Page 26 of Redemption

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“Not right now. He’ll come to you soon and tell you everything. I told him he needed to. He knows he does, but it’s hard for him. Bear already knows everything, and it doesn’t affect the club, so he can do it in his own time. He really is happy for us, but it’s hard for him to be excited about it, but I think he’ll get there. We just gotta help and support him.” I wrapped my arms around my mate from behind as we watched Owen climb into Bear’s lap and Bear slowly rock him like a baby. “He trusts that big guy more than anyone. He’s the one who can help him the most.”

“I’m not sure about that, baby. Bear doesn’t feel that way towards him. He loves him like a baby brother. I don’t want to see Owen get hurt.” I kissed the top of Theo’s head.

Pulling away and walking back to the clubhouse, Theo turned to me. “That’s what I’m talking about. Brotherly love. That’s what he needs more than anything. He just needs to learn to ask for it from the rest of you.” With a sly smile, he opened the door and walked through. I just stared at the closed door for a few minutes before my feet could move.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


The wave of nauseawoke me up. I rolled out of bed faster than I ever had in my life and darted into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me, just making it to the toilet as my stomach rejected everything in it. Not that there was anything. Something was wrong. It was too early in my pregnancy to have morning sickness already. Didn’t you get a few weeks of joy before constant throwing up marred a beautiful experience?

“Baby? You OK?” Oh no, I woke up Eddie.

“How can you throw up when there’s nothing in your stomach?” I groaned.

“I don’t know. Do I need to get Doc?” I could feel his worry.

“Not yet. Let’s see if it passes first.” I heard the door open. “NO, get out, I’m gross.”

“Nope, not gross. Looks like my son decided to make his presence known.” He passed me a cup of water to rinse and spit while he ran a warm cloth over the back of my neck.

Reaching past him for my toothbrush and toothpaste, “So you admit it. This is your fault.” I smirked.

Rubbing his hand across my flat stomach. “Damn straight. I’ll lay claim to every ounce of blame. Over and over. That’s my mini me in here and we both know I’m a hellion at heart.” He laughed.

“What time is it?” The sun was just breaking the horizon. It was that morning twilight phase.

“Just about 6. We got us an early riser.” Eddie’s smile made him even more handsome. At this moment, he wasn’t Mako, President of RNMC. He was my mate, Edward Sharkey, oh how I was in love with him. “Well, his other daddy is super smart, so maybe he’ll take it easy on us.”

“Not sure that’s how that works but thank you. I love you.” Eddie’s smile was worth everything I’d gone through in my life to get here. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him.

“Mmm, minty. I woulda kissed you before you brushed. I love you too.” Ew, my mate was weird sometimes.

“I take it back. I take it all back. You’re gross. Who kisses vomit breath?” I backed away from him, laughing.

“No take backs. Me! I kiss vomit breath. Especially if it’s my mate and it’s because of my son. Let’s go downstairs and get you some crackers and something to calm your stomach. The boy has to eat.” He smacked me on the ass as he turned t leave the bathroom. Still laughing.

The clock on the wall above the big oven read 6:30 when Bear, Clip, Spuds, Teach and the prospect, Buzz came in the back door looking for coffee. They were all fully dressed in their gear without their cuts and covered in dirt and dust. “Morning guys.You’re getting in late. What kept you all out all night and was he any good?” I giggled at my own perverted joke.

Bear and Eddie growled at me at the same time. “Club Business.” Well, there went my good mood. Something was going on. They were never that short with me.

Bear and the guys headed into Eddie’s office and closed the door. Eddie finished his coffee and leaned over to kiss my cheek as he got up. I pulled away. “Really? Mate.” I snapped.

“Yes, Theo. Really. This one you can’t be involved in. Technically, neither can I. With a baby on the way, we have to stay away from this one. He needs both of us.” His eyes never left mine and said so much more than his lips ever could.

As reality sank in, I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Are they…?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t want to know. I just need to make sure the club is clean with this. Nothing will come back to any of us. Feel me?” His voice was soft, and he rubbed my shoulders to calm me.

“Go. Make sure we’re all safe. The guys included. Feel me?” I tilted my chin in the door’s direction to send him on his way.

“I feel you all the time, baby.” Placing his hand over his heart, my mate walked towards his office. I sat there for a long time, staring at the door.

Owen came into the kitchen and sat on the stool next to me. “Something special gonna happen to that door?”

“Huh?” he startled me. I didn’t even realize he was there.

“You can’t have coffee. You want some juice or something to eat?” My stomach rumbled. I didn’t even realize I was hungry.

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