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“That’s it. We have to shack up together for a few days then life goes back to normal.”

“Well… it’ll never be normal now that I’ve drugged King and kidnapped his girlfriend.” I admit, my skin growing warm from confessing it aloud.

“Youwhat?” she hollers from across the barn.

“I had to get you out of his room without a distraction. It was either drug him or you to make it happen. I chose him.” I shrug with my answer, confident I made the right decision, but she doesn’t seem to think it’s a minor deal like I do.

“Jesus, Beau. How fucked up are you? He’s your best friend.”

“And you are my entire world, Kens. He’d do the same and I’d expect no less.” She takes a deep breath and holds her stomach.

“Is he okay now?” Worry stretches across her face.

“I have no idea.”

“We need to call him.” I stop her before she passes me in a rush.

“We can’t call him. It’s for his own safety. I threw your phone out the window on the drive over and mine is off until we absolutely need it.”

“What? This keeps getting better and better, Beau.”

“I couldn’t have him tracking us down. My job is to remove his distraction. You were that distraction. Now the rest is up to him. He’s probably on some mission they’ve put him on and once it’s over, we’ll most likely get sent back.”

“Is this the first time you’ve been to this place?”

I shake my head, dreading the next words to come out of her mouth.

“What did you do the last time you were here?”

I choose not to answer her, and she exhales, knowing it’s not good.

“Okay. It seems like I have to trust you’d never put me in danger, and I’ll have to learn to go with the flow of chilling here until we get word to leave. How will they contact you?”

“They’ve been texting. I have to open my phone every few hours if we don’t get any other information in the meantime.”

“I guess we have nothing left but for you to show me around.”

We spend the next hour opening every door and cabinet to the cabin and I burn all the contents to memory. I don’t know what I’m trying to prepare for… so, I consider everything a potential need.

The kitchen is fully stocked, which is good because she starts pulling out boxes of cereal, immediately digging inside to pick out the marshmallows. That’s something I remember her doing back in the day, so she has me pausing to watch.

“Are you hungry?”

“I’m starving.” She pops a few pieces of cereal into her mouth and keeps talking. “Maybe once we’re done looking at all the rooms in this place, we can cook something. It’s been a whilesince we’ve made a meal together.” It’s been years, to be exact. How can something so simple sound like so much fun?

We explore the bedrooms, and she freezes mid-step, noticing the duffle bag I left here a week ago. “Shhh. Someone else is here,” she whispers, slowly backing out of the room.

“Nah,” I reply, loudly, making her jump a little. “It’s mine. I left it here over a week ago.”

“Did you think to pack some clothes for me?”

“No. I had no idea I’d be bringing you here.”

“Guess I’ll be wearing your t-shirts and underwear. Hopefully you can handle sharing.”

“I’ll manage.”

We spend the rest of the day playing house in this cabin, showcasing what life could be like if we had a normal one. I catch her frowning here and there and want to ask her what’s on her mind… but I already know the answer. She’s worried about King. If I hadn’t spent my entire life getting fucked up and then handling school or business alongside him like a pro, I’d be concerned.

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