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I groan in pain and a swift kick lands against my stomach. It sparks the spinning in my gut and with a heave, I’m spilling everything I’ve eaten the past few days. This is bad. Real fucking bad.

“You get my boots dirty and I’mma fuck you up, boy.”Like I’m not fucked already.He’s definitely older; must be someone loosely related to The Brotherhood. We all have people we delegate certain jobs to and I’m not looking forward to finding out what this fucker was paid to do to me. Another voice off to the side mutters something, but my head is ringing too loudly for me to make it out.

The guy above me crouches down, his jean clad knees coming into my sight. “You’re just a soft pussy who couldn’t fulfill his order, aren’t you?”

“Fuck you,” I manage to huff out, my hand gripping my abdomen as a sharp burst of pain splinters through it.

“Dumbass,” the guy rumbles, then his fist flies towards my face and I know the hit’s going to leave a mark. On the upside, it does the trick and knocks me the fuck out.

I wake again… not sure how long it’s been if any time at all. I’m thinking it must be later because I’m no longer lying next to a pile of my puke, so I have that going for me. The drugs are still present and as someone who dabbles in them occasionally, I know damn well they’ve shot me up with way too much. They probably want to kill me, let me overdose for failing to comply. It’d make it easier to sell my disappearance: a spoiled rich boy who partied too hard and happened to end up dead. Would my father care?

I doubt it. If he did, he wouldn’t have me dick deep in the middle of this disaster of a society with my life on the line.

They have me chained to a wall like a fucking animal. I’m perched on my knees against the cold concrete and there’s a dripping sound. It’s musty, so it must be wet wherever the annoying dripping is coming from. My knees ache, telling me I’ve been in this position a lot longer than I’ve been awake. The drugs thrum through me, making my body tremble from something, but I still have no idea what. Not that I give a fuck right now anyhow; I’m too high to think properly.

“He’s awake again, Beast. This fucker won’t stay down. His metabolism is too high, we need to give him more. You got anything stronger back at the club?”

While being blissed out on drugs is fun at a party, this shit has me all jumbled up, a fucking mess because deep in my heart I know I’ve got something to care about. To worry and fight for. I can’t stay high, even if it’s the easy answer to everything. “No,” I manage to moan. Their laughter passes over me next, and a spike of anger shoots through me, clearing my mind enough to remind me of Beau and Iris.Fuck.“Get me the fuck out of here,” I demand. I watch the floor as the same boots from before approach. This is going to hurt.

The guy called Beast, who’s steadily been beating my ass, responds. “You think you can tell us what to do? After you failed your task? The society doesn’t want weaklings trying to pledge, and guess what you are, fuckface?”

“Not weak. Will fuck you up.” I try to argue as the high swirls, making me feel almost boneless in my skin.

“You pussy assholes always think you can handle shit, but guess who ends up getting the call?” He leans in, face in mine. I part my lids to take in his fuzzy features. He’s had a rough go at life, definitely not the typical elite you’d imagine belonging to The Brotherhood and I’m surprised to see how much older than me he is. “Guess who’s loyal in the end?Not you punk pledge fuckers, but us.”

A fed-up growl rumbles through my chest; I hiss, shaking my head. “I’m the most loyal motherfucker you’ll ever meet. I was willing to die for mine.” The memory hits me from before... when I pulled the trigger. I didn’t think twice about sacrificing myself for Beau and Iris. I heard the gunshot though and know my actions most likely caused one of them their life. With that thought I jolt forward, sinking my teeth into the man’s nose.

Beast’s roar fills the space, echoing loudly and making my ears ring. Blood drips down my mouth, the metallic flavor spilling over my tastebuds. There’s a tense beat for me to process, then several powerful blows land against me.My chest, stomach, and side get pounded into, the hits stealing the air from my lungs. There’s a scuffle as the other person peels my bite victim away from killing me. I have no doubt, he’d beat me to death if given the chance.

“How’s that for loyal, hm?” I taunt on a wheeze. “Can’t compete with someone who already pulled the trigger. Tell The Brotherhood they can kill me. Without Beau and Iris, I don’t want to fucking live.” My stomach churns again, but there’s nothing left, so dry heaves take over. “And...” I gasp “Their drugs are fucking trash. I know a guy to give them an upgrade.” I’m pushing their buttons, purposely.

“Fucking dose him again, Hunter,” is ordered by the pissed off, bloody nose guy.

“Have some more drugs then, pledge,” is grumbled beside me as Hunter stabs another needle into my skin. My eyes roll as the sickness and ache fade away, and I find restless sleep once more.


The robed figure is distorted as I manage to catch a glimpse of him. It takes every bit of my concentration to focus on what they’re saying. “How much did you give him?” His fucked up mask stares at me as another of the swinging lights above is turned on. The brightness only makes my vision double, not helping in the slightest.

“Enough. The crazy fucker kept burning through it and trying to fight.”

“We don’t want him comatose; our orders were clear. You’re going to kill him and we’re not finished with him yet. Give him some water and remember your placeSeven Knights. You’re here to follow society orders, not make your own decisions,” robed guy demands, and Hunter does as he’s told. With the bottle in my face, it hits me out of nowhere just how fucking thirsty I am. I wonder how long they’ve had me in this god-awful room, with Beast and Hunter shooting me up with their cocktails of hell.

Two raps sounding from the room behind me have me instinctively kicking back against the wall as my sides scream from the earlier punches. My response comes automatically before my brain has the chance to acknowledge what or who it could be. I’m just about to scream for Beau when I feel the pull from the drugs sucking me into the darkness, shutting me up once again.I’m so tired of this shit.


Not having the slightest concept of time, I begin to stir out of my haze once again. A groan from beside me instantly draws my attention in that direction and the relief radiating through my chest at seeing Beau beside me, and alive, is an overwhelming emotion in itself.

I thought they killed him. My best friend. But wait... if he’s here, where in the fuck is Iris?

“I’m here,” I manage to choke out through my dry throat. I could use a gallon of water right about now as it feels like I’ve been eating dirt in my sleep. I reach for him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it a couple of times. It’s a goddamn miracle I’m able to, as my vision plays tricks on me, making me see three of him.

“Iris,” he grunts out.

“D-don’t see her." It comes out in a slur and a sudden ache in my groin takes over. My cock throbs, unbearably hard.

The coolness of the room seeps in, and I shiver as chills overtake my body. I typically run hot… it's why I enjoy sleeping naked so much, but in this instance, I want my clothes, a blanket, something. The steady sound of the annoying dripping somewhere in the background and the overwhelming scent of earth is too much for me to process right now with the overpowering thoughts of sex driving my brain insane.We must be on some heavy shit.

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