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Once again, it takes everything in me not to open the door and find out who’s picking up and dropping things off for the society. With a huff, I stride to the oversized windows and stare down at the pool. I keep thinking I’m going to see Matthew floating there again, but it’ll never happen. Will the society look down on me for drowning him? I suppose if that were the case, they wouldn’t be responding to my texts.

Something dark from the side of the yard catches my attention, and I turn, honing in on the movement. I catch the tail end of someone in jet black jeans and a hoodie. They have the hood pulled up, effectively hiding their features from me in the evening light.

I want to run after and follow the person to see where they’re going and what they know. However, pissing off The Brotherhood of Darkness and pushing their buttons will only get me killed and forgotten.

Chapter 12


After a sleepless night at the cabin, I’ve decided to go back out into the real world. I’m actually surprised I made it past six o’clock before I took off. My nerves are fucking shot and I needed the hell out of there pretty much the second I arrived… but I did what the text ordered me to do.

I have so many things I need to accomplish today, but the first is finding Iris. We have to talk, there’s no other way around it. She’s going to find it ironic that I’m the one coming to her now, attempting to have a chat, but I don’t care. She should expect it after kissing King and then fucking me the same night. She had to know we’d talk to each other.

The two-hour drive gives me plenty of time to think over everything and now I know no matter how much it pains me, I have no choice but to push Iris away. She needs to understand how dangerous it is that they know about her. Hell… how can I even warn her she’s in danger without also telling her about the society itself? I’m not fucking sure how I’m going to manage getting through to her, but I will.

She’s walking across campus when I eventually arrive, and dread instantly consumes me.Fuck, I hate this.I want to take her away from here and keep her safe from all of the shit… but Iknow when I’m in over my head and the society is someone you don’t go up against. There’ll be a day when I’m finally powerful enough to do anything I want, but unfortunately that day isn’t today.

I pull up beside her and roll down my passenger window. “Get in the car, Kens.” She smiles like she’s happy to see me and I want nothing more than to be able to appreciate that genuine reaction.

“I was hoping I’d see you today.” She opens the passenger door and climbs in without hesitation. I drive away, slowly mingling through all the things I want to say in my mind while nothing at all comes out. “I missed you yesterday.” She leans over to kiss my cheek and grabs my hand before a single word slips out of my mouth. Her lips on my flesh only manage to further fuck with my state of mind. It shouldn’t have to be this way.

I spit out the first thing I think of, using jealousy as my go to. “Are you fucking King?” She pulls her hand away a little too quickly for my liking and turns to face me.

“No.” I look into her eyes longer than I should while driving and silently thank God that she’s not lying to me.Not that it matters.I’m going to accuse her of lying regardless, because it’s the best way to make her hate me. Before this conversation is over, I want her to hate us both, even the mere idea of us existing.

“Do you think I’m an idiot, Kens? He told me he was in your bedroom the other night. Do you fuck two guys every night… or did you just save that one for us?”

“Fuck you, Beau.” She sits back in her seat and shifts so that she’s looking out the side window. Away from me. “Why are you like this?”

“Oh, forgive me for wanting someone who doesn’t fuck around.” God… I want to kick my own ass for this shittyperformance. “Someone who isn’t trying to tear apart two best friends. We’re like family, Kens, you know that, right? Is this a twisted game to you?”

“I’d never do that and you know it,” she speaks softly, still not looking my way.

“You have a funny way of showing it. Fucking us both. Not telling either one of us about the other.”

She doesn’t say anything else while I continue to berate her.

“You know we both brag about who we fuck. Hell, Kens… you just became another notch on our posts. We’ve always said we’d share the ones who don’t matter. Guess you put yourself in that category for us. Didn’t peg you for a slut. I wonder what your damn daddy would think of his daughter spreading her legs for every dick at Bentley.” She finally stiffens up in her seat and I brace for the lashing I want her to give me.I need it.Fuck knows I deserve it right now.

“I didn’t fuck him. I’ve never fucked King… but if I ever want to, I will. Now pull the damn truck over and let me out.” She glowers, her words like a whip of ice. I do as she asks and stop the truck right in the middle of the street to let her out. She hops out and yet again, I regret every fucking thing I just said to her. It’s for her safety though, and I’ll do anything for her and King.

I should’ve been asking her about Jordan and what she remembers. Or even telling her that she’ll never have to worry about him getting his hands on her again. But instead, I chose to drive her as far away from me as I possibly can, and I feel like week-old dried-up dog shit for it.

Choosing to skip all of my classes today was a no-brainer. It isn’t considered hiding when you’re sleeping all day. I sit up when my door swings open.

“You sick?” King strolls in, brow raised in worry, and tosses a beer on my bed.

“No. Just didn’t sleep last night.” I slide out of bed and step into the bathroom, my eyes burning from the all nighter of self-loathing I put myself through. I’m mid-piss when he starts talking about Iris.

“She’s fucking beautiful, Beau. And her smell. God, I could jack off a thousand times to her scent alone. I snuck into her room, raided her shower and I’ve been watching her through her window. My damn dick is raw because of this girl.” I raise a brow and listen to him go on and on about Iris. He’s caught up in everything about her and when King becomes tunnel focused like this, there’s no distracting him from his target. I know this from years of being his friend. Obsession is one of his best and worst traits.

“You sure you want to tie her up in all of our bullshit?” I do my best to make him think about the initiation and everything it could bring… but he’s not hearing a damn thing I’m saying. I’m usually one of the few who can reason with him, but there’s not a chance in hell he’ll hear me this time.

“I took her phone and her laptop. I’ve been checking up on her to find out some information about why she took off like she did. And why her dad is such a dick. Maybe I’ll find some dirt on that fucker, and we can go along with our plan.”

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