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‘It’s just, every time you come in here it seems like you’re under a lot of pressure, but now, you look all relaxed, like you’ve had two weeks on an island or something.’

Gina tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. ‘Let’s just say, I’ve had a bit of a ... life makeover.’

‘Well, whatever it is, it looks like it’s done you the world of good. Enjoy your lunch!’

‘Thanks.’ Gina smiled, and before walking out she dropped one of Grandma Joy’s ‘words of wisdom’ cards on a table near the entrance. It gave her a satisfied buzz inside and she vowed to leave more of them wherever she went.

Five minutes later she arrived at her new apartment after surviving a week in a tacky motel.

‘I’m just about done, Geens,’ Naomi said, looking up from a pile of timber on the floor.

‘Oh, Nae, you didn’t have to startputting the bed together. Here, let me help.’ Not long after, it was constructed, and they heaved a mattress on top of her new bed.Herbed, not her and Marvin’s, buthers. She could spread out and not have to put up with his snoring anymore. ‘C’mon, let’s have lunch before we do anything more.’ Gina opened the containers of sushi and a bottle of juice, and put away a few supplies in the fridge.Herfridge.

Naomi had suggested Gina stay with her and Ben for a while, but she needed the solitude. She searched for rental accommodation immediately, and was lucky to find a small apartment ready to move into. She paid an extra couple of week’s rent to fast track the process, and now she was setting up home by herself. It would do for the next twelve months, then she’d find something better for the long term once the divorce was final. There was no going back.

‘Thanks for all your help,’ Gina said.

‘Don’t mention it.’ Naomi waved a hand at Gina. ‘I’m happy to help.’

Gina couldn’t have asked for a better helping hand than Naomi’s. The woman could lift just about anything, and knew her way around a tool kit. Ben would have pitched in had he not been working today, but they didn’t really need him. ‘Still no ring, I see.’ Gina pointed to Naomi’s left hand.

‘Ah, I’m over it. If he wanted to marry me, he would have asked by now. We have a great relationship already, and I’ve given up trying to make it something more. If we’re happy, why rock the boat?’

‘So, you’re happy to leave things the way they are?’


‘Well then, here’s to happiness!’ Gina lifted her glass of juice and clinked it with Naomi’s.

‘To happiness! And to you finding a better man!’ Naomi took a sip.

‘Let’s stick with the happiness for now. The last thing I want right now is another man in my life,’ said Gina.

‘Fair enough.’

Gina’s phone rang, interrupting their makeshift celebration. Unlike other people who had fancy ringtones, Gina always opted for a normal ringing sound. ‘It’s Mum,’ Gina said as she looked at the caller ID, tension shortening her breath. ‘What should I do?’

‘You can’t avoid her forever, just answer it.’

Gina gulped. ‘Hi, Mum.’

‘Gina! Why haven’t you returned my calls? Oh, and a text message doesn’t count, you know. We need to talk. I’ve been worried about you!’ the voice of Marlina Giovanni exploded from the phone.

‘Sorry, Mum, but I told you in my text I was okay. I just didn’t want to talk about it.’

‘You didn’t even tell me you walked out on him! I had to find out when I dropped in to do some laundry for you, and there he was, sitting in silence in the middle of the living room floor, like a child! Oh, Gina, you should have seen him, he was devastated!’

‘Mum –’

‘Now, when are you going back? Have you seen the counsellor yet? Have you had a doctor’s check-up?’

‘Mum! I’m seeing the counsellorandthe doctor next week, but no, I’m not going back to him.’ She walked over to the window and watched the passing traffic below.

‘You can’t be serious! Where will you go? What willhe do on his own?’

Gina contemplated faking a bad phone connection, but would never lie to her mother. Ignore her sometimes, yes, but never lie. ‘Iamserious, I’ve just moved into another apartment, and ... he’s a big boy, I’m sure he’ll figure out how to look after himself.’

‘But ... what am I supposed to do about Christmas Eve, not to mention Christmas lunch? You, him, his parents, they’re all supposed to come!’

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