Page 43 of Run & Hide

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“Come upstairs with me,” I say, lowering my hand to find one of his. His fingers intertwine with mine immediately, as ifby instinct. The simple gesture makes my heart stutter. Nothing about it feels wrong.

Too terrified to say another word, I lead him silently upstairs, wishing I’d chugged the entire glass of wine before doing so. By the time we reach my bedroom, nerves threaten to overwhelm me completely. But one look back at Dom–at the intensity in his dark eyes and the way his chest rises and falls with quick breaths–emboldens me to do what I know we’re both craving. I step closer, running my palms over his pecs until my fingers find the buttons at his neck. They tremble slightly as I work my way down.

Dom remains still, watching me.

As I push the starched fabric from his shoulders, I can't help but admire every inch of skin I’ve exposed. It suddenly strikes me how bizarre it is that we’ve had sex twice and he’s never removed an item of clothing. Technically, the only things he’s pulled off me have been a pair of panties and a cardigan. Having him here, allowing me to unwrap him like a gift, is a heady thrill I never thought I’d get the chance to chase. My fingertips trace the hard planes of muscle, feeling the warmth of his smooth chest and the steady thump of his heart.

I move to his belt next, fumbling slightly with the buckle in my haste. Dom's breath hitches as I lower his zipper, and I glance up to find his eyes hooded with unbridled lust. He’s allowing me this rare moment of control, and I’m drunk on the power–on watching him tense with the anticipation of it all. I push his pants down his legs slowly, lifting each foot and peeling off each sock until he’s standing before me in just his boxers.

Fuck me, he's beautiful.

All hard lines and taut muscle, a smattering of dark hair trailing enticingly from his navel down to below his waistband. My eyes fixate on the obvious bulge in his underwear, and I lick my lips unconsciously. Suddenly, I'm at a loss on how toproceed. I want to touch him, to taste him, but I'm ready for him to take back the reins. So, I stupidly hesitate.

As if reading my mind, Dom's voice, low and rough, breaks the tentative silence. “Take off your clothes,” he orders me. “Then get on your knees.”

Pure, wanton desire licks down my spine at his commands. Any lingering reluctance evaporates completely as I hurry to comply, stripping myself so fast I almost topple over before sinking to my knees at his feet. I look up expectantly, meeting his heated gaze and silently begging him to keep going.

“Take them off,” he grits out, as if holding himself back from going completely fucking feral.

I peel his boxers down his legs, and my mouth immediately starts to water at the sight of his impressive cock springing free. I lean forward eagerly, wrapping my lips around the glistening head before waiting for another instruction. His groan of pleasure tells me I’ve done the right thing, sending another wicked thrill through me as I take him deeper.

I’m hoping my enthusiasm makes up for any lack of finesse as I hungrily suck him down, tracing my tongue up the pulsing vein on the underside of his dick before swirling it around the tip. His taste is addictive. I lap up every drop of salty precum that seeps onto my tongue, relishing the power of having him so aroused.

Dom's fingers tangle in my hair, gripping my scalp like he’s desperate to fuck my face with reckless abandon. But still, he gives me this moment to show him just how badly I want this. I push myself to do better, eyes watering as I take him as deep as I can.

“Fuck yes, Shiloh,” Dom hisses above me. “You’re so fucking good at that.Shit.” His fists clench suddenly, pulling me back until he slips from my lips with an audiblepop. I look upconfused, lips wet and chest heaving, to find his eyes blazing with hunger.

“I need to be inside you.Now,” he growls.

I scramble up onto the bed as fast as my shaking legs will carry me. “How do you want me?” I breathe.

He follows me wordlessly down onto the mattress, his strong hands grabbing one of my legs and swinging it over himself until I’m straddling his hips. I lean down, immediately claiming his lips with my own. His tongue sweeps forcefully into my mouth as his hand finds its way between my thighs.

I moan against his lips as he swipes his fingers through my dripping center, my hips grinding impatiently against his hand. Dom chuckles before plunging two fingers inside me, the sound vibrating through my chest where I’m pressed against his.

“What’s the rush?” he murmurs against my lips. “I’ve got you, baby.”

As much as I trust him to give me exactly what I need, I can’t wait any longer. I reach down and wrap my fingers around his wrist, pulling his hand up to my mouth so I can suck off my own wetness. He hums his approval as he watches me, like I’m some kind of fascinating spectacle he can’t look away from.

Dropping my hand back between my legs, I guide the head of his solid cock to my slick entrance and sink down slowly, savoring the delicious stretch as he fills me completely. His brow furrows as he lets a deep groan slip.

Dom's hands grip my hips tightly, but he still seems content to let me set the pace, like he’s intrigued to see what I’ll do when he’s not pinning me down. Slowly, I begin to move, relishing the friction as I grind my clit against his pelvis.

My hands roam Dom's chest and abs, marveling at the unfamiliar sight of him reclined beneath me. His eyes never leave my face, watching me with a rapt intensity that has me feeling like a goddess.

As my confidence grows, I pick up the pace, my breasts bouncing as I ride him. Dom bucks up to meet me, matching my rhythm thrust for thrust. The tiny room fills with the sound of our labored breathing and the slapping of skin against skin.

I lean down to kiss him again, hungry for that total connection we never seized before. The new position has Dom hitting that spot inside me that has me almost passing out. “Ohfuck, Dom,” I cry out, my nails digging into his shoulders.

“That’s it, baby. Let me hear you,” he pants, his own fingers sinking a punishing grip into my ass cheeks.

Our movements become frantic, both of us racing towards release. Molten heat coils low in my stomach, winding tighter with each thrust. When I finally tumble over the edge, it's with a moan of pure ecstasy. My thighs tremble violently as wave after wave ripples through me. Through the fog of an earth-shattering orgasm, I barely notice Dom’s hips falter beneath me.

“Holy. Fucking. Shit.Shy,” he groans, finally yanking my hips down until I’m fully impaled on his pulsing dick.

I collapse onto his chest, panting heavily as the aftershocks subside and my body goes entirely limp. Dom wraps his arms around me, holding me close as we both come down from our high. My eyes almost well up as he strokes my back tenderly, fingers tracing idle patterns on my skin. With his other hand, he gently sweeps my hair away from my face, planting a tender kiss on my temple.

We lie in comfortable silence for several minutes. I bask in the warmth of his embrace, stunned by how natural it feels to be held by him. This tenderness, this affection–it's so far beyond the purely physical hunger I’d thought it was when he first dared to kiss me.

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