Page 34 of Redemption

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Still seeing red, I yelled at Owen. “I’m sick and tired of you defending the fucked up immature actions of people in this club. They do as they please and you defend them. Not this time. He took my son’s future and gave it away, asking me to trust him. This is shit that happens when I trust.”

Owen cried along with Theo. I rolled my eyes. Great, just great. “If that’s how you see it, Mr. President, then I’ll go. I’ll pack my room and leave tonight.” Owen stood and walked to the door when Bear grabbed his arm.

“Theo, Owen, sit. Right there on the sofa. NOW.” Both boys sat on the sofa, still crying. Holding onto one another. “You.” He pointed at me. “Sit in your fuckin chair.” I puffed up my chest against him. Who in the hell did he think he was? Clip stepped beside him and pointed at my chair. Two against one, not great odds and now that I wasn’t yelling, my temper was fading. So, I sat. “I’m sick and tired of everyone trying their hardest to destroy this family. Someone does something someone else doesn’t like and their first reaction is to run away. No more. We’re not leaving this room until it’s settled.”

With the last of my bravado, I growled. “It’s between me and my mate.”

“No Eddie, it’s between you and Pacey. You gotta let that shit go bother. You didn’t allow anyone to finish what was started. You took in part of the information and ran with it, thinking you were getting fucked over.” He sat in the chair opposite me and placed the file on the desk in front of me. “There was a second part to it, man.”

“It wasn’t about me. It’s about my son. I can’t raise him here in the clubhouse. I don’t have the reserves to remodel my house for him and my mate. I’ve got nothing.” I put my head in my hands. I just admitted out loud to everyone in the room that I was a failure as an alpha.

Theo got up from the sofa and came over to me. He pushed the edge of my chair away from the desk and settled in my lap. “Mako. I was thinking of our son. Giving him the legacy both of you deserve.”

“How? We have nothing. I alone am not Rogue Nation. It takes 3 signatures to access those accounts. If I reverse the papers and take it all back, I betray both you and my club.” I wrapped my harms around his waist, laying my forehead on his shoulder.

“Well, the 3 signatures for the accounts are in this room. Correct?” Theo ran his fingers through my hair.

“Baby, I can’t borrow money like that. It’s too much. Even if the club can afford it. It’s not fair.” My pride wouldn’t allow me to be indebted to anyone, including my club.

“Are you willing to listen to everyone here? Clip is the only one who’s not aware of what’s going on, so he’ll be hearing it for the first time too. But first, I have some things to say, then I have a 2 questions for you.” He sat up straight in my lap and pulled the folder to us.

“OK, I’ll listen.” I nodded my head to everyone in the room.

“Well, first, if you ever come at me again like that, I’ll leave. You scared me with your temper, and I refuse to raise a child like that.” I nodded my head. “Second, you will apologize to Owen. He didn’t deserve those hurtful things you said, even if you didn’t mean them.”

“Owen, I’m sorry. I snapped at you because of anger, fear and my alpha pride.” In true Rogue Nation fashion, Owen just nodded at me.

“Now Alpha of mine. Do you trust me?” He waited patiently for my answer.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “With my life, Omega of mine.”

He grinned at me as he ask the second question while handing me the folder. “How attached are you to your family house?”



It took 5 monthsfor everyone who wanted to live in the compound to move. It was decided that the Omegas would get the largest home in the compound. 6 bedrooms and 3 baths. Mako and I got the next largest with 4 bedrooms and 2 and a half baths. The rest were 2 or 3 bedrooms with at least 2 bathrooms. All had garages to store bikes and gear. Plans were being made to construct a few smaller 2-bedroom homes with 1 bath along the outer perimeter to be used as rental properties for maintenance income. Speaking of income, everything Rogue Nation did now was legitimate. Well, as far as income went, anyway. Clip and a few of the guys opened a small security company. Spuds and Trashcan turned that warehouse space into the RNMC Repair garage with storage for cleaning supplies in the back. Owen did all the books with the help of Gates. Together, they amassed a hefty investment portfolio. Everyone got a monthly stipend from the club as a ‘base pay’. The community center was made over into a bar, church, andschoolroom for younger kids. Teach was hired by the club as the permanent teacher and brought in a couple of assistants. Doc even got a room for a small clinic to give vaccinations and checkups. We had our own little town, almost.

Mako sold his family home, which gave us a nice private nest egg to raise our kids. Oh yes, there would be more than one. My pregnancy was so going easily. No pain, no swelling, and my morning sickness lasted less than a month. The only downside was the waddling. I waddled like a penguin.

On one of the warmer days, Owen and I decided we were going to lie out by the pool. Mako even got me a cushioned lounger so I could be as comfortable as possible. “You staying at our place for supper?” Owen ate with us most days. It’s not like it was hard to cook for 3 instead of 2. Mako liked his company and a couple days a week, we even had Bear over. Our little foursome family.

“If you’re sure Mako doesn’t mind. I haven’t cooked anything lately and well, I’m not that great a cook anyway, so there’s that.” He giggled.

“We both know he doesn’t mind. As long as you don’t interfere with our sex life, he’s fine with any of you guys being at the house. You’re family, and you know how he is about family.” I rubbed more lotion into my swollen belly. “Ooh, feel, he’s kicking again.”

Owen jumped out of his lounger to lay both hands on my belly, helping me rub in the lotion while feeling the baby kick like he was playing soccer. “He’s gonna be a real badass, like his dad. Well, both his dads. Hey, you guys got that figured out yet? Just a couple more months and he’ll be here.”

“Yeah, Mako is daddy and I’ll be papa. We haven’t decided on a name yet. There are a couple strong contenders on the list, but no clear winner yet.” I’ve repeated that line so many times in the last 6 months I think I was saying it in my sleep. Both Mako and I were. In reality, we’d known for months what we werenaming our son, we just weren’t telling. Owen grabbed his phone and started to snap a picture of me and my belly. I snatched my towel and covered myself. “Owen, NO! Remember, Gates said no photos of Omegas or kids on our phones.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Can I take one with my regular camera back at your place? You look so freakin adorable pregnant.” He put his phone away without an argument. We all knew it was for our safety. We all had pictures of the guys on our phones, but none of us. Life settled into a nice little routine, which we all needed.

I rolled over and threw my leg over Mako’s thigh. The cramp in my lower back had been killing me for the last 2 days. The pain had gotten bad enough that I couldn’t even get completely hard. I’d be making out with my husband and just as things began getting good, a sharp pain would shoot up my spine. I went to Doc yesterday and he checked me out. With less than 2 weeks until my due date, he said that we needed to pay closer attention to any pain I might have. Mako mumbled, half asleep. “Baby, you need another back rub?”

“Do you mind? It really hurts again.” I rolled over and put a pillow under my over swollen belly. Mako reached down and started rubbing my back. I moaned and pushed into his hands.

He leaned forward and kissed the back of my neck. “Hmm, relief moan or turned on moan?” I could feel the smile on his lips.

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