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‘Mum, it’s okay.’ Gina touched her mother’s arm.

‘I admire your strength, Gina. Doing what’s right for yourself. Youshouldgo forward and follow your dreams, there’s no point living someone else’s version of a life well lived. And, if that means no grandchildren for me, then so be it. Besides, I already have some. I’ve been blessed with abundant family, and now I’m blessed with a unique and ambitious daughter, who’s going to live a happy and successful life on her own terms.’

The tension in Gina’s jaw released as she welcomed her mother’s warm embrace, tears staining her red satin shirt, and for the first time in a long while, Gina felt completely and unconditionally loved.

‘Now, you toss the calamari in the flour, and I’ll get started on the baccalà.’ Marlina broke away from the embrace, wiping her cheek with the back of her hand. ‘Let’s whip up a feast to remember!’


Grandma Joy’s Words of Wisdom:

‘How you spend your minutes is how you spend your hours, how you spend your hours is how you spend your days. How you spend your days is how you spend your life. Spend wisely.’

‘Twas the night before Christmas in the Collins’ house. The children had hung their stockings, or more accurately, their jumbo-sized Santa sacks, over the couch with care, and Santa, er –Pete– soon would be there.

The kids were finally asleep after the excitement of Christmas Eve and the talk-show-worthy debate about what sort of food to leave for Santa and his reindeer. Jacob brought out a plate of cookies, but Lily suggested Santa might have allergies like Toby, and perhaps they should leave out some rice milk and rice crackers instead. Jacob shook his head at her suggestion, reasoning that Santa might think they wereyucky and not leave any presents in a sign of protest. Toby didn’t contribute to the discussion, simply moved his head side to side between Jacob and Lily as they discussed the pros and cons of each option, as though he was watching Wimbledon. The final ruling decided by Pete (who would, unbeknownst to the children, be the consumer of their fare), was to have a smorgasbord so Santa could choose his preference.

As Cara kept guard by the doorway to Toby’s room, Pete, complete with his Santa hat, tiptoed out of the bedroom with the first load of presents. Pausing to peer discreetly into Lily’s room (who wouldn’t sleep with the door fully closed), he then locked eyes with Cara and performed a couple of strange hand signals, like an FBI field agent, in effort to ascertain whether the coast was clear. Cara held back a laugh, and came up with her own hand signals while mouthing, ‘Go, now!’

Pete delivered the presents, then performed more hand signals to make sure it was safe to return to pick up the second load. He looked like a cross between someone on the Wall Street trading floor and Jack Bauer from the television show24. Cara had to cover her mouth to avoid an explosion of laughter as Pete/Santa/Jack scurried past quietly.

On his third and final delivery, after devouring a few samples from the smorgasbord, Pete tripped on a toy, waking up Bobo the dog in his kennel outside. Bobo barked and the door to Lily’s room opened further. Lily emerged, rubbing her eyes. Upon seeing his daughter, Pete’s eyes appeared to jump out of his head and he dove for cover behind the couch.

Cara quickly approached Lily, careful to act naturally, turning her away from the scene of the crime and ushering her back into her room.

‘I heard Bobo,’ Lily said, yawning. ‘Did you hear him too, is that why you’re up?’

‘Yes, but he’s fine, now you go back to sleep.’ Cara gently but firmly encouraged her into bed.

‘Mum, can I check if Santa’s been yet?’

‘No, the rules are we wait till morning, remember?’

‘Alright...’ Lily rolled over.

Cara waited outside Lily’s room until the sound of slow breathing signified her daughter was asleep again, then tiptoed to the living room. ‘Pssst! You can get up now!’ she whispered to Pete, before scampering back to her position.

Pete’s head appeared to float up from behind the couch, his eyes searching left and right to ensure his cover hadn’t been compromised. He shoved the presents haphazardly into the Santa Sacks and dashed back to the bedroom, Cara following and closing the door behind them.

‘Phew!’ He collapsed breathlessly onto his back on the bed, Cara falling next to him, giggling. Pete raised his hand, and they high-fived each other in celebration of another successful Christmas Eve mission. Pete winced and massaged his shoulder, and Cara pulled back his t-shirt revealing a bruise from his dive behind the couch.

Cara looked at her husband and made some hand signals.

‘What does that mean?’ he asked.

‘It means: I love you.’

‘So does this,’ Pete whispered, leaning closer and claiming her lips with his.

At 5 am,Jacob bounced onto Pete and Cara’s bed, just as Cara was in the middle of a dream in which she was beingrescued by Jack Bauer from psychos who’d infiltrated the Wall Street trading floor.‘I’ll get you out of here safely,’Jack had said,‘I give you my word!’When Jacob had pounced on her, she almost thought it was one of the psychos tackling her to the ground, and she shot up in defence with arms inKarate Kidposition.

‘Mummy, what’s wrong? It’s Kwismas morning!’

‘Oh, of course it is, Jakey. Sorry, honey, you surprised me!’ Cara shook the dream from her head.

‘Daddy, Daddy!’ Jacob shook his father’s shoulders. ‘You have to wake up too, remember, we have to open pwesents togevva.’

Pete growled, his breath smelling strangely of rice crackers, and after Jacob’s twentieth shake, he finally joined the land of the living.

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