Page 65 of Outlaws’ Property

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"What? No!" Jessica clings to my arm like she's gonna fucking tear it off. "What are you doing?"

"Not letting your mother go out there and fucking blow herself up just to save our goddamn club. What does it look like?" I shake my arm free, but she jumps right back on it.

"But… you can't! None of you. Riot, Tex, you're all… No! You’re mine! You don’t get to go!" She clings harder, like I won't be able to get out there with her attached to my arm.

"Something's happening on the yacht," Crank yells, pointing. A high pitched whirring sound carries over the water as a dome on the deck pulls back, revealing a launch tube. We're running outta time.

The stupid bitch runs. Motherfucker. I know she's Jessica's mom, but fuck.

I charge after her, but Cooper's there first, crashing into her and knocking her right out into the fucking water. Rebecca screams, followed by a splash. Jesus fucking Christ, does everyone here have a death wish?

"Mom!" Jessica runs to the edge of the dock to look for Rebecca. Tex gets there ahead of her, throwing his jacket aside and jumping in, not caring that it's fucking January.

"I got her!" he yells a moment later. He's got her up over the surface while she's coughing up harbor water. Lovely, I'm fucking sure.

The outboard engine on the little boat Poe started revs like one of our motorcycles and peels away from the dock like it's late for a date.

"Who's in that?" Hellfire snaps.

The boat's racing away fast enough that it's already hard to make out details, but there was only man here not wearing biker leather. "Fucking Cooper."

Riot calls to Tex, "Ladder over there."

"On it." Tex drags Rebecca with him.

"What?" Jessica runs to the end of the dock so fast I dart after her to make sure she doesn't follow her mother into the ocean. "But…"

"He took the remote when he pushed me," says a dripping wet Rebecca. Savage is coming with a blanket for her that he got out of the saddlebag on his bike.

"Does he know how it works?" Tex asks as he comes up after her, dripping wet.

She sighs. "It's not complicated. Fuck!"

We all look at her, including Jessica.

She almost looks embarrassed. "Terrence was always unpredictable and impulsive. Apparently there’s no fool like an old fool. I should've seen it coming." She pulls the blanket close around her when Savage drapes it over her shoulders. "Thank you."

Jessica wraps her arms around her mother, squeezing her close and not caring that she's soaked. We're gonna have to get both of them somewhere warm in a minute. Question's just if we're gonna have somewhere to bring them.

“Stupid men and their main character complexes," Rebecca whispers.

On the yacht, the launch tube rotates and extends, getting into position. Nothing more we can do now. Either Cooper gets there in time, or the clubhouse and everything around it is about to become one big fucking crater. I hope those who stayed behind got the fuck out in time.

Someone on board has spotted the boat. Cooper zigs and zags while pot shots are taken from the deck. His shape jerks suddenly and collapses over the steering wheel, setting the boat on a straight course for the yacht.

"No," whispers Jessica.

Not looking good. I brace myself for the roar of a rocket and having to watch it streak by, knowing where it's heading. Fuck, the club was just starting to feel together again too. What the fuck are we gonna do now?

Dark gray smoke billows out of the tube. "It's gonna launch," Riot says, his voice flat and unreadable.

There's a thunk as Cooper's boat hits the yacht, not hard enough to break, but the engine’s pushing it against the hull, slowly turning the back of the boat against the side. He struggles up into a sitting position and weakly waves.

Oh fuck.

The explosion starts inside the tube, fire and smoke shooting out like a fucking firecracker. A moment later, it's too much for the tube to hold, and the whole thing shatters in a massive ball of fire that engulfs the entire back of the ship, launching big chunks into the sky. Barely a second later, the sound wave hits us, a thunder crash so powerful it nearly knocks us off our feet. Jessica takes a step back, and I catch her against my front, wrapping my arms around her.

Oily, black smoke billows out, chased by deep red flames like Hell itself opened its maw to swallow Kane whole. The power of the explosion sets a tall wave racing away from the ship in all directions, including ours.

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