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“There’s a tear in my beer and I’m cryin’ for you dear…” screeches through the room and I shake my head, knowing I did this to myself. He bangs on the wall for good measure; it’s something we’ve done from the first day we arrived, and I can’t help but wonder how in the fuck Iris can sleep through the noise.

I step back into the hallway to regroup. After a beat, I begin to form a plan to get her out of here quickly and short of drugging King… I can’t see it happening. At least not fast. The text said to use the keynow,so in my mind it means they want it to happen right fucking now, without delay.

Once I hear his voice grow louder, I act on a whim and start pulling shit out of my ass.

He answers after I double tap his door. “Hey. What’s up?”

“Want breakfast before you leave?”

“I’ll take the breakfast but I’m not going anywhere today.” He opens the door a little wider to show me his bed. “I’ve decided to spend all fucking day right in this room.”

“Alright. Pancakes good?”

“I’ll be down in a few. Unless you want me in the kitchen like this.” He drops his towel, even though he knows he doesn’t shock me with his behavior.

“See you in a few.” I turn and leave him standing with his dick out, knowing he needs to get his ass dressed because if his plan is to stay here all day and my order is to remove Iris from the house… he’s getting ready to take a little nap. I’d rather not leave him naked in the process.

Guilt churns in my gut as I’m making him breakfast knowing what I’m about to do. I guess if they’re going to include Iris in these little fucked up games, it’s best if I’m the one they’remaking do it. Unless they’re going to attempt to force me to hurt her. If they do, they’ll have hell to pay because I won’t ever go that route with her. And if I didn’t know that King would be just fine taking the one pill, then I’d never do it. He’ll be mad as fuck… but he’ll be fine once it wears off. Nothing will happen to him while I’m gone, no one would be stupid enough to fuck with him in any way. They’d have both of us to deal with if it’s the case.

I’m thankful I packed the extra bag of items; they may come in handy if we have to go on the run. I’ve got cash, extra guns, a couple of burner phones and some protein just in case we have to hide away in the mountains. The rest of it I can handle without more supplies. I can make a shelter if it comes down to it, but I really hope it doesn’t.

I make King’s orange juice first, dropping the pill in his drink so it has plenty of time to dissolve. The pancakes are almost done when he rounds the corner. “Smells so good.” He grabs a pancake and takes a bite out of it, allowing it to hang from his teeth while he fills his plate with more. I toss a couple on my plate and hand him the glass of juice made special for him.

We eat together for the first time in weeks and even though he starts to slow his movements toward the end, it was nice to sit down and be normal for a few minutes. Being apart so much, dealing with the society and having the tension because of Iris has made me realize I miss my best friend.

“You goin’ back upstairs?” I’m hoping my question will encourage him to head back up to his room. I’d hate to have to carry his ass all the way up the stairs to make sure he’s safe and not passing out somewhere random. I do have a little bit of conscience, at least when it comes to people I care about.

He slowly shuffles up the stairs and I follow behind him. I carefully guide him into my room for now to make it easier whenI wake up Iris. Once he’s passed out on my bed, I make my move and use the new key card they gave me.

She’s still asleep and as much as I’d like to crawl into bed with her… I refrain from it, staying focused on my mission. “Kens.” I place my hand on her shoulder and begin shaking her awake. “Kens, wake up. I want to go for a ride. Come with me.” She stretches her arms wide and yawns before she slides her legs to the side of the bed. She’s naked and trying to cover herself with a sheet as she moves.

“Babe. Seen it. Licked it. Kissed it. Been inside it. Just hurry and get dressed. We need to be quick.”

“But where’s King?”

“He went to class,” I lie. Oh well, just one more thing to have to answer for later.

She’s moving slowly, so I start tossing her clothes toward her. “Why does it seem like we’re running from something?”

“We’re not. I just don’t want to be late.”

“Where are you taking me?” I stop everything and turn to face her. She meets my gaze, and for a few seconds we pause to look at each other.

“Do you trust me?” I quietly ask, needing this from her.

“Yes.” Maybe she shouldn’t, but I’m glad she said yes. Because it’s in this moment that I know I’d die for this girl. I’ll do anything to protect her… even if she’s chosen to be with King.

My heart races from the uncertainty of not knowing what we’re in store for but one thing I’m certain of is we need to move. “Then let’s go.”

We stride quickly through the house, Iris nearly jogging to keep up with my pace and luck is on my side because we don’t see a single soul on the way out the door. Privacy is rare for this big house, but I’ll damn sure take it.

We’re a few miles down the road when she turns to me, asking another question.

“How far is it?”

“About two hours out.”

She nods and leans her seat back. “I’m going to take a nap.”

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