expression, he didn’t get the same vibe as Seth did.

What wasthatabout?

“I’ve been told to play with you today.”

Ryan snorted, and she smiled. Seth frowned at Ryan, who grinned at him. That was rare enough these days that it held him momentarily stunned.

“Yeah, we’re not doing much today other than strength workouts.”

Part of being in search and rescue was needing to be able to actually rescue people, meaning they had to carry them part, if not all, of the way.

“Cool. I need to work on my upper body anyway. Are we doing it here in the gym?”

He nodded.

“I need to change. When are we starting?”

He frowned.

“What’s that for?”

“What do you mean?”

“You. You’re frowning.”

He smoothed out his expression. “I wasn’t frowning.”

“You were.”

Before he could respond, Ryan decided to chime in. “You were, boss.”

Deciding to ignore all that—and he was the boss, so he could—he said, “We’re meeting down there in five minutes.”

“See ya,” she said, racing off. He blinked at how fast she was.

“She’s timing herself. The girl lives for pushing herself,” Marcus said. The African American was the foremost authority on the teams for terrorism. He would soon transfer to command Team Charlie.

He glanced over at the man. Marcus was an okay guy, but he did date Seth’s ex, Tamilya, who was also on Team Alpha. He had no animosity towards the guy since Seth and Tamilya had broken it off years ago and had remained friends.

“That seems to be different than what she shows the world.”

“No. She’s irritated that someone is imposing on her time. It likely has something to do with food because that’s very important to her. If she wants to have a snack break, she now has to work around Bravo’s schedule. But she wants to prove to Del and Adam that she’s all in for her job.” He shrugged. “Probably has a lot to do with how she was raised.”

Everyone knew she was the daughter of a cult leader, a man who disdained the law and definitely had a nut or two loose in that head of his.

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