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“Always testing,” he whispers, mirroring my thoughts from earlier. “Prepare yourself to get… messy.” Too fucking late, my friend. I know him well enough to have an idea of what he went through tonight, especially with the blood involved.

My jaw flexes and I nod. “Noted. I’ll handle it. You really okay?” I can see his mind spinning out of control and I wish like fuck we could disappear and talk for about twenty-four hours. Maybe that would be enough time for us to catch up on what’s happened the past week.

“How’s Iris? Anyone bother her?” He’s already so attached to her, and she’s barely been back in our lives. Not that I can blame him, she has me twisted up in knots as well. I’m not telling him about it tonight; he’s already dealt with his fair share of shit.

“She’s fine. You know I’d never let anything happen to her.”

“I do. It’s why I asked you to keep an eye on her. I trust you with my life, always.”

“She’s stronger than you give her credit for.” She’s certainly much stronger than she ever was before. He shrugs, and shuts off the water, drying his hands on my hand towel. “We don’t know if she’s ready to handle everything we’re signing up for. Sure, the sorority has their routine hazing bullshit, but what else do we really know about it?” We don’t know anything about their side of things. Hell, for all I know they’re all connected and we’re just the many little pieces to their big fucking game.

“Good question. The sorority never mattered much before, but now we should find out whatever details we can. We need to know what to expect and if Iris can get hurt.” I’m guessing we’re a bit too late, considering we’re ass deep in initiation. That’s a conversation we need to have later.

“Exactly; I’m not going to allow something to happen to her when we just got her back in our lives. She means too much.”

“Agreed.” I whole-heartedly agree and it kills me not to tell him everything this very second, but it’s not the time or the place. Someday soon it’ll come out, but we have to make sure it’s safe first.

He sighs, exhaustion overtaking his features. It must’ve been a rough night for him, one I wish we didn’t have to wait to discuss. “I’m beat. I need to try to get some sleep so I can be back on my game tomorrow. Classes are full speed ahead, and I haven’t paid half as much attention as I need to. My father will shit himself if my grades are anything less than perfect. You know how he gets.” Both of our fathers would have our asses.

“I’m here if you need anything.”

“Thanks, man, I appreciate it.”

“You know I always have your back.” I say that with absolute certainty. I’ll always have King’s back. That’s why I’ve stepped away from Iris, and why I need to do a better job of distancing myself from her.

“Fuck, yeah, and I’ll always have yours.” His hand meets my shoulder. He squeezes it affectionately, his lips tipping up into his signature grin.

I nod. “See you tomorrow.”

“I’ll be the grouchy fucker dressed better than everyone else.”

I roll my eyes, shaking my head as I shut the door in his face. I can hear him laugh through the door, used to me being a bit of a dick when I’m tired.


I hate you, Beau Beaumont.The words taste like poison, but I have to keep repeating them. It’s his fault I’m like this. He keeps pushing me away and the only bit of reprieve I have to keep my head held high is to hate him for it in return.

My mind flips back and forth between my old best friends. I’ve always loved King, but it wasn’t a feeling that progressed until recently. It’s hard to not fall for his intensity. I can tell he will love with his entire being and would never push me away just to pull me back in for a mind-fuck.

But I’ve burned hot for Beau from the moment I hit puberty. He was my first love and every single one of my thoughts and dreams since. I’m not sure why he’s being mean to me, but I can’t sit by and let it happen any longer.

He thinks I’m different between them… that I’m practically two different people, but can you blame me? They’re two completely different men. With Kingston I have to almost handle him with kid gloves, be the sweet, soft part of me that he simply adores. He’s good to me, but I can see the thread of crazy inside him ready to snap. He’d never hurt me, I know as much without a doubt, but he wouldn’t hesitate to slaughter anyone else around me.

With Beau, it’s different. I can push his buttons and give him attitude. He enjoys my anger, feeds off of it. I’ve caught him more than once getting hard when I cop an attitude with him and once I discovered that little nugget of information, I banked on it. I push him every chance I get, because if he’s not going to be with me like I want, then he’s damn sure going to be thinking of me all the time. I’ll make sure of it.

I make it to my room in a drunken haze. I’m not as tore up as I played to be. Was I drunk when I saw Beau? Yes, without a doubt. However, being around him and getting fired up helped eat a bit of the alcohol’s effects away. I wasn’t going to tell him as much though. I could tell he didn’t enjoy seeing me out ofcontrol and the fact he attempted to take care of me made me want to eat up every moment I could get of it. Sad really, to crave his attention so badly I’ll reduce myself to spewing hate at him to get a reaction.

Whatever. Love will make you do dumb things, I’m finding out.

There’s a knock on the door, then Mallory shouts, “Your pizza’s here! You forgot to ask for cauliflower crust, none of us can eat any of it.”

No shit, that’s why I ordered the thickest crust I could find.I like my sorority sisters for the most part, but this bullshit preconceived notion we’re supposed to share everything is not working for me. I like my own stuff, just like I enjoy not sharing my men with any of these campus hoes. I think that’s what bothers me the most about them, knowing King and Beau have fucked most of them. Possibly even together and the thought of it makes me scream inside. I can’t go there. None of these bitches existed before me, and I’m going to keep thinking that way.

“Thanks for grabbing it,” I reply as I open my door and take the extra-large pizza box from her. I’ve been buzzed, so of course I ordered the biggest damn pizza on the menu. I feel like I could eat a cow right now and I definitely wasn’t willingly ordering cauliflower crust to ruin this greasy goodness. It’ll help soak up the rest of the alcohol floating around in my belly and making me feel a little woozy. “Night,” I mumble, shutting the door without waiting for her to respond.

King will get home at some point, and I have to be semi-sober to greet him. Beau wants to be an ass and not give my body the attention it desires, well, I’ll go make use of his best friend. Don’t get me wrong, King is more than that to me, I do love him…but I happen to love them both. It’s like my heart has this giant gash running through it, each side being tugged in a differentdirection. I shouldn’t be surprised Beau is angry with me over being with King, they’re beyond close, but what did he expect? I’m not going to give them both up, I love them too much.

I manage to shove down three pieces before I’m stuffed. I know if I eat any more, I’ll be useless later. Grabbing a Gatorade from my mini fridge, I take some Tylenol and hop in the shower. If King smells Beau on me, he may lose it and I don’t want him distracted tonight. I want, no, I need all his attention on me. Am I typically a needy woman? I like to think no, I grew fairly self-sufficient once I was sent away and I couldn’t lean on the guys anymore. I practically grew up with them and for a while they were my crutches, always sheltering me from anything negative. I knew from a young age they were special. Different.Mine.

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