Page 23 of Kaphas

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“I spoke to Dr. Harlow about your predicament, and he ensured me he’d see to allowing you access to every inch of the castle to perform a complete search.”

Dear God, his voice was...edibleof all things. Her mind tasted and felt every syllable as it exited his beautiful, luscious, mouth.

She held her breath when his gaze found her staring. “I realize it’s late,” he said, his lips tugging at the corner. “Are you ready to give me that tour?”

“Yes,” she hurried, remembering the map was on her phone and the phone was in a convenient dress pocket. Her hand flew into action, feeling along the folds of the material, searching. Searching. OhpleaseGod! She let out a breath at finally locating it and fished it out so quickly it went sailing right at his face.

He caught it with one hand as her shame and relief gushed out on several breaths. “I amso sorry.”

He handed it to her, his fingers touching hers, turning them into melted butter that the phone slipped right through.

“I’ll get it!” Celeste chirped, dropping down and holding it up before Natasha’s boiling face.

“Thank you. I’m very clumsy.”

“You are not, youneverdrop things,” Celeste kindly chided before burying her further with, “Mother Superior always used her as the example we should all follow. She received training from a very early age in being graceful and mannered. She even knowsballet!”

“I have the map!” Natasha half yelled, holding up the phone. “We should hurry.”

“Oh, it’s my phone,” Celeste gasped, pulling hers from her habit pocket. “Mr. Harlow,” she whispered loudly to Natasha. “Sister Celeste speaking,” she answered quietly. Then sucked in a huge breath. “Really!” She turned huge eyes to Natasha. “Yes! Now?” Her mouth went wider. “Yes sir, I will. Oh, Iwill!”

Natasha watched her run to the library door and out of it. She stared at it for many seconds, then it suddenly blasted back open with Celeste staring at her in horror. “He said I can goright nowto find Handy,” she announced. “But I’ll wait if—”

“No, no! Go!” Natasha cried, while dying inside.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m in good hands with Mr. Lore, he’s a...he’s a respectable gentleman.”

A smile lit Celeste’s face as she spun and practically peeled out with a squeal that echoed as she sprinted down the hall.

“I do hope she finds him.”

Natasha turned to the man next to her, his voice performing its magic on her again. “So do I,” she miraculously uttered.

She looked down, finding he offered his arm to take. The thought nearly crippled her with panic. She jerked her phone up before her. “I’ll need two hands to work this thing. But thank you.”

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