Page 100 of Shank

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“I’m not sure I can, Seer,” he said, adding the resonator lens to the Syphon Gate.

“I will help you,” he said, far too calm for the amount of power filling him. “Do it quickly.”

Syphon knelt next to her and put his hand on her chest, devouring the darkness like a black hole devours light. Five seconds in and the flow spiraled out of control. “Seer!” he strained, grabbing hold of his own wrist, fighting to remove his hand.

Seer latched on to him with a single word— “Enough!”

The dark vortex slammed into a dense wave of light, flinging Zodak across the room and into a wall.

He blinked several times, his sight fragmented by the jolt of his lenses.

“Let’s go,” Seer said with the girl cradled in his arms before him. “Pretty sure we just woke the dead.”

Zodak realized he was rejuvenated as he stood. “I’ll lead the way.”

“Right behind you Mon Kah-nah-lee-zah-tour— doo-pour-vwar.”


Before leaving New Orleans, Seer put a finger at his lips, indicating silence was required around the girl or the darkness within her. And by the time Zodak pulled into the underground parking at the Academy, she was fully awake, humming an eerie, calm tune while bound in the backseat.

Zodak put the car in park and got out, ready to not have her behind him even though she was bound hand and foot. He’d only removed the scab from a very deep, dark wound and he estimated a full week of careful syphoning to fully cleanse her.

“She’s awake,” Zodak barely said when Seer made his way to his side of the car.

Seer nodded. “Yes.”

“We need to transport her.”

“We do,” he agreed.

“And?” Zodak pushed quietly, not wanting to ask the obvioushowquestion out loud.

“I could walk,” she offered from inside the car.

Zodak glanced at the tinted back window then Seer.

“We could keep her hands bound,” he suggested. “Guide her so she can’t run.”

“I shouldn’t touch her,” Zodak said, sure he might accidentally syphon something from her.

“I’ll guideherandyouguide me to the room you mentioned for cleansing.”

“Yes,” he said, ready to have her in the cell secured and safe from him and him from her. They were opposites that attracted in a very volatile way. He could not take any risks.

Seer opened her door and pulled out his knife as the girl paid him no mind, those clear eyes aimed right at him. Even with all his gates firmly in place, the urge to look away burned his muscles. Her gaze finally moved from his, but the slow trek down his body became its own threat. The darkness in her was seeking an entry and there was only one reason it would do that. To overpower him and force him to its wicked will.

He watched as Seer cut her feet free and helped her stand.

“Lead, King,” Seer urged.

As he did, Syphon returned to the collision he’d had with Seer’s light, awe again washing over him. He’d never encountered anything like it and like a kid at a light show, he wanted to experience it again. But Seer wouldn’t be there when he syphoned her which meant he’d have to use the Voltorium. But even then, he needed somebody to spot him.

Jinxx. His faithful canine had prevented him from succumbing to darkness on many occasions. She would be his bodyguard.

At the cell, Syphon used his ocular lens to see the keys only he and the Kings had the codes to. It was one of the earlier cells they’d created for him during his training and transformation days.

He opened it and Seer led her in while Zodak waited at the door, preparing for a possible confrontation.

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