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Gina looked up at him, his arms still around her. ‘And we’ll discuss the possibility of me studying, if I haven’t become pregnant by the end of the year?’

‘Sure, we’ll discuss it. How about we let nature takes its course for a while, and see how things unfold?’

Gina swallowed the lump that had been building up in her throat. ‘Okay.’

Marvin released her and bent down to pick up the notebook, handing it to her. He eyed the shopping bags. ‘What’s on the menu tonight, honey?’


Grandma Joy’s Words of Wisdom:

‘Do something different every day. Keep living your life.’

‘Soup of the day, thanks.’ Miranda smiled at the waitress, who smiled back and took Trisha’s order for a beef burgundy pie. ‘You must be hungry. You’re not ... eating for two, are you?’

‘Oh, not yet I’m afraid.’ Trisha’s lips curved downwards as she glanced at the napkin entwined in her fingers. ‘But,’ she said. ‘They say it can sometimes take a while at first, so we’ll keep trying. Anyway, tell me how the interviews went.’

For the past month, Miranda had been busy finishing off the final requirements and practical placement of her course, and was now the proud owner of a Diploma of Beauty Therapy, which she’d put in a sparkly silver frame and hung on her living room wall. She didn’t waste any time securinginterviews, having attended five in the past week, two of which were this morning. The problem was, all the other new graduates were attending interviews as well, making for tough competition.

‘So far so good, except for the first one where I knocked over a bowl of hot wax and it landed on the salon owners head.’

‘You’re kidding?’ Trisha’s hands rose to her face, mouth hanging open.

‘Yeah, actually I am!’ Miranda laughed, and Trisha kicked her lightly under the table. ‘But seriously, I think they went well, although I was a bit nervous for the first few.’

‘Naturally. So, where are you off to after lunch?’ asked Trisha.

‘The gym.’

‘The gym?’

‘Yeah, their ‘City Beauty’ salon has an opening for a casual beauty therapist, mostly on Saturdays. I’d rather a permanent position with more hours, but I’ve gotta take what I can get first.’ She sipped on her water. ‘If I get the job, I’ll still have to work at the hotel, so I hope they can tailor my roster to fit.’

‘That shouldn’t be a problem. You’ve been a reliable employee. Anyway, who knows? You might get one of the full-time jobs, then you’ll be able to say goodbye to Harbourside Towers,andDavid Oaks, forever!’

‘Maybe. I don’t want to get my hopes up. I still enjoy working there, but now I’m qualified, I’m itching to whack on my uniform and – ’

‘Pour hot wax over people’s heads?’

‘Something like that!’ They laughed, leaning back from the table as meals were placed in front of them.

Miranda glanced to the right where a toddler in a high chair sat at a table with his grandparents – well, she presumed they were grandparents as they looked a tad old to be new parents. The little boy laughed as his grandfather played peek-a-boo behind the menu, and Miranda noticed they shared the same smile and the same angular forehead. She’d spent a lot of time looking at foreheads during facials and eyebrow waxes, so she was quite the expert. Something twinged inside her, as she wondered what her future baby would look like and if he or she would inherit any of her father’s features. She missed his wide smile. It would be so amazing to see it on the face of her own child. He’d also had these interesting dark eyes that sloped downwards slightly at the outer corners, making him appear sympathetic and calm, like he was always considering another’s feelings.

How I’d love to look into those eyes again...

‘You okay?’ Trisha asked.

Miranda looked back at her friend. ‘Yes, fine. I’m great.’ She smiled. ‘So, does Shane cook gourmet meals like that every night?’ She pointed to Trisha’s beef burgundy pie.

‘Not every night, often we just have leftovers from the restaurant. Apart from that, we eat fairly simple food,andI even help him cook.’

‘You’re lucky to have such a great man, Trisha.Andone that can cook.’ Miranda whipped out her notepad and wrote ‘must be a good cook’ as item number sixty-four on her list.

‘Aw, you’ll find someone that’s right for you, hun, and probably when you least expect it. You’ll be completely engrossed in something else, and bam! He’ll appear out of nowhere.’

‘I just hope when he appears he’s not wearing a hot-pink shirt.’ Miranda rolled her eyes.

‘Huh? You didn’t go out with another one of those internet dates, did you?’

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