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The silence is almost more torturous than the constant exposure to my past. If I had to guess, it’s been close to a full twenty-four hours since my last contact with the society. I’ve tried everything I can think of to get their attention, from yelling and begging, to cursing and crying; even maniacal laughter didn’t coerce them into coming through the door.

Once I cried myself to sleep, one of them slipped a tray of food inside the room and then quickly closed the door before I could run to stop it. Just like they did the first time they gave me food. It’s beginning to feel like a sick never-ending cycle of twisted games.

I’m now sitting in the corner on my mattress with my legs tucked to my chest, arms wrapped tightly around them while letting everything flash through my mind. The overwhelming sense of defeat is pulling me under and being exhausted from the major mind fuck isn’t helping me process everything I need to. I’m too busy constantly being thrown into fight or flight mode that it’s shooting me full of adrenaline and completely draining me.

I’m worried about Beau. He didn’t look good in the last video they sent of him. I’m not concerned about all the girls they seem determined to flaunt in front of him… I’ve been thinking about how he looked. He’s obviously smashed on whatever drug they’ve shot him up with and I’m sure that means he hasn’t been able to think clearly or come up with a way out of here. I’m not getting any closer either, even though I’ve been lucky enough to have most of my wits about me the entire time.

The battery on the phone they’ve had me using is almost dead, making me even more anxious about their silence. The eerie sound of the television spurs me to life in a rush. I nearly trip with my achy legs making me clumsy.

I’m face to face with the screen as it scans from left to right in another room. This one is a little different than what I’ve been seeing. This time Beau is tied to a chair. I’m looking at a side view of his body. His head is drooped forward as if he’s passed out or asleep. The camera keeps moving to the right and I jump back when I see another set of arms tied behind a second chair. The two are back-to-back and my heart nearly explodes as he comes into view. “Oh my god. It’s Kingston. Is he really alive?” I can’t help but wonder if my mind’s playing tricks on me, showing me what I want to see. Their faces have been beaten, but I can’t be imagining him… it’s Kingston. God, I hope he’s breathing and not just tied up to fuck with me even more.

Once they’re both in full view, the camera pans back, giving me more access to the rest of the room. They’re both completely bare except for their underwear, fully erect. Three naked women stroll in and my nerves hit me. I start pacing, imagining how the rest of this video is about to go.

Two of the girls straddle Beau and King. The girl on Beau lifts his head and starts kissing him. She grinds on his dick, the same kind of motion going on in King’s lap. But through this, there’s one thing standing out, Kingston is barely responsive, buthe’s truly alive.

With my mind no longer on their impending deaths, I flick my gaze over the screen, taking in the actions again… the blonde bitches grinding on my men is all I see before an absolute inferno burns me to flames. A scream rips through me and I start to thrash around the room, looking for something to ruin. Picking up the first thing I find, I slam the tray of food against the wall and watch the mess fly all over the room. Liquid slides down the wall and chunks of food bounce in every direction. I’m seething, breathing through gritted teeth, although my temper is put on hold once a key clanks to the ground at my feet.

There’s a little tag attached and as I pick the key up, I read it.This key allows you to save a life. Will you choose to use it?

Pure excitement flows through my veins as I rush to the same damn door I’ve tried to open a thousand times over the past few days. When I realize it’s unlocked and the handle twists freely, I internally scold myself for not trying it sooner. Regardless, I drop the key in my pocket and don’t delay rushing through the doorway and into the hall to find my guys.

Beau and Kingston are alive. And I’m about to find them… and when I do, I willneverlet them go.

I think about yelling out their names but decide against it since I’m not sure if the society is still here. Once I’ve looked through all the rooms in this hall, I take the stairs down a level and continue my search on that floor. Yet, it’s another fail. I go down a second flight of stairs, this time feeling a bit more confident I’m in the right place when I hear female voices just before I round the last corner of the stairwell.

Wherever they have us trapped is big, and old, reminding me of those ancient looking plantation houses. I can’t help but wonder, is this is the old university? As far as I know it’s not too far from campus but has been closed down, deemed unsafe for anyone to be inside. I shouldn’t put it past these psychopaths to leave us locked up in a building that could possibly collapse at any moment. One little Cali tremor and we’d all be dead.

As if I’m some sort of covert professional, I cower down and wait for the voices to disappear before I tiptoe forward. It’s hard to keep myself level-headed and not sprint, as my anxiety climbs up my spine. I feel electric and my body thrums in anticipation of seeing Beau and Kingston.

The third door down sends my control out the window and thrusts me into full speed. It’s wide open and my guys are both still tied up, secured in the same position I just saw them in on the television. A quick scan of the room and I’m running to them both. “Beau… Kingston… wake up.” I shake them as I frantically work the ropes that bind them, my hands trembling with nerves.

“Come on, baby,” I coax again, my mouth finding Beau’s first. I’ve missed him terribly and witnessing him so messed up, without his usual sense of self-control, only makes me want to bring him back to me even more.

“No. Stop. Wait… Iris?” he mumbles against my lips. He’s disoriented, but I don’t waste any more time moving to Kingston to do the same.

“Kingston, it’s me, I’m here. I-I thought I lost you forever.” He kisses me back, his lips eager to feel mine. And fuck if I haven’t missed him even more than I thought possible. Believing someone is dead will force you to a new level of appreciation of the simpler things.

These two guys are my life and even though we’re far from being in the clear, I couldn’t be happier than I am with the two of them beginning to stir awake.

“Baby,” Beau whispers when I finally get the knot out of his restraints. His hands fist, then release a few times as he tries to get the feeling back in his fingers.

“Yes. Help me get us out of here, then we can do all of the talking and kissing you want to do.”

“Promise?” Kingston grunts, his voice gruffer than usual as I release his hands, leaving only their feet bindings to be removed.

“Yes. Come on guys, please snap out of it; we have to go. I don’t know how much time we have before someone comes for us and I don’t have a weapon.”

Beau leans forward to help me with his feet but sits up quickly. His brow scrunches, his lips turning down, “Fuck,baby. This hard on is killing me. If we get out of here, I’m gonna fuck you so good.”

“Whenwe get out of here…When, Beau, not if.” They both sit and I can almost see their disorientation clearing up a bit with each passing second. It’s not enough and I know it’s important for them to have clarity when we escape out of here, but I also know time is ticking. Someone could notice I’m missing or hell, they could even see us on the cameras that I know for a fact they have set up in this room to watch. After all, they were looping the feed to my room.

Kingston clears his throat, working his bruised jaw side to side before saying, “You’re going to have to fight me to her. Fuck, this has been screaming at me for days it feels like. I’m going insane for your pussy, sweetheart, need you to bounce on my cock until I fill you with cum or the motherfucker breaks inside you.” He stands on his unsteady legs and presses his palm on his heavy cock to adjust it. His boxer briefs are tented, his dick tip poking out the top of the elastic band. If we weren’t in such a messed up situation I’d find it sexy as hell, but one thing stands out prominently aside from his hardness. Kingston’s body he works hard to take care of, is bruised up and swollen. He took one serious beating, and seeing him like this has my stomach twisting with worry. Something could be messed up inside of my beautiful man and his stubborn ass won’t tell me unless it’ll effect his good looks somehow.

“Yes. We’re gonna fuck like crazy. All day, every day. But we have to get out of here first,” I immediately promise, and slide under Beau’s arm, then reach out for King to do the same. I’m not sure how I’m going to get these two out of here but I will die trying if that’s what it takes. I have to believe we still have more time together; our story doesn’t end like this. I can’t wait to feel safe with the two of them surrounding me once again. It’s terrible to finally have exactly what you’ve manifested and then have it ripped away by something out of your control.

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