Page 46 of Kaphas

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The air around Kaphas now crackled and hummed as the Syphon King stood before the Creole King and Celeste, stretching his new hand out toward Kaphas. Fetch, Fathom, and Fin spun to the Syphon King and filled the air with debilitating shrieks that sent everybody running.

The Syphon King removed the dark lenses covering his eyes. They narrowed on his newest brother, bringing a strained roar as he forced his hand toward the ceiling. A loud boom rocked the air and two seconds after, a monstrous chandelier shattered on the floor.

Kult raced forward when he saw the triplets attempting to pin Kaphas to the floor. Pain was suddenly there, diving for their new brother. He landed on top of him right as a massive sonic boom rocked the room.

“PAIN!” Kult dove for him next, realizing he’d absorbed what blasted out of Kaphas, holyfuck.

Kaphas went limp beneath Pain, his eyes drifting shut as Quantum arrived, pushing Fetch and Fathom back while Kult pulled an unconscious Pain off of Kaphas. Quantum lifted his new brother in his arms as Kult felt for a fucking pulse. “He’s got no fucking pulse!” he yelled.

“Get him to the trauma unit immediately,” Quantum ordered Fetch. “The rest of my team need to move the guests to safety.”

Alittlefucking late for that, King.


“WHAT THE FUCK AM Ilooking at?” Kult marveled at the analysis on the screen.

“You’re looking at a near indestructible being,” Quantum said. “The Syphon King said he saw Kaphas drawing energy from the air around him and was becoming unstable. When he attempted to siphon some of it, the Triplets used their phonic concussion and formed a barrier around Kaphas to keep the Syphon King from touching him.”

“And why?”

“See this? That’s a Backlash Shield. When Kaphas feels threatened, it gets triggered and draws more kinetic energy from the air around him. That’s what it runs on.”

“Kinetic energy,” Kult repeated.

“Correct. Kaphas collects it through his own movements at all times. This shield defines the amount of power it needs to eliminate the threat without him even aware—at this time.”

Kult muttered, “A built-in self-defense.”


“The air was dense,” Kult recalled. “Stood the hairs up on my arm.”

“That was the energy he was pulling toward him. Thankfully the Triplets understood his powers and tried to form a shield to contain what was building in him. They protected everybody at risk to themselves and that’s a good thing.”

“And the Syphon King?” Kult wondered.

“He said when he removed his gates, he realized Kaphas was converting his siphoning power into kinetic energy. It built up in both of them and due to Syphon’s inexperience with his hand, he feared the blast he’d built up might do more than neutralize Kaphas. And he was undoubtedly right. It would have turned him into a bigger human bomb than he already was.”

“I can testify to that,” Pain said, his jovial tone drawing Kult’s amazed gaze over his shoulder. Pain’s recovery time—thirty minutes. “He killed me instantly.”

“Yeah... We know,” Kult said, wanting to punch him in his happy grin.

“How did you know, is the question,” Quantum asked. “To do what you did?”

A dark cloud slowly eased over Pain’s face. “I can feel him. I could from the beginning, but his last growth, even more.”

“I was wondering if that might happen,” Quantum marveled. “A kind of symbiosis. This happens not only when there’s molecular bonding, but emotional as well. And it’s obvious he’s emotionally bonded to all of you and us him.”

“Did he program that shit in?” Kult wondered.

“The program designed the optimal body to serve what was in his psyche. If he needed the emotional bond, then it would have built it. Given his level of intelligence when we created him, he may have easily known what the growth sequence would entail and ensured he had all the necessary components to facilitate this symbiotic bond.”

“So we help him in the evolution,” Sync realized.

Kult turned, forgetting him and Atlas were hiding in the back corner.

“When’s Harlow getting here? And what about Celeste, she’s having fits to see him.”

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