Page 9 of Their Kitten

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“I don’t see how you can be so fucking calm,” he snaps back, but at least he’s smart enough not to scream again.

“It’s not like there’s anything else to dobutstay calm.” I fold my arms across my chest. “All we can do is wait and see what Lucian says. Yelling at an intern is not going to get you closer to finding out the information you want.”

Tristan’s gaze moves around the open space of the lobby, noticing multiple pairs of uneasy eyes on him. He exhales deeply and moves past me to head toward our offices. I follow behind him, closing the door once we’re both inside.

“I can’t stop thinking about her.” Tristan plops down on a chair across from my desk and puts his face in his hands. “Thatlook in her eyes is literally haunting me. It’s like Iknowher anddon’tknow her at the same time, and it’s pissing me off that I can’t think of her name.”

I nod empathetically.

“Same.” I sit behind my desk and spin around in the chair for a few moments as I think. “I know this is serious and all, but you’re gonna have to keep a level head. The last thing we need is for it to get back to Dad that you’re making interns cry and working up the staff. He doesn’t have his sights on us, so let’s keep it that way.”

“I can’t rest until I know who she is,” he states, his voice firm.

“And we’ll find that out soon enough, but you need to fucking relax.” I give him a pointed look. “Seriously.”

He stares at me for a long moment before huffing in frustration.

“Whatever. I just know Lucian better have news soon, or I’m going to go up there and extract the information from him by any means necessary.”

I chuckle. “Violence is never the answer, Tristan. It’s just going to get you banned from the club.”

“That’s the last of my concerns.” He stands to his feet. “If news gets out about us being tied to a sex club and paying to sleep with virgins, we’ll be banned from inheriting ourbirthright—this company. Or did you forget that?”

“Of course I didn’tforget,” I say, rolling my eyes. I swear he can be so fucking dramatic. “But you don’t need to go creating new problems when we already have a big enough one to deal with. Just give it time. He’ll get back to us soon en?—”

Our conversation grinds to a halt when my phone rings on my desk, Lucian’s name appearing on the screen. I don’t even have time to pick it up before Tristan snatches it up and barks an answer, putting the call on speaker.

“What did she say?”

“Oh good, you’re both together,” he says. “I tried calling you first, Tristan, but it went straight to voicemail.”

“Get to the point, Lucian,” Tristan orders.

“Will yourelax?” I say under my breath, taking my phone from his hand. “Have you talked to her yet, Lucian?”

“I have, yes,” he says. “It took a hell of a lot of convincing, but she says she agrees to your terms.”

The tension that tightened Tristan’s body to a statue moments ago seems to melt from him instantly. His shoulders sag with relief. His eyes are no longer hard and angry, but filled with determination and mischief. He grins at me and sits back in his seat, satisfied that he got what he wanted.

Honestly? I’m surprised she agreed so quickly.

After the way she freaked out on us, I was sure she wouldn’t come anywherenearus, especially if we took her down to Hell. I guess Tristan was right.

Desperation will make anyone do anything if the reward is enticing enough.

“Okay, great,” I say.

“She’s still here at the club. If you’re going to do this, it needs to be now,” he says. He doesn’t have to tell Tristan twice, as he’s already on his feet and walking out of my office. I keep my eyes on him until he disappears into his office before returning to my conversation.

“We’re on our way. Thanks, Lucian,” I say.

I hang up and shut down my computers for the day, leaving a note with my assistant who’s out to lunch. Excited energy hums through my blood as I grab my phone and keys before meeting Tristan in the lobby. It’s like we can’t get to the club fast enough, my curiosity threatening to suffocate me.

I can’t wait to see the vixen that’s hiding behind the mask.

I grin as I approach Tristan. He’s vibrating with energy too, unable to stay still as he paces back and forth in the open space. “Somebody’s excited,” I tease, only to be met with a grin.

“Told you she’d agree,” he replies. “If she’s desperate enough to sell her virginity to two strangers, then she’ll do anything to recoup the money. It’s not like she can get her virginity back.”

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