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‘Toby?’ Cara called. ‘Oh no, where’s he disappeared to? God, I get caught up in a great conversation for one minute and he decides to play Houdini. Toby?’ She walked off.

What could have broken?

‘Toby! You shouldn’t touch other people’s things. Ugh!’ Cara’s voice took a serious, scolding tone.

Oh dear.

Cara reappeared with Toby by her side, and something cradled in her hands. ‘Now, say you’re sorry, please.’

He looked up at his mum then at Miranda. ‘Sowwy.’

‘I’m so sorry, Miranda, I should have kept a better eye on him. If it’s something I can replace, I will.’

Miranda eased herself up and over to Cara. In Cara’s hands were broken pieces of glittery glass. Her butterfly statue. Miranda’s heart sunk.

‘Was it something sentimental? I’m so sorry.’

‘It’s okay, don’t worry. Just a decorative thing.’ She flicked her hand as if it was nothing, but her heart became fluttery. No need to make her feel bad for something that was an accident.

‘You sure?’ Cara asked. ‘I’ll have to make it up to you somehow.’

‘Seriously, it’s fine. Just pop it on the kitchen bench for now. Forget it even happened.’ She forced a smile.

Cara put the pieces on the bench. ‘It’s a clean break, I couldn’t see any shards in your room. Do you want me to get the vacuum cleaner out just in case?’

‘Nah, it’ll be right. My mum will probably attack the house with the vacuum cleaner soon anyway. But thanks.’

‘Well, I better get this little monster off to PlayLand before he causes any more destruction!’ She gathered Toby in her arms. ‘C’mon, let’s go.’ Cara leaned towards Miranda and pecked her cheek. ‘Do you want me to FaceTime you during the club meeting so you can take part?’

‘No, don’t worry. I think I’ll just focus on resting and come back good as new at the next one. Liz said she can do a phone session with me if needed.’

‘Oki doki. How about I pop in next Wednesday? I can fill you in on what went on at the meeting instead.’

‘It’s a date.’ Miranda gave a nod.

‘Hang on, I thought you were giving dates a miss for now?’

‘I’ll make an exception this time, just for you.’ She smiled.

Miranda slurpedher soup and eyed the broken statue on the bench. She waited for the tears to come. They didn’t. She thought she’d be a mess, with her father’s gift breaking like that. Maybe it hadn’t sunk in. Or maybe she’d used up all her tears at the hospital.

The slam of a car door sounded from outside.

‘Phew! Summer’s come early, I think.’ Sue Sheppard barged through the front door armed with bulging shopping bags, sweat beading on her forehead.

‘I’d offer to help, but...’ Miranda pointed to her side, flashing a cheeky smile.

‘You’re loving this, aren’t you? I’ve become your own personal maid!’ Sue said. ‘Hmm ... brings back memories.’ She winked, and wandered outside to retrieve the remaining bags.

‘Thanks, Mum, I really appreciate you helping me out,’ Miranda said as Sue re-entered, closing the door behind her.

‘That’s what mums are for.’ Sue swooped in and retrieved the empty soup bowl from under Miranda’s nose, replacing it with a small chocolate bar.

‘Oh, thanks Mum. I’m trying to be healthy, but ... I guess one little bar won’t hurt.’ She ripped open the wrapper and devoured it instantly. Didn’t chocolate have pain-relieving chemicals of some kind? Maybe she could have a little extra during her time off, it might help her recovery. She liked to think so anyway.

‘How many books have you gone through so far?’ Sue asked.

‘I’m onto my fifth. Secrets of Destiny.’

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