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Part One


‘Welcome to the Brotherhood of Darkness.’ It’s what any potential recruit wishes to hear when they arrive at their Elite 8 chosen university. In this case, it’s Bentley University, known as the top-tier choice of the prestigious colleges around the world. Located in the picturesque mountains of Northwestern California, where the price of acceptance into the university isn’t merely money.

We’re the spoiled children of world rulers, royals, business tycoons, and wealthy sharks looking to bleed you out of society when offered the chance. The only concern once you arrive? Will you get an invite to be a part of the inner circle? The society may quietly rest behind the scenes, but don’t fool yourself—they rule everything.

Chapter 1


The chaos of the party fades, as the numbness slithers down into my bones. It’s easier when the silence suffocates the distractions, and I can just be another body in the room.

A body with no true emotion.

A body with no fucks to give about what’s going to happen this year… and one that sure as hell doesn’t think about the past.

Taking my place against the wall again, I tip back the glass of whiskey sloshing around in my hand. The fire of the drink no longer burns… but I guess that’s normal for someone who’s no stranger to the party life. I do a quick scan of the room, hoping to see my best friend, King, but have no luck.That’s right… the fucker said he was leaving earlier.

I flick my gaze around again… a little lower this time, hoping for a different type of entertainment. My mind can’t keep up with the speed with which my eyes travel, so my heart doesn’t drop with the first scan. However, it fucking plummets straight into the depths of agony, about half-way across the room the second time.

Jesus.Is that really her? Or am I hallucinating? Am I really staring at the very reason my black heart was ripped to shreds years ago and still remains numb to this very fucking day?

I push off the wall and move through the crowd to get a better look. My focus moves from the line of her jaw to the unknowing smile on her face, then to the length of her lashes, and her fucking memorable lips before I manage to reach her. The lingering vision of all of my nightmares combined, is circling my mind with every determined step I take.

Iris fucking Kensington.

The bane of my fucking existence.It can’t be her. She’s in Paris.Never to be seen by the likings of my kind again.She’s better than I am.So… why the fuck is she here?

If the room wasn’t spinning from the alcohol, I’d already have my hands on her. Thank fuck I’ve managed to come down from the high the line of blow I snorted off some girl’s ass put me in earlier.

She hasn’t looked in my direction yet… but I know it’s her without a single doubt in my mind. Not to mention I’m so fucking drawn to her, that my entire bodyknowsit’s her. She’s like a goddamn magnet pulling me in, even though I’m sure there’s no good that can come from her being here. And no matter how badly this will turn out… I already know I’ll have my hands on her in less than three seconds, exposing my weakness to anyone watching… because that’s what I do.

That’s what she does to me.

She finally looks my way and even though she hasn’t spotted me yet, I could never mistake her eyes.Holy fuck… she’s beautiful.

Three more steps and I surprise her with my hand around her throat and my continued progress forward, backing her against the nearby wall. Her breath hitches as she puts a hand on my chest to brace herself.

I stare into her eyes and go over all of the things I want to say. None of them make it out of my mouth but all of them are felt through my entire being. She’s not happy to see me.If looks could kill… well, I’m well-fucking-aware that lookscantorture a person because her glare is pure torment to my barely beating heart.Where the fuck has she been hiding?

I slide my thumb across her jawline, still not releasing my grip on her neck.Fuck… I missed her.

Jesus Christ. I’m conflicted…I don’t know whether to strangle her to death with my bare hands because she left me or fuck her to death because I goddamn missed her everything.

My other hand slides up her arm before moving a strand of blonde hair off of her face. Touching her once again, I’m reminded of how her skin is soft as silk, making me almost forget that I’m mad at her.Almost.

She knows better than to ask questions or play confused with me as I lean in closer. Her eyes tell me she’s unsure of what I’ll do but she’s not about to cower away from whatever that is either. It’s as if she’s recognizing the monster she’s made and is awaiting the repercussions of the past. Little does she know there’s not a chance in hell I could truly hurt her, even though she’s completely ripped me to shreds from the inside out.

“Say something,” she whispers through an exhale, but I only know that because I read her lips. The music in the background easily overpowers her soft voice. I slide the pad of my thumb over her lush lips to stop her from uttering another word. Whatever happens this point forward will be best without talking. Not that I could possibly form the right shit to say to her at the moment. How can I explain this overwhelming urge to both consume her in every way, and at the same time shove her out the door, and straight the fuck back out of my life?

My thumb slips, tugging on her bottom lip, and she uses the opportunity to swipe her tongue over it, sending my impulsesinto shock. She slides her fingers over my wrist and keeps us both locked in place… while my other hand grips her neck and her eager mouth sucks in my thumb. She works that magic tongue in swirls before she hollows her cheeks and draws me in deeper. It’s when she slides her eyes closed and pushes her body against mine, tilting her head back with a breathy moan, that I lose all logic and reason.

What. In. The. Fuck.

My dick is going to explode and before I can stop myself, I’ve lifted her ass into the palms of my hands, and she’s wrapped her legs around my waist. We’re both tongue deep into the kiss I’ve been trying to recreate for years.

“Take me somewhere,” she demands as I’m already pushing through the bodies in my way before her heated breath kisses my ear and sends a jolt straight to my cock.Fuck yes. I’ve never wanted anything more than I want this.

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