Page 33 of Imperfectly Perfect

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Savannah’s lips parted, her jaw dropping slightly. “Oh.”

“I’d really like to sink into you now. I want to know what you taste like, what other noises you make. I want to know what it feels like to have you between my legs, touching me, tasting me, consuming me.”

“Fallon…” Savannah’s voice wasn’t filled with worry this time, and Fallon was glad to hear it. Instead, the longing for more was prominent and distinct. Fallon was more turned on than ever before, her entire body screaming at her to either touch or be touched, and it took far more work to focus her mind to pick one to start with than it should have.

“May I?” Fallon finally asked.


Bending down, Fallon caressed Savannah’s breast with one hand while she locked their mouths together. She touched and teased. She flicked Savannah’s nipples before covering them with her lips and teasing them with the tip of her tongue.

Resting on her stomach again, Fallon scraped her teeth tenderly over the inside of Savannah’s thigh, teasing her even more. The flood of her scent consumed Fallon in an instant, and she was drawn right to where they both wanted her to be.Fallon pressed her face between Savannah’s legs. Her cheeks dampened instantly, and Savannah’s flavor bloomed on her tongue.

Fallon sighed.

She was finally here, and she nearly couldn’t believe it. Not one for wasting time, Fallon pressed her tongue fully against Savannah, licking as much of her in one smooth stroke as she could possibly manage. Moving upward, she found that hard little nub that she’d rubbed earlier, still swollen and sensitive.

Savannah jerked suddenly, so Fallon knew she was right where she needed to be. Yet she probably needed to ease into this a little more. Damn them for being so horny they couldn’t make it to the bedroom to begin with this. Still, it had been a wonderful moment that Fallon wasn’t going to forget or regret.

A smooth swipe here, and gentle lick there, and Savannah settled into the pillow throne again. Fallon slid her hands and arms under Savannah’s thighs and pushed into her harder. Savannah moaned. Flicking her gaze upward, Fallon met Savannah’s gaze and held it. This was better than she’d expected. It was so much better than any fucking dream she’d had in the last few weeks. An even better outcome would be the dreams that resulted from this one moment, the ones that would plague her for years to come because Fallon knew without a doubt that they would.

Savannah stretched her arms above her head, her wrists bending awkwardly so she could grab hold of the top of the headboard and push into Fallon’s mouth. She grunted, pulling a face that was only sexy in this moment, and Fallon continued to watch Savannah unfold around her.


Fallon didn’t move. She wanted so much to tell Savannah to come, to let go, to release all those blocks she was still holding and just feel, but if she stopped then they’d likely have tostart over again. Not that she’d mind, but she was pretty sure that Savannah would give her the stink eye. Fallon held onto Savannah’s hips, holding her in place.

“I’m… I…”

But that was it. Savannah jerked hard, her voice guttural and uncontrolled careening through the room. It was music to Fallon’s ears, and she held on, slowing her licks and touches, easing Savannah down from the high with every breath she had. Finally, Savannah touched the top of Fallon’s head, and Fallon pulled away completely.

“Holy fuck, Fallon.”

Laughing quietly, Fallon wiped her cheeks with her palm before crawling up Savannah’s body, pressing kisses here and there, capturing a nipple between her lips, and sliding to lie next to Savannah.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve found myself between a woman’s legs,” Fallon commented, trailing one finger up and down Savannah’s side and around her body. “It was worth the wait.”

“I’d say so.” Savannah grinned, turning her cheek down. She shimmied down onto the mattress, turning into Fallon’s body and wrapping a leg over Fallon’s. “It’s been a hell of a long time since I’ve been with a woman, too.”

Fallon hummed her agreement, gliding her finger across Savannah’s lips. She wanted to lean in and kiss her again, her heart thumping along at a steady rhythm reminding her exactly why she’d needed this. The physical release mixed with the emotional would bring her back to even keel again, it would set her back into the right space.

“What would you like?” Savannah rolled onto her side, pressing her warm body into Fallon’s already chilling one.

“Anything you’re willing to try.” Fallon flicked her finger lightly across Savannah’s nipple playfully. “Mouth, fingers, grinding—you name it, and I’ll participate.”

Savannah shuddered, shaking her head. “Free rein?”

“Free rein,” Fallon confirmed.

With shaky hands, Savannah reached forward and touched Fallon’s breast. Fallon turned more onto her back, allowing Savannah to touch more, to tease more, to do anything she wanted. She opened herself physically to whatever was about to happen.

“Touch me,” Fallon demanded quietly.

Fallon could almost see the debate written plainly across Savannah’s face—the concern, the worry, the confusion. Ending it swiftly, Fallon parted her knees and leaned back into the pillows Savannah had just been resting on.

“Mouth,” Fallon said. “Just use your mouth.”

Savannah nodded. She didn’t tease. She didn’t even slide into it. She placed her lips over Fallon’s clit and sucked before flicking her tongue. Fallon gasped. Her eyes fluttered shut as her back arched. Oh this was glorious. It had definitely been the right decision. Fallon grunted and swallowed, trying to form some word to let Savannah know that whatever she was doing, she was doing it right, but she could barely make her tongue move to form Savannah’s name.

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