Page 20 of Kaphas

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“I ran into her and Celeste I believe. They were searching for...Handy.”

“Oh boy.”

“Is he lost?”

“No, he’s currently recovering from a growth spurt. The little shit managed to hi-jack the program that builds his body and input a growth sequence that allowed him to grow five years a day until he’s thirty-two.”

Wow. “Fascinating.”

“Oh yeah,” he said. “He knew we were building his body so we could kill him, and he knew we wouldn’t kill a kid.”


“So hethought. As irony has it, the program has to kill him at every growth sequence in order to fully complete each stage. Which means he’ll die four times before he reaches maturity.”

The absence of satisfaction in his tone had Lore curious. “That is... incredible.”

“So, you like Natasha?”

Lore paused, wondering how he knew that. He’d hidden it perfectly. “I do,” he said, sensing complete honesty with the doctor was his best route. “I would like to get to know her.”

“Well, they’re all promised to soldiers,” he warned. “And they’re pretty fucking fickle about keeping their promises. I have one I’m currently wooing.”

“Really,” Lore said, activating his gifts to obtain every detail. “How are you managing?”

Lore listened to the doctor tell him every detail and by the end of it, his arousal surpassed his fascination.

“You did all this with her,” he marveled quietly.

“I did,” he said, with zero remorse or regret. “And my guess is, Natasha will likely have a similar outlook regarding cheating on her soldier or cheating on her commitment to being with a soldier, so whatever tricks you have or gifts, you’ll want to incorporate them.”

“I have gifts but prefer she choose of her own volition.”

“Good call. Nobody wants a woman you gotta fuckin' manipulate to get. Lucy wants me but her convictions prevent her. So, I’m making it easier or impossible to not choose what she really wants. I don’t care how long it takes me, but when I’m done with her, she’ll never be able to bond with a soldier becauseI’llown every part of her, even if she refuses to admit it. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll figure something else out. I even tried to become a soldier since that’s what she wanted, and you know what she said?”

“I do not.”

“That I couldn’t give up my soul for this.”

“Is that required?”

“No! I mean who’s an expert on what God deems is the soul? So, I’m navigating around her beliefs regarding all of it.”

“It’s all you can do,” Lore said, his thoughts back on Natasha. “I suppose I need to meet her and fish out her position on the matter.”


“Do you know how I might...get her alone?”

He chuckled. “Well, youarespeaking to the man who is in charge of our gaggle of angels. Allow me to make arrangements that will give you plenty of time to begin your seduction. When would you like to start?”

“As soon as possible.”

“Look for my text.”

“Thank you,” Lore said before the doctor hung up, leaving him smiling at the seduction term. Why did he like it so much? Maybe because he didn’t need to hide it with the doctor. Or because they shared the exact sentiment regarding the same class of female—an angelic, forbidden nun. This was clearly his cock’s favorite part. He could easily admit to himself that ninety percent of his excitement was being given the green light to do as he wished in procuring a relationship involving his brand-new fantasies. Slowly of course. And with her full consent. Well...her inner consent. As the good doctor said, she may say one thing with her mouth while denying her true desires. He could hardly wait to learn... no-no, not learn, to confirm that she was attracted to him the same way he was with her. If there was a sound for their brief connection, it would resemble the symphony of a galaxy splitting the fabric of the universe with its birth. And there was surely no reversing such a phenomenal event.

He remembered his latest revelation regarding his gifts, eager to try it on Zodak. He’d always been able to heal using frequency and vibration but to attain the exact measures was difficult. Well, not anymore. He could only attribute this to the bat bite since it was the single thing different. The knowledge was always there, but hidden from him. This was clear by how it manifested in its fullness. Like an entire city of knowledge discovered just above the ceiling in his mind. He could scarcely recallnotknowing the means to obtain these necessary measures. All that was left was testing it.

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