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The thought of ‘getting out there’ and approaching businesses was as daunting as explaining pelvic floors and the physiological mechanisms of Viagra to Lily. But, that’s what this group was about – getting out of that comfort zone in order to create a better life. Liz had told them, ‘In order to have the fruit you must climb the tree’.

I’d rather have chocolate than fruit.Cara smiled to herself.

Liz withdrew a small box from the shelves against the side wall and stood in front of the group. ‘I have an interesting assignment for you all to do over the next month or two.’ She handed out bundles of what looked like business cards, only they weren’t. ‘These are affirmation cards, or more accurately, ‘words of wisdom’ cards.’

Everyone received a bundle held together by an elastic band. The front of the gold-rimmed cards read, ‘Grandma Joy’s Words of Wisdom’, followed by one of her legendary sayings. On the back, it said:‘I hope these words bring you wisdom and inspiration. Although simple, these words are powerful. Listen and act on them. And when you wish, please pass this card onto someone else, or leave it for someone to find.’

‘As you go about your daily lives, leave a card here and there. The idea is that somehow, a person who is in need of that exact little piece of wisdom will find the card, and it will hopefully add a special touch to their day. And who knows, it might evenmaketheir day.’

‘What an awesome idea,’ Miranda said. ‘I’m going to leave some around the hotel. That is, as long as the cleaners don’t suck them up with the vacuum!’

Cara’s mind flitted through the various places she could leave some. There weren’t many options, unless she went out of her way, and she was sure leaving them in the different rooms around the house wouldn’t do much good. She could leave some at PlayLand Central, as long as they didn’t get trampled on by a stampede of kids. And the supermarket, maybe lodged between the packets of gluten free pasta for those poor parents like her that had to navigate the challenges of cooking for an extremely allergic child. Or what about at the pharmacy, tucked neatly beside the herbal anti-depressants?

‘Are the cards made from recycled materials?’ asked Shauna.

There goes Mother Nature – at it again.

Someone chuckled, but Cara wasn’t sure who.

Liz smiled. ‘I thought you might ask that, and I made sure to use a company who prints their cards on recycled materials.’

This satisfied Shauna, and she popped the cards into her bag.

‘I can give one to each of my clients – thehumankind that is,’ Molly suggested.

‘What a great idea.’ Liz’s eyes widened. ‘I’ll speak to you later about getting some more cards for you. It’d be a nice way to thank your clients for their business.’

‘And I guess I could leave one in each house we sell or rent,’ Rebecca said. ‘I could make it our realty’s signature, or calling card.’

Liz’s eyes became shiny. ‘You don’t know how much your enthusiasm means to me. Grandma Joy would be delighted at her words being spread around the city.’

Zoe inched forward and clasped her hands togetherunder her chin. ‘It might end up being a local mystery:Who Is Grandma Joy?Oooh! – I could write a story on it!’ She whipped out a notebook and scribbled frantically.

‘Really? Do you think that would be possible?’ asked Liz.

Zoe looked up from her notebook with a smile. ‘Possible? Haven’t you been telling us all year that anything is possible?’

Liz held out her hands and bowed her head. ‘It’s good to see my teachings are sinking in.’

‘I’ll talk to my boss. If I can do an initial human-interest story on the concept, we might be able to include a request for people who have found the cards to come forward and share their experience in an interview.’ Zoe’s eyes were wide as she scribbled some more in her notebook. ‘It would also be good publicity for you, Liz. After all, Grandma Joy is kind of thesoulof The Club.’

Liz held a hand to her heart. ‘She certainly is.’

‘Liz, did you end up making some expression-of-interest flyers for next year’s club?’ asked Rebecca.

‘Oh yes,’ Liz replied. ‘Thanks for the reminder. I was too excited about the wisdom cards!’ She opened her handbag and pulled out a wad of flyers. ‘More things for you to spread around, ladies.’ She divided them up and handed them out. ‘Though I’d prefer if you handed these ones out more strategically, instead of leaving them in random places.’ She smiled.

‘Looks great, I’ll get onto this tomorrow.’ Rebecca raised the flyers in the air then put them into her bag.

‘Also,’ Liz said in a drawn-out way that suggested she was about to share a secret. ‘I wanted to let you know we’ll be having a surprise special guest visiting one of the upcoming meetings.’ She rubbed her hands together.

‘Ooh, who?’ Miranda bounced on the spot.

‘You’ll have to wait and see!’

‘Oh, Liz, the suspense, the suspense!’ Wendy cried. ‘A celebrity, right?’

Liz nodded. ‘One of my regular clients.’

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