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‘Here, if you could write your contact details.’ She handed Cara a piece of paper. ‘I’ll pass them onto Alice.’

Filled with excitement, Cara wrote her name, home phone number, mobile phone number, email address, and home ‘business’ address as neatly as possible, not wanting tomiss the opportunity to be contacted by the Queen of Arts herself.Wait, was it a mistake to write my home address? Oh well, too late. I’m sure she’s not a serial killer or anything.

‘Thanks, I’ll have her contact you to arrange a viewing.’ Benjamin’s mum placed the paper into her purse, and walked out hand in hand with her son. Cara resisted the urge to jump up and down.

‘The exhibition was a great success, honey.’ Pete kissed her cheek.

‘Thanks. I have a feeling this is only the beginning.’ She smiled and kissed him back.

‘Mum, not in public!’ Lily exclaimed through her scrunched up face.

That nightwhen the kids were tucked up in bed – for now – Pete slid under the covers and curled up behind Cara. ‘I’m proud of you,’ he whispered.

She rolled over and rested her head on his chest. ‘Honey, I’m sorry I didn’t consider your feelings before, about having another child.’

‘Hey, let’s not get into that now, we’ve had a busy night and should get some sleep before you-know-who decides it’s time for a midnight party.’

‘I just don’t want it to cause a rift between us.’

Pete propped himself up on his elbows. ‘Nothing could ever come between us, you know that.’

Cara sat up. ‘But what if, well, you know ... we can’t agree on the issue?’

Pete looked to the ceiling and appeared to think for amoment, then looked his wife in the eye. ‘You were in your element tonight, and it made me realise how much you’ve cast aside to be a mother. I can see what you meant before; you need to do something for yourself for a change. I get that now.’

Cara smiled. ‘Thanks for understanding.’ She caressed his face with her hand, and he kissed her thumb as it trailed past his lips. ‘So, does this mean you’ve had second thoughts about wanting another child?’ It was risky, but she had to ask.

Pete drew in a deep breath. ‘I’ve realised it’s not right for you right now.’

In other words, he still wanted one.

‘Look, why don’t we revisit the topic at the end of this year, huh? I want you to enjoy making progress with your art and do whatever you feel you need to in order to be happy. We’ve forked out for this club you’re a part of, and I want you to make the most of it.’ The moonlight sneaking through the side of the curtains caught the edge of his mouth as he offered a smile.



‘And what if at the end of the year we still disagree?’ Cara asked.

‘Then we disagree. Married couples can’t agree on everything, and we’d just have to accept the reality of the situation as best we can and move forward.’ He lay back down and drew her onto his chest.

Cara hoped it would be as easy as he made it sound, because right now, she couldn’t imagine changing her mind at all.

‘Welcome to Harbourside Towers,how can I help you?’ The young woman at reception flashed a glossy smile. Cara hoped she’d catch Miranda before her shift ended, but with the fuss the kids kicked up about Mummy Leaving, plus the time taken to clean paint from the carpet, she couldn’t get out the door till after five o’clock.

‘Hi, um, I just want to check in.’ Cara raised her heels off the floor for a moment. She’d never done this before. She’d only ever stayed in motels with the whole family, and Pete always handled the arrangements.

‘Sure, can I have your name please?’

‘Cara Collins.’

‘Oh yes, you’re Miranda’s friend. Now, I’ll just get you to fill out your details and sign here.’ She slid a form across and showed her pearly whites again.

Cara’s shoulders hunched as she leaned her forearms on the tall counter and filled out the form, aware of a strange sensation ... she felt about five kilograms lighter! With only a small overnight bag on her shoulder, she was practically naked without her entourage of bags, toys, and kids attached to her ankle or hip. It was like missing a limb, and she automatically checked to see if her left leg was still attached.

‘Here’s your room key, Mrs Collins. You’re in 614. Take the lift to level six, and your room is number fourteen. Enjoy your stay!’

‘Thanks!’Room key? This looks like a credit card.She entered the lift when it opened with a high-pitchedping, and a woman in a sharp black suit got in at the next level, her pointy black shoes looking like they could cause serious injury.

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