Page 13 of Justified Secrets

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She blinked, her eyes narrowing until she realized who it was. Her expression cleared, and she smiled. Bending down, she picked up her sandals and bag and walked over to them.

“Hey, you guys out for a run this morning?”

“Yeah, and you’re out for a swim,” Rami said, his tone flirty.

She rolled her eyes. “I swim most mornings before the tourists show up.”

“You come here every morning?”

She shrugged, which wasn’t an answer. Seth felt she didn’t do it at the same beach twice in a row. She walked over to one of the fountains to clean her feet off.

“You’re not working, but you both drag your ass into Honolulu to exercise?”

“I live in Honolulu,” Rami said.

“I live in Salt Lake. Not that far away.”

She shook her head. “SEALs.”

“You’re one to talk. You’re here swimming.”

She snorted. “I do that for fun. It’s a good stress release.”

Rami opened his mouth with a comment that would definitely get him written up for sexual harassment, so Seth jumped in.

“All exercise is good for stress, especially with fewer tourists.”

She snorted. “True. Well, I need to eat, so?—”

“We could do with a bite to eat, too,” Rami said, interrupting her brush-off.

“I was going to ask you.”

That had Seth blinking. “You were?”

She nodded. “Although, not sure where to go. We might beat the crowds if we hit up Liliha Bakery. They have a great breakfast menu.”

“Where are you parked?”

“Didn’t drive. Took the bus.”

Seth blinked.

“What? Are you such a snob you don’t believe in public transportation?”

“Seeing that I spent most of my life in DC, I can’t really be against it.”

She nodded.

“I can drive you.”

She eyed him suspiciously.

“Hey, if you want to ride the bus and meet us there later, go right ahead. I know Rami walked here, right?”

She glanced at the former SEAL. “Yep. I’m still in temporary quarters while I wait for the house I rented and my furniture.”

“Fine, but we do it with the windows down.” She dropped her bag and pulled out a pair of board shorts. After stepping into them, she tugged on a UH Warriors shirt and shoved her towel in the bag.

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