Page 5 of Redemption

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“Theo, are you listening to me?” The stoic voice of the doctor broke through my haze.

“I’m sorry, sir, I must have wandered off into my head. What was that again?” There was no way I could tell him about my memories. It would put others in danger, and there was no way I could do that. The doctor was strained and clinical, but he was nice enough and just doing the job he was hired for.

“I said that your first heat being off the suppressants may shock you. Honestly, I’d be surprised if it wasn’t outright painful. Most omegas go through at least one full heat beforethey’re put on suppressants, but from your records I see you were put on them a few years before your heat would have ever presented. While it’s not usually done that way, it’s not unheard of. It’s not surprising at all with your father being a politician and the constant stream of alphas in and out of your home, doing business with him. I’m sure it was done for your protection.” Well, that just sounded like he was justifying what my family did to me.

Being the dutiful omega, I was expected to be, I cleared my throat and articulated as to be heard by whomever was listening. “Yes sir, my father always puts family safety before all else.” Those words tasted so bitter on my tongue.

“Yes, yes, well, once your first heat is done, we’ll chart out what birth control to put you on so you can prepare your body for mating and children. You’ll make some powerful alpha thrilled, son.” The man was completely oblivious to what was going on. It was as if he was speaking to a terminal patient for the last time. Making unspoken promises for a future that would never be. He just didn’t know it… yet.

The afternoon passed almost too slowly. Father hadn’t bothered to grace me with his presence in over 2 weeks. I hadn’t seen mother in over 2 months and Gavin only showed his face in my rooms to either throw a punch, choke me with his cock or belittle my life. My family couldn’t have made it more obvious that they wished I didn’t exist in their world. I knew that time was drawing to a close for me. Part of me wished for something in my life to be normal, even if it was for just a moment. To just be a normal person without the literal sword hanging over my neck. I’d give anything to just laugh and smile. To feel another person’s touch. Not even sexually. That was saved for my fantasies dreamed out of my books. I wasn’t gullible enough to believe that an alpha would rescue me and love me for the rest of my days. Speaking of days… 6… that’s all that was left. Forthe next 6 days, my life would be my own, in these rooms, alone. Then nothing. I tried to be a good person. I never ranted, raved, or fought my family or their employees. Never spoke out of turn and tried my best to halt damning thoughts in their tracks. I’d been resigned to my fate for years now. Hopefully, Poppy would be on the other side waiting for me. That’s what I held onto. Simple hope.

I was engrossed in a love triangle between the captain of a pirate ship, his first mate and a newly gained cabin boy they wanted to train in the art of pleasuring them. Halfway through my favorite scene, the one where the captain realizes that he’s in love with not only the cabin boy, but his first mate too, my bedroom door flew open, smacking the wall behind it. The loud bang startled me from the pages of my book and instead of my imagination conjuring the captain or first mate kissing me and making me his own, my reality shown my brother standing at the foot of my bed staring at me as if I just smashed his favorite toy.

“What ya reading, Theodore?” Gavin had never once in my life referred to me by my nickname. Only by my full given name and never my last name. He told me more than once that I was adopted and therefore not worthy of the sacred name Mossdale. Even if his own parents bequeathed it to me at my adoption.

I curled my knees to my chest as I turned off my Kindle. “Not much Gavin, rereading from the lesson plan for the paper I have to write this weekend.” Gavin took nothing I said at face value, ever. Maybe he was insecure about my standing in the family. I knew there was nothing for him to be insecure about. I knew my place. Not that there would be a place for me much longer.

“Father said there was no need for you to study for the next couple of days. He’s put off your lessons for a couple of weeks. Apparently, you need a vacation of sorts. To get out and get some fresh air.” He couldn’t disguise the contempt and disgust in hisvoice. “I’ve been tasked with taking you out on the town for a birthday treat. You’re turning 25 and you should be introduced to a few alphas so you can get used to being around them off your suppressants.”

“I don’t know Gavin. I’d love to go out and socialize with you and a few friends, but I won’t know how to act. I don’t want to stress you out or embarrass you in front of your friends. Maybe father would have a get together here at home for my birthday. That way, if I become stressed and it triggers my heat, I won’t embarrass anyone in the family. I can just disappear and lock myself away.” My body relaxed a bit as I realized he wasn’t here to hit, punch or kick me as he’d done in the past.

“Nope, father wants you out of the house for this. He said that I am to take you to a few bars, allow you to drink your fill, flirt and party. Kinda a last hoorah as a single omega. I’m just there to make sure nothing goes too far. You know, your mated alpha is to be the first and only one to fuck you.” The grin forming on his face became scarier than any he ever had when he came to beat on me. This one was more of a perverted leer; it honestly scared the shit out of me.

“OK, when do you want to plan this? I’ve never gone out to celebrate before.” I didn’t say that I had celebrated nothing at all before.

“We leave in an hour. Father hired a car for us for the night. We’re going to a few bars where my friends and I usually go to pick up omegas.” This was it. Tonight was the night. I rose from my bed and headed to my bath to wash, change, and mentally prepare myself. “What is it Theodore, no worries, no concerns, no more questions?” The smirk in his voice felt like a finger creeping up my spine, and I shivered a bit.

“No Gavin, I trust you and father. If you have it all planned out, then I have nothing to worry over, do I?” I didn’t evenbother to look at him. I found the top of my bare feet more interesting.

Light shuffling footsteps on the carpet were louder than they should have been. “Well then, see you in an hour. Wear something nice. Don’t embarrass me.” My bedroom door clicked closed and I crumbled to the floor, sobbing. I’d been preparing for this and resigned to it for almost ten years, but I now realized I truly wasn’t ready for it. I didn’t need a captain or even someone with “first mate” status. I just wanted someone. Even if that someone had to fake caring about me for a moment. I wanted, no, I needed to feel loved by someone, just once before this all ended. I needed to feel as if I was worth something other than the slips of paper left to me in a will by Poppy. That’s what I would do. Drink lightly and sneak away for just a few stolen moments of fantasy before my end came.

Chapter Six


What was that sour,yeasty smell? It assaulted my senses as soon as I walked through the door of the pub in front of Gavin. Mind you, it wasn’t unpleasant. More unexpected and I wrinkled my nose a bit. Gavin looked at me. “You don’t like the smell of beer?”

“That’s what beer smells like?” he nodded at me and smiled. I shrugged my shoulders. “Huh. Almost 25 and never knew that beer smelled almost like sourdough bread. I guess it’s not bad.”

“Wait until you taste it.” We found a small 4-person table and sat down. “I’ll get you a light beer, less alcohol, and not as harsh on the tongue as a dark beer.” He raised his hand to get a server’s attention.

“Can’t I get a cocktail? I’ve read they taste more like fruit juice if done right.” I liked bread, but I was wholly unsure about how I felt drinking it.

“Umm… no. Those fruity drinks are like 12 bucks and a beer is only $4.50. Not to mention, those drinks have way more alcoholper drink, and you’ll be drunk off your ass before the real fun can begin.” The server arrived and he ordered two of the cheapest beers on tap.

“Real fun? Is there something planned for later? A surprise for my birthday?” I plastered the best smile I could on my face while my stomach churned with fear.

“Yeah, something like that. Father has it all planned out.” He shrugged his shoulder and stared across the room at an omega that was dancing with someone next to the bar. “Personally, I think it’s better than you deserve, but Father and Mother have decided that it’s exactly what you need, and I’ve been recruited to make sure it happens the way it’s supposed to.” His eyes widen when he realizes he may have said too much.

Maybe they don’t care about Gavin as much as I thought. They’ve enlisted him to kill me. Tonight. Away from the house, away from them. They’d never be suspected of anything torrid to shame their public image. “If you think it’s too good for me, then why follow through with it? Can’t you stand up to them? Aren’t you an adult alpha with your own opinions and reasoning?” He had to know they were going to pin this all on him if someone saw something.

“Just shut it and drink your beer. You’ve never understood how my family works. The things we’re willing to do for one another.” He pushed an open bottle in my direction and turned back to his omega entertainment.

Nope. If I was gonna die tonight, I was gonna push. I wasn’t making it easy on him. “Gavin. Adopted or not, I am a part of YOUR family. I’m your brother, according to the legal system, anyway. I’m sure Poppy left stuff for you in his will. Couldn’t you just find your own way and not feel the need to do things you don’t agree with?” Taking a sip of the beer, I realized that drinking bread, was NOT all it was made out to be in books.

Gavin raised his voice, just below yelling, and slammed his fist on the table. “Leave that old fool out of this. I never wanted you in the family. My parents never wanted you either. Don’t you get it, Theodore? You were forced on us. He demanded they adopt you. The poor little orphan grandson of his friend. His useless, broke friend. At one point or another, families demand things, and you have no choice but to comply. Either do it or face the consequences.” He downed the last of the beer in his bottle and raised his hand to order another. “Now, drink your damn beer and have a good time.”

I blinked rapidly a few times to clear the tears from my eyes so they wouldn’t fall and give away how I really felt about this night out thing. “Well, whatever your reason for being here, thank you for doing this with me. I know you don’t like me, but I don’t have friends and it’s not like I live an outgoing life.” He didn’t even react to my words. It was as if I never even spoke, so I sipped on my beer and watched the people around the room, not really seeing them. I was too far into my head, trying to quell the fear welling up in my chest.

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