Page 79 of Shank

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“I was purchasing some.”

“She’s not an actual artist, you realize.”

“Art is a personal expression whose wealth is beyond monetary measures.”

She nodded, crossing her arms as her scent grew stronger. He realized his gifts had been processing them and determined they were foreign and were now doubling down to resolve the mystery. What’s one more to add to the existing mountain of female anomalies?

“Fair enough. Nitro told me you were a King and I thought he was shitting me, but wow,” she said, her gaze lowering over him then returning to his. He waited for words that would prompt a response then realized she wasn’t offering more.

“I’m a member of the Creole Kings but I’m not of royal decent.”

“So, what all did my little Rosavelt tell you? She has no filter.”

“No, she doesn’t. It was very refreshing. Her moral depth and aptitude far exceed her years.”

She nodded, smiling at the tree line. “She takes after her daddy.” She looked at him. “She tell you what happened?”

He stared at her, torn between protecting the child and respecting her mother. “She did.”

Another nod as she shoved her hand in the front pockets of oversized overalls. “I won’t ask more. Well, I got a long night ahead of me. Was nice meeting you.”

“Nitro tells me you work on clocks. I have an antique that needs repairs if you’re not too busy. I would bring it by but it’s rather large and I would prefer not transporting it. But I will happily pay whatever your charge to come and take a look at it.”

“Oh, uh, where are you located?”

“Approximately fifteen minutes north of I-10.”

“Sure, just need an address.” She pulled a phone from a pocket at her chest while his brain meticulously worked at the female puzzle before him, namely the logic of wearing what appeared to be an intimate article of clothing beneath the spacious manly garments where all eyes could see.

He found her staring at him and he gave the address, pulling his own phone from his pocket. “Rosavelt asked me to leave my number—”

“Oh, I heard. So she can do business.”

“Yes. Unless you prefer not, I understand.”

“No, it’s fine. Nitro trusts you, you can’t be too bad.”

“One can never be too careful,” he said, not liking how easily she trusted. “If I had malevolent intentions, he would never be the wiser.”

She paused, eyeing him. “Well, that put me right at ease.”

More puzzles. “Why should it?”

“I was being sarcastic, Mr. King.”

“And I was being practical. As a mother, you should never trust strangers.”

She gave a light laugh. “Are we doing business or am I hiring a private investigator to make sure you’re not Jack the Ripper before I do?”

“You have no need to hire a private investigator, but you should never trust anybody.”

“Except you.”

“Not even me, even though I know I would do all in my power to protect the innocent. Which is what I’m doing now. Knowledge is your first defense. Knowing that evil comes in all forms, genders, shapes and sizes and has no preference in its victims is a blade you must always clutch in your hand.”

“Okay wow,” she laughed, the melodious sound scattering his data collection. “Maybe I should hire you as a bodyguard when I make my delivery to Mexico.”

The mention of the unsafe region put all his muscles on high alert. “You would not need to hire me, I would assist for free. What business do you have in such a place?”

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