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“King, I really think we should stay clear of her.”

“Nah. Fuck off with that. There’s not a single chance in hell that I’ll let her fall through my hands again. She’s mine and that’s all there is about that.” He walks out the door, rambling about her fucking smell again and I grumble in defeat.

It’s clear he’s not about to leave her alone and I’ve already fucked up and allowed the society to see that she’s important to me more than once. The only thing I can do is keep my distance from her and hope they’ll forget about her and leave her alone.

My order is loyalty… I don’t want to have to choose between Iris and the society because I know for a fact, I’d bring down the wrath of my family with my decision.

I just need to avoid everything Iris Kensington.It's best this way.


I’ve been in pissed off mood since hearing Beau’s stupid excuses. Even deep cleaning my entire room hasn’t made me calm down in the slightest. “There’s my damn phone,” I’m still mumbling to myself when I pull it from under my bed.

What the hell was Beau’s problem? We sleep together, and then he comes up with this shit the next time he sees me?He was so cold.His words hurt me but it was the disgust in his voice that shredded me from the inside. My stomach aches just thinking about it.

I was in pure shock. Still am, if I’m being honest with myself. Tears fall over my cheeks in little rivers of torment. I’m too confused to know whether they’re from hurt or anger or both. He said he loves me… then he accuses me of being aslut.I hate that word.

He's never spoken to me this way before. I won’t lie, I kinda expected his anger when we saw each other again for the first time, because of me leaving and never staying in contact. I would’ve even deserved a little bit of it, even if the move wasn’tmy choice. I was forced to leave him, and Kingston, and it broke me. But to have this anger put on me now? He’s crazy if he thinks I’ll be a doormat and allow him to speak to me that way. The next time I see him, I’ll give him a piece of my mind and see how much he enjoys the knife stabbing throughhisheart.

As for Kingston… well, truthfully, I started to think of him in a different light. I always put the thought of something with him on the back burner because Beau and I have history. I love him and thought if maybe we got a second chance to be together, then things would work out differently for us. Apparently, that’s not the case though.

If he wants to accuse me of fucking his best friend,maybe I will. He deserves to hurt as much as I am. I know King would never push me away like Beau has. He would never say half the things Beau has said to me.

We may not have the same sexual history, but I’m not dumb. I’ve seen the way he’s always looked at me. He watched me like I was something special and followed me around like a little puppy at times. I thought it was cute back then but never considered us anything more. Maybe I was simply blind. I fell for one boy while writing off the other when he could’ve been the answer all along.He would never treat me this way.

Kingston kissed me at the party, and I was too excited to see him again to think about pushing him away. I let it happen, wanted it even and I’m grown enough to admit as much. I would’ve told Beau, but honestly, I was too wrapped up in finally having Beau near me that I wasn’t even thinking about Kingston at that time. They both do that to me. Consume my every thought and emotion when I’m near them.

Now, here I am being accused of coming between them when all I was trying to do was get Beau to admit the truth and enjoy the attention Kingston was giving me. What a damn fool I was, but I guess that’s what I get for not being selfish.

I’ll never understand men.

My tears dry, as I come up with what to do next. I won’t allow my pain to fester and grow, not after the way Beau treated me. He doesn’t deserve my tears if he’s not going to ask me like a rational person and actually hear me out. He didn’t even offer the chance to explain myself and to put trust into my words. He jumped to conclusions and said everything he knew would hurt me. Well, fuck that. I may love him, but I’ll show him it’s his mistake to let me go. And when it’s all said and done, I’ll be happy with either of those boys. Kingston is just as much of a catch as Beau is. In fact, he’s looking more appealing by the second.

He’s been loyal to me, loves me, and adores me…he won’t turn me away. Grabbing my phone, I send him a message.


I’ve enjoyed hanging out with you again. I’ve missed you more than I realized.

All true. I’m just pushing it to a further point, the one Kingston made abundantly clear he wants with me.

Kingston Banks

Prove it.



Kingston Banks

Meet me outside and kiss me.


Tell me where.

Kingston Banks

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