Page 8 of Their Kitten

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“Then we can make things hard for him,” I say simply.

Talon rolls his eyes. “He can make things hard for us as well. He has just as much dirt on us as we do on him.”

He leans against the wall.

“If we’re being honest, she’s not technically a virgin anymore… since we fucked her. Four hundred grand is a lot of money for a name,” I point out.

He gives me a lazy shrug. “We pretty much got her virginity for free. Maybe Lucian is right; she can’t prove that it’s us. Maybe we’ll be fine.”

“You want to bet your future on a ‘maybe?’” I narrow my eyes on him. “The money is a small price to pay for what could happen if she runs that pouty mouth.”

I tighten my hands into fists at my side and lower my voice. “It’s a small price to pay when the alternative is Dad fucking finding out what we’ve been up to.”

The muscles in Talon’s jaw tick as he stares at me with his nostrils flared. He sighs. We both idolize our father, wanting to make him proud by carrying on the family company that he built from the ground up. It’ll kill me to disappoint him. If something we recklessly did ruins his hard work, I won’t forgive myself. So if it takes paying more money to get information that will give us peace of mind and keep our sins in Hell, four hundred grand is a price I’ll pay gladly.

“Yeah,” he finally agrees. “All right then. I guess we can try to get her to accept a new deal.”

I nod and open the office door. Lucian’s eyes follow us as we re-enter. Talon glances at me briefly before narrowing his gaze on Lucian.

“As Tristan said, we’d like to make a new deal with her. Two hours in Hell. No safe word. Four hundred thousand dollars.”

“You can remind her that we’ve already taken her virginity and left her with nothing,” I add. “Be sure to ask her if she wants her sacrifice to be in vain.”

Lucian’s lips curl up into a mischievous smirk as he slowly nods.

“Okay then,” he says. “I’ll present it to her and get back to you.”

We give him our thanks and excuse ourselves from his office. Neither of us says anything until we’re outside of the club and heading back to our cars.

“Think she’ll accept the deal?” Talon asks after a while.

If I’m being honest, I can’t be too sure. Aside from the fact that she may know us, Hell has its own reputation that causes people to want to stay away from it. But if she’s desperate enough to sell her virginity in the first place, my gut tells me she may be open to salvaging whatever she can so she’ll know she didn’t pop her cherry for nothing.

“She won’t have a choice,” I say.

I’ll find out who she is, whether she’s a willing participant or not.

Because I always get what I want in the end—no matter the cost.


It’s always hard to see Tristan worked up like this.

I watch him from my desk as he angrily moves things around, his footsteps heavier than usual. I can understand his anger. There’s a lot weighing on knowing this woman’s identity, and I know he’ll blame himself if things go south. Seeing how worked up he is only increases my concerns. If what we did gets out, there’s no way we’ll be able to explain why we purchased a woman’s virginity without sounding like sexual deviants or some kind of predators.

Things would be different if it were justournames on the line, but it’s Dad’s name, too. Tristan and I both saw how hard he worked to build Steele Realty to the multi-dollar business that it is. It would crush him to know his sons are running around being reckless, as if we don’t have an empire to protect. I can already see his disappointed expression, and it’s one I want to avoid at all costs. Our dad is our idol, and I’ll never be able to forgive myself if all his hard work goes down the drain over Tristan and me getting our dicks wet in virgin pussy.

I try to focus on my work, but I can’t concentrate on anything but the woman who could potentially ruin our lives. The look she gave us when Tristan said my name…

I shake my head. There was something in her gaze that was familiar, as if we know her too… yet she still feels like a stranger. It’s obviously not anyone that we work with, as the hair color and body type don’t match anyone in the office. But the fact she knows my nickname—one that only really close friends or family use—means she knows us on a much more personal level than we realize.

Yeah, wedefinitelyhave to figure out who the fuck she is.

“Why aren’t the contracts on my desk if they were delivered an hour ago?” I hear Tristan bellow. I look up to see him inches away from the cowering intern, who looks to be on the verge of tears. “If you’re going to be a goddamn idiot, then there’s no place for you here.”

I push to my feet with a deep sigh as I make my way out of my office. His heated eyes fall on me, and the intern scurries away in the opposite direction. I watch her retreat before redirecting my hard gaze back to my brother.

“Could you be any more obvious?” I hiss under my breath. “We’re supposed to be acting normal, as if nothing’s wrong. You acting like a goddamn basket case is going to raise more red flags than we need right now.”

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