Page 11 of Justified Secrets

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Seth’s phonewoke him just as dawn was breaking over the horizon.

He reached for his phone, knocking it on the floor before he scooped it up. “Harrington.”

“Is that any way to answer the phone?” his mother asked.

He would roll his eyes but wasn’t awake enough for that particular activity. He collapsed back in bed.

“It’s dawn, and I’m always on call.”

“Oh, dammit, I forgot. Do you want me to call you back?”

His parents—especially his mother—were still adjusting to him living in Hawaii. The Navy had taken him all over the world, but now that he was in Hawaii permanently, they knew he would answer the phone. As a SEAL, he could rarely tell them what was happening—even though they both had the highest security clearance until their recent retirements. Thank God these early morning calls should stop soon.

“Naw, that’s okay. What’s up?”

“Well, the movers are coming Monday, and I’m not ready.” His parents had decided to move to Hawaii. His mother’s sister lived on Maui, and with his two younger brothers still unmarried and in the military, his mother decided she wanted to be close tohim. Seth wasn’t sure if she’d consulted his father about it before she made the decision.

“Are you ever ready?”

“Yes. I’m always prepared.”

His mother was brilliant, a former top-level Pentagon official who had helped plan and execute some of the most dangerous missions in the last quarter century. While he never told her where he was serving or what his SEAL team was doing, Seth had always thought she knew. That said, she was not the most organized regarding her own life. That was his father’s job. The former one-star admiral kept their life orderly and on time.

“Of course.”

“Don’t get that tone with me, Seth.”

He swallowed a laugh. “What tone?”

There was a beat of silence, then she laughed. “Sorry, I’m a little stressed about the move.”

“You don’t say?”

Most people would probably freak out when their parents moved halfway across the world to be closer to them—especially when they were in their thirties. But they were a military family that understood you hold onto those who love you whenever possible. Plus, he had spent nearly eighteen years in the Navy before taking the early out they’d offered him. He had his benefits, but not the top of the pay he would have gotten staying in three extra years. But, after that last mission, he knew he couldn’t perform at his best for them.

“You have all of our information.”

“Yes. Now, if I get called out, I’ll make sure someone will pick you up.”

“Seth, I’m an adult. Your father is an adult. We can hail a cab.”

Yes, but they should get the whole lei treatment, in his opinion. Weirdly, his parents had never been to Hawaii.

“I know. Still, it would be nice to have someone pick you up. Unless there is an emergency, I’ll probably be able to get you.”

After affirming his parents’ flight on Friday, he chatted about the lost tourist they had to find yesterday and then about the team. Unfortunately, he mentioned Autumn.

“There it is again,” his mother said, her voice thoughtful.


“There is a tone in your voice when you talk about that woman. Do I need to look into her?”

He was awake enough this time, so he did roll his eyes. “No. Believe me, the background check you have to do for TFH is pretty close to top-secret clearance. Plus, she worked for the DEA.”


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