Page 92 of Shank

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“I had some free time this evening if you wanted me to come look at that clock.”

He paused. “I’m afraid I won’t be home. Did you have Rosavelt’s paintings?”

“I did, yes. She picked them herself. Only took her thirty minutes. You’ve become something of great importance to her.”

It was an accusation and warning wrapped in veiled kindness. Nice. “Interesting.”

“Yes,” she said, still accusing. “You’ve made quite the impression. You’re all she talks about.”

He couldn’t stop his smile. “Fascinating,” he said.

“Truly,” she agreed, sarcasm laid bare.

Vex continued toward his preliminary meeting. “Perhaps we can meet some place between where I am and where you are. I have business tonight at 8:00 PM but that’s not for another four hours. Will Rosavelt be with you?”

“Of course she will, it’s her art after all.”

“Very good,” he said, considering a meeting point. He could bring her there, just not to his apartment. Give her the school tour. “Do you suppose Rosavelt would want to see the school where she’d be going?”

“Uhhhh about that.”

Vex stopped again. “Yes?”

“I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s not the best idea at this time.”

“Why not?” he asked, careful with his tone.

“Well, she’s in the middle of a school year for one. Maybe we should wait till the summer.”

“Parents switch schools mid term all the time and since she’s not learning as much as she could be—”

“She’s learning plenty for her age, thank you.”

He quickly considered his options. “I’m sorry if I’ve overstepped. Rosavelt expressed such dislike for her education, I just assumed…well, it doesn’t matter.”

“No, what did you assume?” she lightly pressed.

“Well, here at our school, one of the requirements is that a student mustwantto attend, otherwise it defeats the purpose of fostering a voluntary motivated learning environment, which is essential for optimal cognitive development and mental well-being. From both psychological and medical perspectives, motivation and engagement are crucial for effective learning. When students actively choose to participate in their education, they are more likely to experience increased engagement which promotes greater interest in the material. It’s also better for her mental health, as forced participation can lead to stress, anxiety, and a negative attitude towards learning. In contrast, when studentswantto attend, it reduces the risk of stress-related conditions. And further—”


He paused. “Yes, there’s one more bit.”

“Oh, by all means,furtheron, Mr. Vex.”

He ignored her sarcasm. “Having willing engagement is linked to deeper cognitive processing and better learning outcomes. Therefore, a student who is intrinsically motivated to learn is more likely to employ critical thinking skills, retain information, and apply knowledge creatively. I would add that allowing students to choose their educational paths supports the development of self-determination and personal agency. This empowerment is crucial for personal growth and developing responsibility for one’s own learning and outcomes, a rule you seem to govern your own life by.”

She gave a derisive sputter. “The only thing intrinsic about my motivation is the death of my husband.Thatis what lines the pathways of my blood vessels and every morning I’minspiredto open my eyes, pull my stupid ass out the bed and live another day with fake smiles for my daughter who watches me like I’m some human thermometer and my son who hates my guts for killing his father. No, no, no! Shit!”

“What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong is finding the time to work on everybody elses shit and never having time to work on mine!”

“You’re having vehicle problems? Where are you?”

“Ah shit, please don’t warp my engine, please.”

“Are you in town?”

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