Page 23 of Secrets

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"I held a member of the Black Valley crew in my arms as he died the day before his birthday because he sacrificed himself for me. He'd barely lived. He was younger than my brother would have been, but he took those bullets for me because I had a family. That fucked me up for a long time. I never dealt with the shit with Noah, and it all intertwined until I almost lost everything. That's how I almost lost Lex."

Tears fill Dax's eyes as he looks up at Colt. "Nothing feels right without her, man. Nothing in this world feels real anymore. I can't get her last moments out of my fucking head."

"Killing yourself won't actually fix it, man. It won't bring her back."

He glares at Colt. "It'll bring me to her."

"Is that really what she'd want? You to kill yourself and join her in death? Because if Dani's anything like Lex, I'm not certain we're going to end up in the same place as our women after wedie. Lex’s done bad things for good reasons, and I've done bad things for the hell of it. There's no guarantee you'll be with her if you kill yourself."

"She's a fucking angel. Was when she was here, too," he says. "I just don't know how to live anymore, man."

"You just keep doing it."

"Yeah, whatever," he says and walks away. "See you later."

Sighing, Colt shakes his head. "That offer still stands. Just let me know when you wanna hit the ring. Unlike those three you ran into tonight, I'll stop before I kill you."

"And that's exactly why I won't hop in the ring with you," Dax shouts as he reaches his bike. "I don't want someone who'll stop."

It hits Colt. Really hits him, his unpurchased drink forgotten, and he jumps on his bike to race home.

The moment he bursts through the door, he sees Lex in the kitchen putting away dishes, and he walks up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, his head in her neck as he pulls her back against his chest.

"Hey, baby," Lex says, setting the dishes on the counter. Her hand snakes back to cup the back of his head. "Rough run?"

"No," he murmurs into her neck. "Thank you."

She lets out a chuckle. "For what?"

"Being here."

"Where else would I be?"

Turning her around, he claims her lips with his and tangles his fingers in her hair. She wraps her arms around him as she kisses him back, and he carries her to the bedroom.

"Colt, what's wrong?" she asks, letting him strip her naked before removing his own clothes. "What happened? Colt, talk to me."

"I love you."

"You're kind of scaring me. What happened?"

"I see it. It took me for-fucking-ever, but I see it now."

Tilting her head to rest on her shoulder as she looks at him, she furrows her brows. "See what?"

"How fucking terrible I was."


"I saw Dax tonight. He picked a fight with three guys who would have murdered him for sport," he says and sighs. "I stepped in, and they left, but he's self-destructive. He's making shitty decisions because he's so damn lost without Dani, and I saw myself in him."

Her hand reaches up to cup his cheek. "Colt, he lost his old lady. As much as you guys are tough, you're also lost without the woman who holds you down. If you weren't all so stubborn and refused to admit it, things might be a little different sometimes. It's just the way it is."

“You could have so easily given up on me so many fucking times, Lex," he says and looks into her eyes. "But you never did. Even when you left me. Every time you left me, you did itforme. I was too damn stubborn to understand the shit I was doing."

"I never want to give up on you, Colt. I love you, and you have my heart. Always have and always will."

"Your patience and love are staggering, baby. It takes my breath away sometimes, and I don't know how you do it. Especially because I can't always say I deserve it."

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