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It’s been ten days since the society sent me on my first order and the suspense of when the rest of it will come is driving me crazy. I still wear my chain everywhere, but unless I’m oblivious to the signs they’re giving me, they haven’t sent the information my way.

I’ve completely immersed myself in my classes for the past week and I’ve purposely avoided King and Iris. There’s no doubt they’re now fucking. I know the sounds coming out of King’s room every night and to say it’s ripped me apart doesn’t touch the surface of the real torture I’m going through.

I remember when we thought having rooms side by side would be awesome. Well… it’s not fucking awesome now that I want to stab my ears out a couple of times a day.

Fuck my life.

I’ve resorted to wearing earbuds in hopes of drowning out his grunting and her screams this go around but I think my best fucking friend is doing his best to make sure I hear every single time he drives her up his bedroom wall.

“You have a fucking bed, dickhead!” I yell as I step out of my own bed, irritated and jealous as fuck. The only things that’ll get me through this one is my own hand and a hot shower.

I hit the power button on the stereo and send the volume up until I can’t hear them anymore; it’s a plus that this station will drive him insane. “80’s Best Country should do the trick.” All of my towels are dirty, so I grab the one that’s draped over my closet door and take a long shower in attempt to relax some of this pent-up tension.

Just as the crying-in-my-beer music is probably fucking with King’s ability to take it all the way… it’s also preventing me from getting the job done on myself. When the water turns cold, I stop stroking myself and with absolute frustration running through my veins, I get out knowing today is going to be a tense one.

I’ve just about got my jeans on when my phone vibrates.


You will use the other key now. You’ve been ordered to remove a distraction from the house and a prospective member. The key will only work on one door. Find the door. Remove the distraction and use the other key to stow it away until further notice. Make sure you’re not seen or heard when leaving the house.

Okay, I have to take whatever this distraction is to the cabin because that’s where the first key worked.

I rush around the room and pull on a t-shirt while stepping into my boots. The ‘emergency’ bag I created sits at the back of my closet, and I make damn sure I grab it. They had me leave a week’s worth of clothes at the cabin, so I’ve been planning to be gone for an extended amount of time this trip. But truth be known, I have no idea what I’m getting myself in to.

Lifting the key from under my shirt, I take another look at the shiny metal. I’ve already checked most of the doors in this house and damn near all of them are opened with a key card. Itwas discouraging as hell to realize I couldn’t gain a single fucking clue to what the society has planned for me.

With my duffle bag on my shoulder and my truck keys in my hand, I turn for the door and catch a glimpse of something that wasn’t there before.

A wooden box sits on the floor by my dresser and when I see the lock on it, I already know this is where the key will go.

Dropping everything to the floor, I open it quickly. There’s a key card and a single pill inside. Dread washes over me when I recognize what kind of pill they’ve left for me. It can only mean one thing….

Fuck. I’m going to be putting someone to sleep.

I decide to take all of my shit to the truck and park it closer since I’m supposed to be discreet with whatever it is I’m taking out of here. The house seems empty from what I could tell on my trip outside, which should make this task easier.

“Anyone here?” I yell out just for good measure, because I don’t need any surprises when I’m hauling shit out of here. When the house remains silent, I start testing the doors.

I check the pantry, utility room, all of the downstairs bathrooms and bedrooms with no luck. It’s not until I reach the second to last door that I plan to try when the door unlocks.

King’s room.

“Fuck,” I whisper under my breath as I push the door open and find a sleeping Iris on the bed.

Surely, the Brotherhood doesn’t expect me to kidnap her. They can’t possibly think I’d steal my best friend’s girl and then keep her hidden till they decide the latest mind fuck is over.

I take out my phone and read the text once again.Distraction.

Well… she fits that fucking category.

But why the pill? Do they not think I can get her in my truck without forcing her into it?

His god-awful singing echoes through the room before realization hits me.The pill is for King.

“Motherfucker,” I huff. They can’t be serious right now. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

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