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“How did she look? Was she at least happy?” I can’t tell him about us. He will implode and literally tear the frat house up if he finds out I beat him to her. He will never forgive me, and I know this because he’s a competitive fucker that I’ve known my entire life.

“Man, there isn’t a word to describe her. She’s always been hot, but now, she’s a complete knockout.”Knocked my ass out a few times last night.

“Plastic Barbie type? Ugh, thought she wasn’t interested in perfection.” At this point… I have to play dumb. I thought I would be able to stand up to the world in order to keep Kens, but I never dreamed I’d have to stab my best friend just to get her. Ifhe finds out I kept my past relationship with her a secret for all of these years and then beat him to her this time, he will never forgive me.

“Nah, more like natural beauty with wide hips that look like she could ride a cock for hours.”Oh… she can.

“Fuck.” I huff, releasing some of my frustrations. Thank god he’s so tied up in his own thoughts about her he’s missing all the clues that I’m losing my shit.

“My thoughts exactly. I’m determined to find out everything I can about her. There’s no way we’re losing her again. This time I’m letting her know how I feel. The kiss last night was… well, she got my cock hard and my mind spinning without even trying. I’m going to lock her ass down and keep her.”Shit. He kissed her.He will go fucking ballistic when he finds out the truth. Just when I decide to tell him everything… my phone vibrates.


You will use your first key now. You have one hour to pack a bag for a week and drive straight north on Bentley Drive. You’ll receive an address soon. Come solo.

Fuck. There’s no way I can get into this with him now. I know when I tell him everything it’ll take days to calm him down. I have less than an hour. I have to keep it peaceful until this initiation is over. “When are we seeing her?”

“She wants to surprise you.”I bet she fuckin’ does.I’m going to spank her ass for this.

“I’ll play along… pretend you haven’t told me she’s here already. Keep me updated between now and then.” Little Iris Kensington is playing games. It looks like I have no choice but to join in now that she’s royally fucked me by putting me in this position against my best friend. She knows better than this.

“Good, and I will. I’ll swing by her room later and see if she wants to grab some food. Tell her you’re meeting me so she can surprise you,” I reply, as I can’t wait to see her face.

“She say anything about why she’s at this school and not still in Paris? I wonder what she had to do to get her family to let her come to Bentley.” Since he did more talking than me, might as well find out if he discovered anything relevant about her dad. If she’s here, then he’s not far away.t

“She didn’t really say much about it. We’ll have to dig it all out from her. Maybe hack into her laptop if I don’t find anything worthwhile on her cell. I was too shell-shocked at running into her and how amazing she looked. I wonder, since she’s stateside if she’ll be heading to Texas for the holidays again?” Good question. I have no clue.We didn’t talk much.

“Her father won’t be pleased to see her with us, that’s for sure.” We’re in for a fight with him, between ourselves… and if we’re not careful, with the society as well when they start using her to get us to do their bullshit.

“Like we give a fuck. If he wasn’t the governor, we could make his ass disappear for good. Maybe someday. It’d be wise to get him off her back.” He’s always looking for ways to get rid of people… and in this case, I agree with him.

“We’ve discussed it before… maybe now’s the time to put it in motion.”

“I’m down with those plans. We could hire it out, so it doesn’t point toward us.” And now we’re talking about offing the governor. Jesus… this day started off so good and now I’m plotting murder.

“Hmm. I want to take care of it ourselves… no room for fucking up that way.” We don’t need anyone with the power to blackmail us on anything this big.

“You know I’m always willing to play with my food, not just grill it and toss it in barbecue sauce.” Yeah… King is fucked up.But I love him all the same. He’s been there for me my entire life and I’m the piece of shit who hasn’t been upfront with him about Iris and her family connections.

“Gross. All right, I have shit to do, so text me when you want me to meet up with you.”

“Brotherhood stuff?” he whispers and I roll my eyes and look around the room for any obvious cameras. My paranoia is growing rampant as the clock keeps ticking my hour away.

“I gotta go.”

“I’ll text you,” he rushes in the last word just before the door closes.

Fuck, I need to talk to Iris. I didn’t even bother to get her phone number the past few days, so I guess that’ll have to wait until I get back.

I hurry to my room and start throwing my clothes into a duffle bag.One week.I can’t imagine where they’ll have me go for an entire week and I don’t have time to think about it. I’ve already wasted too much of my hour talking to King.

Guilt weighs heavy as I walk out of the frat house without another word to King. It feels off because we’re used to doing everything together. We know everything about each other… with the exception of how far I took it with Iris all those years ago. She didn’t want what we had to ruin the bond the three of us had. If I could go back in time, I’d do it all another way, and this whole fucked up day would be going a little differently.

Doing this society stuff alone goes against all we’ve ever been, and I hope against everything we ever will be. I like it when he has my back and he’s never known life without me having his.

I take a deep breath and steer my truck north on Bentley Drive in hopes that this is all short-lived and once we’re members in the society, we can go back to being a team. I’ll just have to come clean about Iris and hopefully he’ll forgive me.

Chapter 9

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