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I refuse to end up being a miserable, lonely motherfucker.

I've pretty much been casing the area around campus, searching for any signs of her, but she seems to have vanished into thin air. I've been pushing my body to the limits, running around, and staying awake to watch my cameras and phone locator. The worst part of all, is I can’t remember shit from the last time I saw her. It’s like I was drugged and part of me believes I was, but the details are still too hazy for me to recall anythingclearly. I think Beau was there, but even then, I’m not completely sure.

I've checked with her professors to see if she’s missed any class, but all of them have told me she hasn't been to a single one. What the fuck is going on with her? She’s going to tank her damn grades and she hasn’t been here long enough to screw up so royally already.

Today, I'm back to square one, no leads or signs that she’s been near the campus. I have no choice but to call home and try to figure out what to do. Grabbing my cell, I pull up a man who’s been on my father's payroll for half my life, who can find anything and anyone."Robert, I have a job for you. I need to find someone, and it has to be immediately. I don't care what you have to do, just get her back to me."

"Kingston,” he greets, then sighs and I know he’s going to tell me something I don’t want to hear. “You're in initiation, I can’t help you during this period."

"Fuck," I curse, curling my fist in irritation. He's a member. Of course he is, I shouldn't expect anything less than my father's most trusted associates being in the Brotherhood alongside him. Pulling the phone from my ear, I hit end, hanging up on him. If Robert won’t help me, then I have no further use for him.

I'm on my own.

Beau hasn't been around or answering his cell either. I tried tapping into his location, but his phone must be off as well. Something prickles along the back of my neck... it’s the little demon again, this time around telling me the two of them are somewhere together.

He wouldn't betray me, we'recloser than most families. Practically best friends since birth, we know everything about one another, right down to our dirty little secrets. The Brotherhood will only bring us closer to one another, not push us apart, so I have to stomp down my paranoia and the jealousyattempting to rear its ugly head. The only reason I can think that he wouldn't answer his phone would be because he's in some sort of trouble and that thought sure as fuck doesn’t sit well with me either.

I pace the bedroom floor like a madman about to lose his mind, a caged animal ready to attack the first idiot stupid enough to step in my way. I’m left with nothing but time and my thoughts, and news flash, they aren’t fucking peachy thoughts. I’m going to drive myself crazy. I can’t eat, I’m far too wound up with worry and anxiety gorging away at my insides. I can’t lose Iris again; I need her in my life. She’s the one for me; I know there’s no other, she’s the sole reason for my damn existence.

It's almost time to pick our chosen too, and mine’s nowhere to be found. The text I’d received said fourteen days and guess what? Tick-tock, motherfucker, time’s running out.

This can’t be happening. It fucking can’t!

Of course I’m going to pick Iris when it comes to my chosen— there’s no one else in Bentley University, hell, in the States that I’d want over her. I’m to the point I have no fucks to give whether the society is okay with her or not. She’s mine, but not knowing where she could be is wigging me the fuck out.

At the moment I’m so fucking pissed, I could scream. I don’t even care if anyone hears me. Hell, I think I’ll make sure someone hears me, so they come bother me and I have a reason to beat the fuck out of them. Opening the door to my closet, I head inside the walk-in area and scream at the top of my lungs as loud as I can, venting every bit of frustration I’m feeling.

“This is fucking bullshit! Bullshit!”

My scream is met with silence. No one answers.

“Where isshe?!”

Still nothing.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”


My heart pounds frantically from the brief adrenaline spike, and another idea hits me out of the blue. With a huff, I quickly slip on my shoes, then grab my keys. I don’t know what I’ll find, so I may end up needing them. Leaving my room, I silently make my way through the hallway and use the back staircase to creep out of the mansion undetected. The least number of witnesses for what I’m about to do, the better.

I scale along the edge of the back yard and use my key to leave our property and enter the sorority’s. It’s quiet, dark, and chilly. The girls are either out or asleep already. It’s the smart thing to do considering most of us have exams this week. I have the door’s keypad and alarm system codes memorized.

Each girl here has a specific set of numbers to their name, and I possess the president of the sorority’s alarm numbers. I figure if I’m ever coming and going no one will question it if they’re hers. She made it too easy for me, being too sloppy drunk at the time to realize I’d watched her and written them down on the inside of my hand that night. The doorknob code came courtesy of the sorority’s cleaning crew. It only took a few hundred-dollar bills for the right person to watch the girls enter the code so many times to let them in, and then pass the numbers along my way.

The house is dark, only the light from the screen on the fridge lighting up the space as I enter through the back door. The rest of the house has random night-lights built into the bottom of the plug-ins, so I follow those along as I head for the stairs. I already know where I’m going though, having been in this house several times over the last year.

Once I hit the top of the stairs, I head straight for the end of the hall. It’s the largest room in the house and belongs to the one person who may have something to do with Iris’ disappearance. Entering her room, I take everything in. I've seen it before, so nothing new.

McKayla’s asleep, just as I'd hoped. Silently crawling into the bed beside her, one hand covers her mouth, while the other wraps tightly around her throat. My body slithers over hers like a deadly snake as I sit up, straddling her anorexic form, making sure she's immobilized.

Her eyes shoot open, a scream flying from her mouth, but it doesn't make it past my hand. She's flipping the fuck out and I won't deny it makes me a bit hard watching the scene play out. I'm not here for McKayla though, only Iris.

With a threatening growl I lean close to her face, watching as her gaze adjusts and flares in recognition. My lips tip into a threatening grin. "I'll remove my hand now." It's a warning, she better shut the fuck up with the screaming nonsense and tell me what I need to know.If I wanted her dead she wouldn’t be breathing right now, so she’s lucky I’m giving her an opportunity to speak.

"Kingston Banks," she breathes my name like a prayer, but it's a curse for some. Her eyes light with desire, but this bitch will never have my cock again.

"Mm.” I lick my lips, leaning in close enough she can feel my breath across her too plump, dicksucking mouth. McKayla’s all tits, lips, and fake ass. The rest of her may as well be a fucking ghost. “Tell me, where is Iris Kensington?"

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