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‘You’ll have to call it off, Mum. I’m sorry, but I’m not spending Christmas Day with him or his family. I’ll come to your place of course, but not if he’s there.’

‘Oh, Gina, why? Whynow?’

Gina pushed back the guilt that surfaced inside her chest, and inhaled deeply. She walked across the room, hoping the movement would help her get the words out. ‘Because he was an awful husband, Mum. Now, I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have to continue unpacking. I’ll speak to you about the arrangements for Christmas later on.’

Gina ended the call and picked up a painting, holding it up around the room. ‘Okay, where should I hang this picture?’

‘Gina, are you okay? That sounded pretty heated.’

‘I’m fine – can you pass me the picture hooks please?’

Naomi walked over and handed them to her, capturing Gina’s hand before she could pull away. Their eyes met. ‘Gina,’ she said softly.

At her friend’s gentle touch, so unlike Naomi, a well of built-up emotion overflowed inside and her chin quivered. ‘She’s my mother, and she doesn’t even listen to her own daughter!’ Gina blurted, collapsing into Naomi’s arms, tears dribbling down her cheeks. Naomi rubbed her back, andwhen she’d calmed down, Gina pulled away and jabbed at her phone.

‘You’re not calling her back, are you? Or him ... you’re not callinghim?’

‘No. I’m changing this damn boring ringtone.’


Grandma Joy’s Words of Wisdom:

‘Don’t try to do something, just do it. You either do it or you don’t.’

‘You off to lunch?’ asked Linda from behind the reception desk at Harbourside Towers.

‘Soon, but first I’m taking a little detour to the boss’s office.’ Miranda waved a piece of paper and grinned.

‘Your resignation?’

Miranda nodded.

‘Won’t be the same without you here.’ Linda pouted.

‘Don’t worry, I’ll still be walking through the golden doors every day, I’ll just be on level two instead.’

‘When do you start?’

‘First week of January, I’ll only have a day to recover from the New Year’s ball!’

‘You better go easy on the champers then.’ Linda winked.

‘I’ll try! See you after lunch.’ Miranda waltzed to the boss’s office, and within minutes had given her notice. December twenty-third would be her last shift, and thankfully not a night shift. Miranda’s interview at the hotel’s salon had gone swimmingly, and although she hadn’t expected to hear back for at least a week, Jill had called the next day offering her the job. She was now ‘Miranda Sheppard: full time beauty therapist at Harbourside Haven’.

She couldn’t have found a more glamorous place to work. Hopefully Mr Gellerman’s hairy back wouldn’t follow her there from City Beauty though. She was doing her last shift there this weekend, and could say her goodbyes then. Miranda felt bad leaving her brief position there after finally returning from having time off, only to tell them she’d got another job. As compensation she planned on bringing them a bunch of flowers, and would pass on the name of a friend from beauty college who was looking for extra work.

Miranda strode outside onto the busy street, ignoring the wink from David as she passed his desk. She’d still have to face him every day, but at least they wouldn’t be within sight of each other all the time, unless he decided to make use of his staff discount at the salon. She wouldn’t put it past him; those eyebrowsdidlook rather neat for a guy.

The summer heat bounced off the sidewalk and onto her face, and Miranda slid on her sunglasses. Her phone beeped with a text from Cara:

Book me in as yr first client in Jan, going mad here & need a facial or somethin! Off on my 7thXmas shopping trip in 2 wks! Btw: hope lunch goes well;)

Miranda texted a quick reply and continued walking. Poor Cara, she’d arrived late yet again to last night’s meeting, blaming it on crowds at Target. Apparently, she hadn’t hadtime to eat any dinner, which explained why the plate of shortbread biscuits disappeared so quickly when Liz set it down. It was a fun night, despite the dampener on everyone’s mood when Liz explained Gina’s absence and told of her miscarriage. Although she hadn’t become that close to Gina, Miranda liked her and hoped she’d find the happiness she deserved.

Pushing open the door of Skyline Café, and pushing her sunglasses on top of her head, Miranda saw him. He sat at a window table, running a hand through his wavy hair, his cute crooked smile acknowledging her entrance. After sharing a (non-pineapple) pizza with him at Byron Bay, Matt had asked for her phone number, and they agreed to meet up again the following week.

‘Nice to see you again,’ he said, as Miranda sat.

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