Page 32 of Imperfectly Perfect

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“I’m right here,” Fallon whispered, still not stopping the movement of her fingers.

Savannah groaned, her eyes clenching shut. As much as Fallon would love to look deep into those eyes right now, she was pleased with the way Savannah moved against her, the inability for Savannah to control those small movements as she gave herself over to the pleasure. The guttural sound ripped from Savannah’s lips as she crashed through that first orgasm, her chest heaving with heavy breath.

Fallon moved her hand away, bringing Savannah’s mouth to hers once more. They pressed together against the wall, still mostly clothed. Fallon didn’t want to break the touch, the kiss, but she knew if she was going to carry out what she’d asked for earlier that day that she was going to have to. She slid her hands down Savannah’s sides until she reached the edge of Savannah’s jeans and tugged them up a bit.

“Take your shoes off.” Fallon stepped away fully, giving Savannah the space she needed. Though she didn’t go far, because she could tell that Savannah’s knees were jelly and it was difficult for her to move and put her full weight down without being wobbly.

Finally with Savannah’s hand in her own, Fallon led the way to her bedroom. She opened the door and stepped inside, letting go of Savannah’s hand. Savannah hadn’t even buttoned up her pants again, thankfully. It would make getting naked much easier. Reaching for the edge of her shirt, Fallon pulled it over her head. She hadn’t bothered to put on a bra that morning when she woke up since she was planning on being home all day and staying as relaxed as possible.

Savannah’s eyes widened, locking on Fallon’s chest like she was a teenager seeing boobs in the flesh for the first time. Fallon’s heart thudded hard. It’d been a long time since she’d felt stunning in the eyes of another. While she took care of her body, she was aging, and her body had changed over the years.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve this,” Savannah mumbled under her breath as she tugged her shirt off. “Maybe I did nothing.”

“Probably that,” Fallon responded, hooking her thumbs into her loose pants. It was now or never. There was absolutely no going back anymore. They were here, and they were doing this. Fallon pushed her pants down her legs along with herunderwear, and stood in the buff in front of Savannah, letting Savannah gaze freely.

Every inch of Fallon’s body was exposed. The random scars on her legs and arms from when she was a kid and had been caught in the crossfires, the scars that had faded but not disappeared completely, the way her hips had an extra slight dip because she’d struggled to maintain weight in the last ten years before she’d given up on weight goals and focused more on what it meant to be healthy for her.

Savannah dropped her shirt and then pushed her pants down, stepping out of them and toward Fallon. “I can’t believe I’m even here.”

Fallon could agree with the sentiment. It had almost felt like this was always going to remain a dream, and nothing was ever going to become reality.

“Better start believing,” Fallon answered, trying to convince herself as much as Savannah. “Get on the bed. I was serious before.”

Savannah’s lips parted like she was going to say something, but she stopped herself. She climbed onto the bed, resting on her back in the middle of it. Fallon crawled on top, placing her knees between Savannah’s legs and pressing their mouths together in a deep kiss. Fallon didn’t want to stop this. She never wanted to leave this room, at least not for a long time. She’d been right before when she anticipated that the connection between them was going to be stronger, that the sex would be better because of that.

Given free reign of Savannah’s naked body, Fallon touched her tenderly. She was beyond ready to bury herself between Savannah’s legs and stay there until she had to come up for air. The scent of Savannah’s arousal, so familiar and yet so unique, called to Fallon. It had been a long time since she’d been with awoman, and it had been a long time since she’d allowed herself to even consider this kind of depth to such a moment.

But with Savannah it felt right.

Savannah pushed up onto her elbows, those wide brown eyes staring as Fallon rested on her stomach. Raising a questioning eyebrow, Fallon threaded her fingers through the dark curls between Savannah’s legs, touching without doing what she was fairly certain they both desperately wanted.

“I want to see you,” Savannah said, her voice soft.

“I’m not telling you to close your eyes.” Fallon tilted her head to the side and kissed the inside of Savannah’s thigh.

“Yeah, but if I lay back I can’t…” Savannah paused, and the hitch in her voice caught Fallon’s attention.

Was this an insecurity popping up? Savannah hadn’t really said anything or made any types of comments about her body, but was this it?

“I can’t see over my belly.” Savannah’s cheeks reddened, and Fallon instantly recognized it as shame.

She hated seeing it there. Sighing lightly, Fallon slid up onto her knees and covered Savannah again, pushing her down into the mattress with a kiss. She reached over and grabbed the pillows from the head of the bed and shoved them against the headboard.

“Lean against the bed.”

Savannah craned her neck over her shoulder at the soft cushioned seat Fallon had created with a few quick movements. Savannah pulled herself backward and leaned against the soft pillows. Fallon waited until she was settled before asking, “Better?”

Savannah nodded, her lower lip pulled tightly between her teeth.

“Good, because I want you to see and do and feel whatever it is you want tonight.”

“I like that idea.” Savannah still sounded unsure.

Fallon moved in, kissing Savannah’s cheek, and then her other one. She started pressing kisses in a slow, meandering path down Savannah’s neck and to the top of her chest. Savannah threaded her fingers into Fallon’s hair and tightened her grasp as she pushed her shoulders into the headboard.

“I know I’ve gained weight.”

“Savannah…” Fallon stopped her path and looked at Savannah directly. “No one is telling you that you have to be perfect. And for that matter, no one is telling you what perfect actually is except yourself. There’s nothing wrong with who you are.”

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