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‘Sounds like you’ve got a great mum.’

‘I do.’ Miranda gave a nod.

Cara poured boiling water into the tea cup with a green tea bag in it. ‘I’ve never had green tea before, do you put milk or sugar in it? I have no idea.’

‘No, no, just water, thanks.’ Miranda took the cup from Cara.

‘So, what happened to the guy you were supposed to go on a date with, the night of your accident?’ Cara sat in the armchair opposite Miranda and blew across the top of her coffee, steam wafting in front of her face.

‘He actually passed on a ‘get well soon’ card to me, which Trisha dropped round yesterday. He left his number and asked me to call him when I’ve recovered, if I want to get together again, minus the high heels.’

‘Oh, that was sweet. Are you going to call him?’

‘I don’t know, maybe. It’s just that, well ... I’ve beenreading this book...’ Miranda picked up a copy of ‘Secrets of Destiny’. ‘It says that you have to look for signs in life, to point you in the direction of your destiny.’ Miranda opened to a page in the book and jabbed it with her finger. ‘Apparently, coincidences don’t exist, and everything that happens to us is part of a bigger plan to lead us to where we’re supposed to be. The author says that when obstacles keep appearing, we may be on the wrong path, or, the obstacles are opportunities in disguise, leading us to something different.’ She put the book back on the coffee table. ‘Think about it... I’ve been trying so hard to find a man, and things keep going wrong. I think I’m supposed to step back a bit, and let the serendipity of life unfold, or so the book says.’

‘Sounds interesting.But,you have to make your own luck too. Liz keeps telling us to go out there and make things happen. Who knows, maybe this guy is worth seeing again? Or, remember I said that Pete has a friend we can set you up with?’

‘I appreciate the offer, but you know what? I’m happy to just let things be for now.’

‘Fair enough. Well, now’s a good time to focus on yourself, I guess.’ She sipped her coffee.

‘It is. Although I have to keep taking pain killers so I can breathe comfortably, it’s kinda nice just being at home; thinking, watching movies, and reading books. I don’t remember ever doing anything like this for more than a day before.’

‘I’m jealous, maybe I’ll have to break my ribs so I can get some time out for a while!’ Cara laughed.

‘I don’t recommend it. Ow!’ Miranda lifted her hand to her side, the laugh stinging her chest.

‘Oh, sorry! I forgot, no funny stuff,’ Cara said, as Toby brought his book over to her. Cara exchanged it foranother; a Winnie the Pooh book with musical buttons, and he happily plonked himself on the floor.

‘I hope I have one of those one day.’ Miranda took a sip of tea, and looked longingly at Toby.

‘You will.’ Cara placed a reassuring hand on Miranda’s arm, then yawned. ‘But let me offer some advice. Sleepnowwhile you can. As much as you can, as often as you can.’ Her voice took on a deadly serious tone, like she was warning her to get out of a haunted house before the monsters came. ‘I can’t see myself getting to sleep through the night for at least another decade.’

‘I will,’ she replied. ‘Oh, I almost forgot, I wanted to give you these.’ Miranda pulled some papers from her bag. ‘I was going to bring these invitations to the meeting next week, but since I’m not coming, could you pass them around for me?’ She handed them to Cara.

‘A New Year’s Eve ball at Harbourside Towers? Wow!’ Cara’s eyes lit up as she read over the invitation. ‘Sure, I’ll pass them around. I’ve never been to a ball before, I’d love to go!’ Cara jiggled in the armchair. ‘I’ll check with Pete, I don’t think he’s working New Year’s this time, and I’ll see if my parents can mind the kids. You know, we’ve never had a New Year’s Eve without the kids since we’ve been married?’

‘Oh, I hope you can come! You’ll love it, last year’s was awesome.’

‘Thanks, Miranda.’ Cara put the invitations into her bag. ‘You know, you’ve really become a great friend. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have had that gorgeous weekend away at your hotel, and I wouldn’t have realised how lucky I am to have my family, so thank you.’

Warmth moistened Miranda’s eyes. ‘Aww, you’re very welcome. I’m so glad we met too.’

Cara placed her mug on the side table and approached Miranda, wrapping her arms around her gently, careful not to hurt her ribs. ‘And ... if it wasn’t for you taking me out on the town, I wouldn’t have known there were people on this earth named after alcoholic beverages.’

‘Oh, Martini! What a night that was.’ Miranda smiled.

‘Is David still with her?’

‘I think so. She’s come into the hotel a few times. She gave me that glare again, the same one she had on her face in the ladies’ room that night, so I retreat to the staff room whenever I see her. This must be a record for David, I was sure he would have found his next victim by now.’

‘Maybe they’ll get married,’ Cara said, ‘and If they have kids, they’ll probably name them Brandy and Tequila.’

Miranda’s side hurt as she laughed, but she didn’t care. ‘And a dog called Scotch!’ she added.

Cara slapped her thigh with her hand, tipping her head back with laughter. ‘And a cat called Whiskey!’

A smash sounded from down the hallway. ‘What was that?’ Miranda craned her neck in the direction of the sound.

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