Page 18 of Justified Secrets

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Ugh. She hated that, and Del knew it. She knew it was an order. Adam pretty much announced it to the group, but Del was a hard ass and didn’t like any back and forth.

“I just don’t want to do it.”

There was a long beat of silence, then he cracked a smile. Adam laughed out loud.

“The one thing I love about you is that you are always brutally honest. Just be nice to our new team. They’re all amazing law enforcement officers, and we’re lucky to have them.”

“Just so you know, I had dinner with them Friday night. So there.”

Yep, that was mature. Seriously. Why was she freaking out? There was no reason for it. She usually enjoyed learning new things. It came from not going to a real school until she went to college. Also, Joseph thought women should only learn reading so they could read recipes. Jerk.

“Oh, really?”

“Well, Ian and I ran into them at Seafood Cartel, and we ate with them and Maya.”

“I love that place,” Del said. “Emma can eat her weight in tacos.”

Del’s wife was tiny, so there was a good chance it wasn’t that much food. She remembered their last girls’ night and how much Emma ate that night. Autumn realized that the woman ate almost as much as she did sometimes.

“Right? I just always want to fall face down in their Taco Cabo.”

“That being said, be nice,” Adam said. His voice was firm this time, and she could tell it was an order.

“Are you afraid I will hurt their feelings? I’m nice.”

“You are, to a point. But like I said, you can be blunt,” Adam said.

“What’s wrong with being blunt? It works for Del.”

Adam rolled his eyes.

“I’m the boss. I can be blunt AF if I want to.”

She didn’t smile, but it was hard. When she’d first met Del, he wouldn’t have hesitated to use the f-word, but now that he had little ones, Autumn had noticed he had been policing his language. It was adorable.

She glanced back at Adam. “Did you make up needing to talk to me about our case?”

“No. We’re going to probably go to trial. Whoever is supplying that operation has them freaked out.”

“Still not understanding why they would do that,” Del murmured.

“So much so that they’ll go to prison instead of talk?” she asked.

“For right now. But I wanted to go over a few notes. It should only take a few minutes. Then you can go play nice with Bravo.”

“Gonna stare a hole in her head, boss,” Ryan said.

Seth blinked and looked at his dog handler. “What?”

He smiled, which was a rare thing for Ryan. The former LAPD was the strong, silent type. Seth understood because he knew Ryan’s background. So, when he smiled, it usually made everyone around him smile.

“You’re going to burn a hole in the back of her head.”

“Who are you talking about?” Seth asked.

Ryan let one eyebrow rise up.

“Why would you say that?”

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