Page 60 of Outlaws’ Property

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I wrestle him down, get my arm around his neck, my other around his head and twist. A snap, and then he goes limp. I jump to my feet to help the others.

Tex fires his gun, and a guard drops. Then again, and another, who was trying to run down the hallway I sent Jessica. He throws his arms out dramatically and does a face plant on the floor. Did I fuck up sending her back there? I thought she'd be safer outta the way.

If anyone's hurt her, I'm gonna break every bone in their body before I kill them.

There's no reply yet, which worries me. A guard makes it past Ghost, but he doesn't make it past me. Compared to the last guy, this fucker's dainty. I yank him off his feet with one hand and slam him head first into the wall. He drops like a fucking sack of potatoes. "Jessica!"

Pretty sure none have made it by us. Ghost's leaving a pile of bodies around the staircase, like the killing machine that he is, but when they slip past and sensibly enough stay away from him, Tex and I clean house.

But now that I've taken down the big fucker, there's a gap, and the worry’s eating at me. "I'm gonna check on Jessica. She's not answering."

"You both go," yells Ghost as he buries his knife in the throat of one of the guards and pushes the body back down the stairs. "I got this."

"You sure?" asks Tex, trying to aim past Ghost, but not taking the risk that he'll miss. "We can?—"

"Go! I'll be fine. Find her!"

Fuck, I don't like leaving him alone. He can take care of himself but he isn’t invulnerable. "Be back ASAP."

"Just make sure she's safe!" Ghost's gun thunders.

"C'mon." I wave for Tex to follow as we race into the reception area… which is fucking empty. Goddamn it. "Where did she go?"

Past the reception, there's a hallway filled with large, dark windows interspersed with office-ey doors. Bigger than Iexpected. Fuck, was someone here? Did they get her? Or did she try to do something on her own? Just like her, trying to help somehow.

If she's gotten herself in trouble, I'm gonna be fucking pissed before we make up with a good post battle fuck.

We move down the hallway, guns drawn. The windows into these rooms are so fucking tinted, I can't see through them. Dark, all of them. I try the first door. It opens, but the room's empty. Someone's office, but we're not here to look for tax evasion. Where the fuck is Jessica?

Tex tries the next door. It's locked. I try the one after. Locked too. "This is bullshit."

"We break 'em all down?" He gets his gun out again, aiming it at the lock.

"Fuck, no, there's gotta be a better way. If she's in trouble, we're wasting time breaking into every single office here. What if she’s not even here, and Ghost's still out there, murdering people? Even he gets tired."

"Get back!" The yell is muted, but it's definitely female and I'm willing to bet top fucking dollar that it's Jessica.

"Where was that?"

Tex points. "This way. Come on."

"I’m not your fucking punching bag anymore!" Definitely Jessica, and definitely behind that next door. It's fancier than the rest, and the gold name plate on it with the silver filigree reads, "Victor Kane". Fuck.

I rattle the door handle, but of course it's fucking locked. I hammer the door with my fist. "I dunno what the fuck's going on in there, but if you don't fucking open up, we're gonna bust the door down, and it'll go a hell of a lot worse for you if you do."

"Riot!" Jessica yells. "It's Victor!"


"Step aside," Tex says and I move. A moment later, his gun goes off twice, right into the lock. Both bullets bury themselves in the wall only inches from my fucking head. Jesus, what's that shit made of?

"Stop shooting before you kill both of us. It's bulletproof."

"The window?"

"No way. He wouldn't be sitting pretty in there if he wasn't safe." The question's just how the fuck we get him to open up.

Ideally, before Jessica's hurt.

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