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The society could’ve very easily ruined our lives far beyond what it seems we’ve endured. I know the guys are pretty roughed up, but everything coming from the society seems strategic, which leaves me with so many more questions than when we first arrived here.

Why are they letting us escape? My room was open… theirs is clear and open… no one is interfering with me breaking them loose. They want us to leave and I can’t help but fall into their trap, if it is one.

We’re getting the hell out of here and whatever comes our way, we will face together. I can handle anything as long as I have them both in my life. With those thoughts, we take the first step together. I have them lean on me as they take each sluggish step, my heart racing in my chest. There’s no way of knowing if we’re going to run out of time. For all we know, there could be someone waiting around the next corner or up the flight upstairs it takes us painstakingly long to climb. I can only rush Beau and Kingston so much, but thankfully the more movement they have, the more they seem to regain control of their limbs.

“You got this, guys. We have to try to move faster. Please. We’re going to my grandfather’s house… He’ll know what to do,” I plead on a whisper, hoping they can hear the seriousness in my words. If someone charges at us, I’ll fight like my life depends on it to protect them, but let’s face it… I’m tiny compared to most ofthe men around campus and if they’re built anything like these two, then I wouldn’t have a chance. I’d still die trying, because fuck the society for thinking I’ll lie down and take it like a weak bitch.

Kingston groans, his steps faltering as we head up the last of the stairs. “You guys get out of here. I’ll stay back so they come for me instead,” he chokes out, clutching his ribs.

Beau growls from beside me. “Don’t fucking think so. No one is getting left behind. Suck it up King, we can do this.”

“I need you both,” I shakily respond, sweat peppering my brow as I use a bit more energy to get him moving again. “Remember we’re all fucking, I promised. Think of your dick and getting to a clean bed.” I try shifting his mind away from playing the damn martyr once more. I’m with Beau on this one; we’re all clawing our way out of here together. We’re not allowing the society to win, not after all we’ve endured together. “I love you, both of you.”

My words seem to do the final trick as we make it to the top of the stairs and they’re suddenly moving much faster. My hopes climb, even though I know to be weary.

We’re close, but we’re not home, yet.

Chapter 9


“Come on, we’re almost there. We have to make it through that door.” Iris huffs, her body squished between our larger frames as she attempts to help us out of the building. We’re still fucked from the drugs; whoever is responsible obviously gave me and Beau a much stronger dose on top of whatever the fuck the sex drug was. I can see a bit more clearly now and can walk, but it’s sloppy at best.

“There are fuckers still inside, I know they have to be here somewhere,” Beau grumbles, his face twisted in anger. He wants revenge. He’s livid and so am I.

The Brotherhood has some real fucking nerve to pull the shit they have with us. If I were a betting man, I’d hedge no other pledge has gone through what we have just for the initiation process, but then to further test us, attempting to pit us against each other… they’ve got another thing coming if they think I’ll be fucked with this and roll over to take it. An old grill catches my attention, halting my steps. “Go get in the old truck, Iris,” I order. “I’m too fucked up to look for keys to swipe, so we better pray the hunk of shit runs.” It’s parked next to two white vans so I’m betting it does.

“You’re not driving like this,” Beau growls, shooting me a stern glance to drill his words home. He knows me too well.

Shaking my head, I say, “Nah. If it’s automatic, yank the wires like I showed you to get it started. Iris can drive. If it’s standard, then you’ll have to get ready to pop the clutch for us.”

“I can do it,” Iris interrupts. “Believe it or not, I’m not useless.”

“You know how to drive standard?” I ask and she shakes her head, frowning.

I sigh and say, “Didn’t fucking think so, sweetheart. So, hop in the goddamn truck to drive. If Beau has to get it started, then I’m going to need your ass to help me push the bitch.” She releases me, helping Beau walk to the truck while flipping me off. She still manages to be spicy after enduring her own sort of hell and it only makes me respect her more for her resilience.

“The fuck are you doing, King?” he whisper yells, glancing around to make sure no one’s coming.

“They have to know they can never tear us apart.”


“Never,” I state and move the lid of the grill.Bingo. I grab the lighter fluid and long lighter from inside. There’s still charcoal in the fucker, telling me someone might not be here often, but this place doesn’t stay empty.

Beau slashes his hand through his hair and gives me a challenging look. Like for a half a second he thinks better of us torching this place to the ground before he comes to his senses. “Fuck yeah. Let’s do it.” He gives me that mischievous smirk of his and just like that the two of us are back… but this time with a vengeance. He watches me as I strategically spread the fluid all over anything that will help ignite it.

“Hurry up, we have to get Iris the fuck out of here.” Beau leaves me to my first token of revenge against the society while he works to get the truck started. They had to know I wasn’tgoing to sit back and let this shit slide. Brotherhood or not, they can only push me so far.

I’m busy spraying lighter fluid all over the wooden front porch and the area around it when I notice a gas can next to a generator. It’s under a small wooden structure but nothing’s locked up. A deranged chuckle spills free as I mumble to myself, “Oh, this is fucking perfect.” Taking the gas can, I spill gas along the side of the house and the front, then wearing a wide smile, I flick the lighter on and watch the flames leap to life.

Still a little wobbly, I head for the truck. It’s rumbling, as Iris sits in the driver’s seat, both her and Beau watching me out the back window. He opens the door, hopping out and catching himself with the door. “You’re sitting bitch. Can’t believe you’re torching shit while being half out of it.” His laughter only encourages the crazy running through my veins.

With a shrug, I climb in, sliding over. My body vibrates with a mixture of furious energy and adrenaline for setting the place on fire.

“Fuck them.” Beau slams the door shut and starts rummaging through a duffel bag as Iris gives the truck some gas.

“Exactly. Fuck them for thinking they could force me to kill one of you and then they make me think I’ve lost one of you… TheleastI could do is level this fucking place. They knew who they were getting when they sent me that invite.”

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